Hi! After migrating from: XFree86-4.3 (using included libraries) to: XFree86- fontconfig-2.2.90 xrender-0.8.3 xft-2.1.2 I've noticed significant loss of font quality. There are two screenshots which demonstrate this: http://michal.waw.pl/worek/X-4.3.png http://michal.waw.pl/worek/X-4.3.99.png Please take a look especially on small, green text on left and right marigins and parts of news in the main part of pages written in italics. I do not use any anti-aliasing as I don't like it. Is there any way I can improve quality of fonts? Best Regards -- --= Michal Kochanowicz =--==--==BOFH==--==--= michal@xxxxxxxxxxxxx =-- --= finger me for PGP public key or visit http://michal.waw.pl/PGP =-- --==--==--==--==--==-- Vodka. Connecting people.--==--==--==--==--==-- A chodzenie po g?rach SSIE!!!