Hello all, The company I work with uses USB Sticks as a crucial part of the product and I was assigned a task to bring up a pragmatic method to characterize USB Sticks from different models/vendors/manufacturers. I intend to write a simple pytest based framework that will use fio to characterize the USB sticks systematically. This would allow me to perform hundreds of tests in sampled devices to either approve or reprove that model/vendor/manufacturer, based on the performance parameters. To start with, I plan to perform a series of synthetic tests - where I don't intend to simulate the real use case, but rather, just to compare different device's performances against each other in a handful of made-up stress scenarios. At a second moment, tough, I would in fact like to implement a test that is the closest as possible to the real process we have during USB stick flashing Question: How do I characterize my use case so that I can simulate it with fio? My process is something like "./proprietary_script.sh --device /dev/sdc", where "proprietary_script.sh" is a single threaded app that mounts the USB Stick and performs a series of copies (with cp) from the host's SSD to the USB Stick fs. How can I know what are the values of IO type, IO engine, IO size, block size, etc to call fio with, so that fio will simulate my process the closest? How can I gather such information? By the way, the OS is a Ubuntu 14. Thank you! Giuliano Galhardi Motter mottergiuliano@xxxxxxxxx