Hi, I'm using OpenBSD -current with XFree 4.3.0 on a PC. Could anyone please give me a hint how to make the mozilla-firebird-0.6 from the ports display the cyrillic pages correctly. At the moment it only displays the western fonts (anti-aliased true type fonts from the msttcorefonts-1.2 port) - pls. see the screenshot at: http://home.t-online.de/home/Alexander.Farber/OpenBSD/kde-obsd.gif Empty boxes are displayed instead of cyrillic characters, even though the installed true type fonts seem to support russian: newhope:fonts {510} fc-list :lang=ru | grep -i Regular | sort Andale Mono:style=Regular Arial Black:style=Regular Arial:style=Regular Comic Sans MS:style=Regular Courier New:style=Regular Georgia:style=Regular Impact:style=Regular Times New Roman:style=Regular Trebuchet MS:style=Regular Verdana:style=Regular I guess I have to add something with "lang" to the fonts.conf, but can't figure out the exact syntax out of the doc page http://fontconfig.org/fontconfig-user.html yet. I don't use ~/.fonts.conf or /etc/fonts/local.conf and the fonts.conf is the unmodified OpenBSD version: http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/~checkout~/XF4/xc/lib/fontconfig/fonts.conf.in?rev=1.3 My config and log files are: http://home.t-online.de/home/Alexander.Farber/OpenBSD/XF86Config.newhope http://home.t-online.de/home/Alexander.Farber/OpenBSD/XFree86.0.log And here is a chunk of "env FC_DEBUG=1 mozilla-firebird": FC_DEBUG=1 Sort Pattern 18 of 32 antialias: FcTrue autohint: FcFalse dpi: 74.9556 family: "helvetica" "helvetica" "Luxi Sans" "serif" fontversion: 2147483647 globaladvance: FcTrue hinting: FcTrue lang: "en" maxglyphmemory: 1048576 minspace: FcFalse pixelsize: 11.4516 render: FcTrue rgba: 0 scale: 1 size: 11 slant: 0 verticallayout: FcFalse weight: 100 Regards Alex