Hi I'm not sure if this is the right list but I'm using fc17 and have installed the Microsoft webcore fonts (using yum install webcore-fonts-3.0-1.noarch.rpm) the standard fonts are fine but the symbol fonts don't show any charset (and don't display any characters). I have an fc14 box with the same fonts installed (both boxes are locale en_GB.UTF-8) that produces the following output with FC_DEBUG=256 and fc-query /usr/share/fonts/webcore/wingding.ttf FC14 Box ======== FC_DEBUG=256 FC_DEBUG=256 found family (n 1 p 1 e 0 l 0x0000) Wingdings found full (n 4 p 1 e 0 l 0x0000) Wingdings found style (n 2 p 1 e 0 l 0x0000) Regular os2 weight class 400 maps to weight 80 os2 width class 5 maps to width 100 Style Regular maps to slant -1 Style Regular maps to decorative 0 aa(0) ab(90) af(1) { 0149 } ak(15) am(264) an(0) ar(36) as(64) ast(0) av(67) ay(0) az-az(7) { 011e 011f 0130 015e 015f 018f 0259 } az-ir(40) ba(82) be(68) ber-dz(18) ber-ma(32) bg(60) bh(68) bho(68) bi(0) bin(6) { 0300 0301 1eb8 1eb9 1ecc 1ecd } bm(8) { 014a 014b 0186 0190 019d 0254 025b 0272 } bn(63) bo(95) br(0) bs(10) bua(70) byn(255) ca(2) { 013f 0140 } ce(67) ch(0) chm(76) chr(85) co(0) crh(5) { 011e 011f 0130 015e 015f } cs(20) csb(8) { 0104 0105 0141 0142 0143 0144 017b 017c } cu(103) cv(74) cy(12) da(2) { 00dd 00fd } de(0) dv(49) dz(95) ee(26) el(67) en(0) eo(12) es(0) et(4) { 0160 0161 017d 017e } eu(0) fa(40) fat(15) ff(10) fi(4) { 0160 0161 017d 017e } fil(0) fj(0) fo(4) { 00d0 00dd 00f0 00fd } fr(0) fur(0) fy(0) ga(18) gd(0) gez(218) gl(0) gn(4) { 0129 0169 1ebd 1ef9 } gu(68) gv(0) ha(8) { 0181 018a 0198 0199 01b3 01b4 0253 0257 } haw(11) he(27) hi(68) hne(68) ho(0) hr(10) hsb(18) ht(0) hu(4) { 0150 0151 0170 0171 } hy(77) hz(5) { 032f 1e12 1e13 1e4a 1e4b } ia(0) id(0) ie(0) ig(6) { 1eca 1ecb 1ecc 1ecd 1ee4 1ee5 } ii(1165) ik(68) io(0) is(6) { 00d0 00dd 00de 00f0 00fd 00fe } it(0) iu(161) ja(6537) jv(0) ka(33) kaa(78) kab(18) ki(4) { 0128 0129 0168 0169 } kj(0) kk(77) kl(5) { 0128 0129 0138 0168 0169 } km(63) kn(70) ko(2443) kok(68) kr(4) { 018e 01dd 024c 024d } ks(44) ku-am(64) ku-iq(32) ku-ir(32) ku-tr(2) { 015e 015f } kum(66) kv(70) kw(12) kwm(0) ky(70) la(16) lah(44) lb(0) lez(67) lg(2) { 014a 014b } li(0) ln(9) { 011a 011b 0186 0190 0254 025b 0301 0302 030c } lo(55) lt(18) lv(26) mai(68) mg(0) mh(10) mi(12) mk(42) ml(68) mn-cn(130) mn-mn(70) mo(72) mr(68) ms(0) mt(8) { 010a 010b 0120 0121 0126 0127 017b 017c } my(48) na(2) { 0168 0169 } nb(0) nds(0) ne(68) ng(0) nl(0) nn(0) no(0) nr(0) nso(2) { 0160 0161 } nv(12) ny(2) { 0174 0175 } oc(0) om(0) or(68) os(66) ota(37) pa(63) pa-pk(44) pap-an(0) pap-aw(0) pl(16) ps-af(49) ps-pk(49) pt(0) qu(1) { 02c8 } rm(0) rn(0) ro(6) { 0102 0103 0218 0219 021a 021b } ru(66) rw(0) sa(68) sah(76) sc(0) sco(4) { 01b7 021c 021d 0292 } sd(54) se(12) sel(66) sg(0) sh(104) shs(1) { 0313 } si(73) sid(281) sk(20) sl(10) sm(1) { 02bb } sma(0) smj(0) smn(10) sms(20) sn(0) so(0) sq(0) sr(60) ss(0) st(0) su(0) sv(0) sw(0) syr(45) ta(48) te(70) tg(78) th(74) ti-er(255) ti-et(281) tig(221) tk(8) { 00dd 00fd 0147 0148 015e 015f 017d 017e } tl(0) tn(2) { 0160 0161 } to(1) { 02bb } tr(5) { 011e 011f 0130 015e 015f } ts(0) tt(76) tw(15) ty(11) tyv(70) ug(36) uk(72) ur(44) uz(0) ve(10) vi(112) vo(0) vot(4) { 0160 0161 017d 017e } wa(0) wal(281) wen(22) wo(2) { 014a 014b } xh(0) yap(0) yi(27) yo(33) za(0) zh-cn(6764) zh-hk(2213) zh-mo(2213) zh-sg(6764) zh-tw(13063) zu(0) Pattern has 19 elts (size 32) family: "Wingdings"(s) familylang: "en"(s) style: "Regular"(s) stylelang: "en"(s) fullname: "Wingdings"(s) fullnamelang: "en"(s) slant: 0(i)(s) weight: 80(i)(s) width: 100(i)(s) foundry: "microsoft"(s) file: "/usr/share/fonts/webcore/wingding.ttf"(s) index: 0(i)(s) outline: FcTrue(s) scalable: FcTrue(s) charset: 0000: 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff 7fffffff 00000000 8df3dfaf 9f7effff 9ffeffff 0001: 00000000 00020000 000c0000 01000000 00040000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0002: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 3f0000c0 00000000 0003: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000200 00000001 00000000 0020: 77180000 06010047 00000010 00000000 00000000 00001000 00000000 00000000 0021: 00000000 00000004 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0022: 44028044 00000800 00000100 00000031 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0025: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000400 00000000 00f8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 80000000 00fb: 00000006 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 (s) lang: aa|ast|ay|bi|br|ch|co|de|en|es|eu|fj|fr|fur|fy|gd|gl|gv|ho|ia|id|ie|io|it|lb|mg|nb|nds|nl|nn|no|nr|oc|om|pt|rm|sma|smj|so|sq|ss|st|sv|sw|tl|ts|uz|vo|wa|xh|yap|zu|an|fil|ht|jv|kj|kwm|li|ms|ng|pap-an|pap-aw|rn|rw|sc|sg|sn|su|za(s) fontversion: 163840(i)(s) fontformat: "TrueType"(s) decorative: FcFalse(s) FC17 Box (I have now upgrade fontconfig to 2.10.1 from rawhide to see if that fixed the issue) ================================================================================= FC_DEBUG=256 FC_DEBUG=256 found family (n 1 p 3 e 0 l 0x0409) Wingdings found full (n 4 p 3 e 0 l 0x0409) Wingdings found style (n 2 p 3 e 0 l 0x0406) normal found style (n 2 p 3 e 0 l 0x0407) Standard found style (n 2 p 3 e 0 l 0x0409) Regular found style (n 2 p 3 e 0 l 0x040a) Normal found style (n 2 p 3 e 0 l 0x040b) Normaali found style (n 2 p 3 e 0 l 0x040c) Normal found style (n 2 p 3 e 0 l 0x0410) Normale found style (n 2 p 3 e 0 l 0x0413) Standaard found style (n 2 p 3 e 0 l 0x0414) Normal found style (n 2 p 3 e 0 l 0x041b) Normálne found style (n 2 p 3 e 0 l 0x041d) Normal found style (n 2 p 3 e 0 l 0x0424) Navadno found style (n 2 p 3 e 0 l 0x0816) Normal found style (n 2 p 3 e 0 l 0x0c0a) Normal os2 weight class 400 maps to weight 80 os2 width class 5 maps to width 100 Style normal maps to slant -1 Style normal maps to decorative 0 Style Standard maps to slant -1 Style Standard maps to decorative 0 Style Regular maps to slant -1 Style Regular maps to decorative 0 Style Normaali maps to slant -1 Style Normaali maps to decorative 0 Style Normale maps to slant -1 Style Normale maps to decorative 0 Style Standaard maps to slant -1 Style Standaard maps to decorative 0 Style Normálne maps to slant -1 Style Normálne maps to decorative 0 Style Navadno maps to slant -1 Style Navadno maps to decorative 0 aa(62) ab(90) af(69) ak(73) am(264) an(66) ar(36) as(64) ast(70) av(67) ay(60) az-az(66) az-ir(40) ba(82) be(68) ber-dz(70) ber-ma(32) bg(60) bh(68) bho(68) bi(58) bin(78) bm(60) bn(63) bo(95) br(64) brx(82) bs(62) bua(70) byn(255) ca(74) ce(67) ch(58) chm(76) chr(85) co(84) crh(68) cs(82) csb(74) cu(103) cv(74) cy(78) da(70) de(59) doi(85) dv(49) dz(95) ee(99) el(69) en(72) eo(64) es(66) et(64) eu(56) fa(40) fat(73) ff(62) fi(62) fil(84) fj(52) fo(68) fr(84) fur(66) fy(75) ga(80) gd(70) gez(218) gl(66) gn(70) gu(68) gv(54) ha(60) haw(63) he(27) hi(68) hne(68) ho(52) hr(62) hsb(72) ht(56) hu(70) hy(77) hz(57) ia(52) id(54) ie(52) ig(58) ii(1165) ik(68) io(52) is(70) it(72) iu(161) ja(6537) jv(56) ka(33) kaa(78) kab(70) ki(56) kj(52) kk(77) kl(81) km(63) kn(70) ko(2443) kok(68) kr(56) ks(33) ku-am(64) ku-iq(32) ku-ir(32) ku-tr(62) kum(66) kv(70) kw(64) kwm(52) ky(70) la(68) lah(27) lb(75) lez(67) lg(54) li(62) ln(81) lo(55) lt(70) lv(78) mai(68) mg(56) mh(62) mi(64) mk(42) ml(68) mn-cn(130) mn-mn(70) mni(76) mo(128) mr(68) ms(52) mt(72) my(48) na(60) nb(70) nds(59) ne(72) ng(52) nl(82) nn(76) no(70) nqo(64) nr(52) nso(58) nv(72) ny(54) oc(70) om(52) or(68) os(66) ota(37) pa(63) pa-pk(27) pap-an(72) pap-aw(54) pl(70) ps-af(49) ps-pk(49) pt(82) qu(55) rm(66) rn(52) ro(62) ru(66) rw(52) sa(68) sah(76) sat(70) sc(62) sco(56) sd(54) se(66) sel(66) sg(72) sh(156) shs(48) si(73) sid(281) sk(86) sl(62) sm(53) sma(60) smj(60) smn(68) sms(80) sn(52) so(52) sq(56) sr(60) ss(52) st(52) su(54) sv(68) sw(52) syr(45) ta(48) te(70) tg(78) th(74) ti-er(255) ti-et(281) tig(221) tk(68) tl(84) tn(58) to(53) tr(70) ts(52) tt(76) tw(73) ty(65) tyv(70) ug(33) uk(72) ur(27) uz(52) ve(62) vi(194) vo(54) vot(62) wa(70) wal(281) wen(76) wo(66) xh(52) yap(58) yi(27) yo(119) za(52) zh-cn(6765) zh-hk(2213) zh-mo(2213) zh-sg(6765) zh-tw(13063) zu(52) Pattern has 20 elts (size 32) family: "Wingdings"(s) familylang: "en"(s) style: "normal"(s) "Standard"(s) "Regular"(s) "Normaali"(s) "Normale"(s) "Standaard"(s) "Normálne"(s) "Navadno"(s) stylelang: "da"(s) "de"(s) "en"(s) "fi"(s) "it"(s) "nl"(s) "sk"(s) "sl"(s) fullname: "Wingdings"(s) fullnamelang: "en"(s) slant: 0(i)(s) weight: 80(i)(s) width: 100(i)(s) spacing: 100(i)(s) foundry: "microsoft"(s) file: "/usr/share/fonts/webcore/wingding.ttf"(s) index: 0(i)(s) outline: FcTrue(s) scalable: FcTrue(s) charset: (s) lang: (s) fontversion: 163840(i)(s) fontformat: "TrueType"(s) decorative: FcFalse(s) _______________________________________________ Fontconfig mailing list Fontconfig@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/fontconfig