>|On my gentoo laptop those fonts are >|installed in /usr/share/fonts/urw-fonts and thus are available via >|fontconfig. >| >|:; fc-cat /usr/share/fonts/urw-fonts|egrep Conden|cut -c-78 >|"n019043l.pfb" 0 "Nimbus Sans L Condensed:style=Regular:slant=0:weight=80:widt >|"n019044l.pfb" 0 "Nimbus Sans L Condensed:style=Bold:slant=0:weight=200:width= >|"n019063l.pfb" 0 "Nimbus Sans L Condensed:style=Regular Italic:slant=100:weigh >|"n019064l.pfb" 0 "Nimbus Sans L Condensed:style=Bold Italic:slant=100:weight=2 I get % fc-cat Type1 |egrep Conden|cut -c-78 "n019043l.pfb" 0 "Nimbus Sans L:style=Regular Condensed:slant=0:weight=80:widt "n019044l.pfb" 0 "Nimbus Sans L:style=Bold Condensed:slant=0:weight=200:width= "n019063l.pfb" 0 "Nimbus Sans L:style=Regular Condensed Italic:slant=100:weigh "n019064l.pfb" 0 "Nimbus Sans L:style=Bold Condensed Italic:slant=100:weight=2 Why the difference? Your configuration treats Condensed as part of the family; mine treats it as part of the style. Bob T. _______________________________________________ Fontconfig mailing list Fontconfig@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/fontconfig