I'm a developer of the LyX word processor (www.lyx.org). Lyx uses TeX fonts in order to display mathematical formula. More specifically, LyX uses the Postscript fonts cmr10.pfb, cmsy10.pfb, etc. from http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/fonts/cm/ps-type1/bluesky/pfb/ However, when using fontconfig, there is a problem accessing these fonts: All the fonts have a family name of "Computer Modern", so it is not possible to choose which font to use. I beleive that mozilla also uses these fonts, so it has the same problem. A simple solution for this problem is to allow changing the font family of a font based on its file name (in fonts.conf): For example, <changefamily> <file>cmr10.pfb</file> <family>Computer Modern Roman</family> </changefamily> (actually, we need the family name to be cmr10). This will also allow giving better names for some fonts. For example, the Times font that comes with ghostscript has a strange family name: "Nimbus Roman No9 L". Using my suggestion, its family name can be changed to "Nimbus Roman". (for compatibility, perhaps it better to allow accessing the font with both the original name and the new name). Let me know if you think that this is a good idea and if you plan to implement it (please CC me replies to this thread).