On Tuesday 13 May 2003 02:28 pm, Internet user wrote: *snip* >I upgraded my fontconfig to 2.2, and surprise, the > applications works. But the fonts on my screen are not well rendered and > in Koffice or other similar applications most of the fonts from a family > looks the same on the screen. Not mentionig that all the "courier type > fonts appear witha very large kening (large spaces between letters, > expanded) What sould I do? Do I have to install other font applications? > Where are many of my fonts from /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts? I had a lot > and now I see just a few. How can I install Adobe type 1 fonts and to > have it displayed correctly using fontconfig? Why is Gnome related with > fontconfigand KDE could work without it (I could simply delete or move > /etc/fonts and I do not have the problem of displaying fonts, but > Mozilla and Gftp woun't work) > > Could you guide me also to some documentation? (please, don't do ONLY > this.) > > Thank you in advance > Cristian > Bucharest I have been running slackware for a few years now. I usually don't upgrade between versions, jut mainly kind of follow -current and compile myself. I did install Slack 9 on another box though and saw the horrid font rendering problems. As it turns out, it isn't fontconfigs fault. The default installation of X on Slack 9 uses the included X11 freetype sources, which are rather old. On the Slack 9 install, I recompiled Freetype (--prefix=/usr) and then compiled the fontconfig 2.2 release (--prefix=/usr/X11R6) against the newly installed Freetype. This took care of my font rendering problems right away. As for the amount of fonts you had. I am not sure on this one. Slackware by default comes with few fonts. You will need to add fonts yourself. I created /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype, downloaded the corefonts project from corefonts.sourceforge.net, and manually extract the fonts and put them in the truetype folder, and then issued mkfontscale and fc-cache. After that, just a simple edit to the XF86Config file and I was in business. I can't really throw any documentation your way, but I hope the above helps you a bit. Jef