On Wed, 2019-02-20 at 16:17 +-0900, Damien Le Moal wrote: +AD4 From: Shin'ichiro Kawasaki +ADw-shinichiro.kawasaki+AEA-wdc.com+AD4 +AD4 +AD4 For fio to correctly handle the zonemode+AD0-zbd mode with partitions of +AD4 zoned block devices, the partition block device file must be identified +AD4 as a zoned disk. However, partition block device files do not have +AD4 a zoned sysfs file. This patch allows a correct identification of the +AD4 device file zone model by accessing the sysfs +ACI-zoned+ACI file of the +AD4 holder disk for partition devices. +AD4 +AD4 Change get+AF8-zbd+AF8-model() function to resolve the symbolic link to the +AD4 sysfs path to obtain the canonical sysfs path. The canonical sysfs +AD4 path of a partition device includes both of the holder device name and +AD4 the partition device name. If the given device is a partition device, +AD4 cut the partition device name in the canonical sysfs path to access +AD4 the +ACI-zoned+ACI file in the holder device sysfs path. Please explain what makes you think that it makes sense to create partitions on a zoned block device. An application that wants to write to a partition of a zoned block device needs access to the whole disk anyway to get permission to submit the BLKREPORTZONE and BLKRESETZONE ioctls. So why would anyone create partitions on a zoned block device? Thanks, Bart.