Hello Shin'ichiro,
Coverity reported the issue below with the "stat: reduce arguments of
add_log_sample()" commit.
** CID 509196: Null pointer dereferences (FORWARD_NULL)
*** CID 509196: Null pointer dereferences (FORWARD_NULL)
/stat.c: 3342 in add_clat_sample()
3336 */
3337 if (!ts->lat_percentiles)
3338 add_stat_prio_sample(ts->clat_prio[ddir], clat_prio_index,
3339 nsec);
3341 if (td->clat_log) {
>>> CID 509196: Null pointer dereferences (FORWARD_NULL)
>>> Passing null pointer "&io_u->issue_time" to "ntime_since",
which dereferences it.
3342 struct log_sample sample = { sample_val(nsec), ddir, bs,
3343 offset, ioprio,
3344 ntime_since(&td->epoch, &io_u->issue_time) };
3346 add_log_sample(td, td->clat_log, &sample);
3347 }
It appears that with the refactoring it is no longer possible to carry
out latency logging with the file operation ioengines since their calls
set io_u to NULL. Would you be able to devise a way to restore this?