On Fri, 2018-08-31 at 13:48 +-0900, Damien Le Moal wrote: +AD4 Simplify zbd.c code by using byte unit for the zone information values +AD4 instead of 512B sector count. Doing so, many 9 bits shift operations +AD4 are removed and code readability improved. This patch is incomplete. The following documentation in zbd.h should also updated to reflect the unit changes: /+ACoAKg +ACo struct fio+AF8-zone+AF8-info - information about a single ZBD zone +ACo +AEA-start: zone start in 512 byte units +ACo +AEA-wp: zone write pointer location in 512 byte units +ACo +AEA-verify+AF8-block: number of blocks that have been verified for this zone +ACo +AEA-mutex: protects the modifiable members in this structure +ACo +AEA-type: zone type (BLK+AF8-ZONE+AF8-TYPE+AF8AKg) +ACo +AEA-cond: zone state (BLK+AF8-ZONE+AF8-COND+AF8AKg) +ACo +AEA-open: whether or not this zone is currently open. Only relevant if +ACo max+AF8-open+AF8-zones +AD4 0. +ACo +AEA-reset+AF8-zone: whether or not this zone should be reset before writing to it +ACo-/ struct fio+AF8-zone+AF8-info +AHs Thanks, Bart.