Sorry. I've had a problem with my mail setup, so this message might show up more than once in the list. I'm really puzzled by this problem. Till yesterday my gvim compiled against GTK was using font that normally has name *-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed-*-13-*-100-100-*-*-*-* Under GTK and fontconfig it was known as fixed\ Medium\ Semi-Condensed\ 13 Yesterday I've updated few libraries. This update included fontconfig and GTK. Now this font is not visible anymore. Yes, I've made sure that the directory containing this font is in /etc/fonts/local.conf What else shall be done? I've noticed that this is pretty common problem and it is connected with the fact that fontconfig ignores bitmap fonts (what a strange decision?) Unfortunately there was no exact solution how to make fontconfig to use bitmap fonts again. That is why I had to post this message. Thank you Andrei