Hi, I would appreciate some assistance. I'm trying to get gimp-1.3.11 up and running. When I start gimp-1.3 I get: ------ No fonts found; this probably means that the fontconfig library is not correctly configured. You may need to edit the fonts.conf configuration file. More information about fontconfig can be found in the fontconfig(3) manual page and on http://fontconfig.org ------- I have installed fcpackage.2_1 from sources. The file /etc/fonts/font.conf has <!-- Font directory list configured on Tue Apr 1 12:15:16 BRT 2003 --> <dir>/usr/share/fonts</dir> <dir>/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts</dir> <dir>/usr/local/share/xine/fonts</dir> <dir>/usr/local/grass5/fonts</dir> Those directories exist and have fonts. What am I missing ? Perhaps this is a gimp issue ? Any help is welcome. regards, Senra PS: Please cc your replies to my private e-mail since I do not belong to the list. -- Rodrigo Senra <rsenra@xxxxxxx> GPr Sistemas http://www.gpr.com.br PUC-Campinas http://docentes.puc-campinas.edu.br/ceatec/rodrigo IC - Unicamp http://www.ic.unicamp.br/~921234