On 12/12/2014 01:32 PM, Elliott, Robert (Server Storage) wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: fio-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:fio-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Jens Axboe
Sent: Friday, 22 August, 2014 2:11 PM
To: scameron@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
On 2014-08-22 14:09, scameron@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
On Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 02:04:34PM -0500, Jens Axboe wrote:
On 2014-08-11 11:04, scameron@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 10:44:23AM -0500, scameron@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>from eta.c:
void print_thread_status(void)
struct jobs_eta *je;
size_t size;
je = get_jobs_eta(0, &size);
if (je)
Maybe that je is coming back false? which is
probably the return value of calc_thread_status() which, well,
at a glance, I'm not sure what calc_thread_status() is doing.
I'll take a look at this next week, been away at a conference since
Ok. Meantime, I had to reclaim the machine for testing, so I no longer
have it just sitting there to debug, and I have not sseen the problem
that I know of.
Clearly a hardware issue :-)
Jens Axboe
Rerunning a multi-day job to test out the 64-bit counter fixes,
I just saw the same thing after about 2 days - eta updates stop,
although IO is still running.
Jobs: 210 (f=210): [r(98),X(14),r(112)] [31.5% done] [2388MB/0KB/0KB /s] [4891K/0/0 iops] [eta 01d:17h:05m:24s]
I notice that get_jobs_eta makes a malloc() call without
checking for NULL - maybe that happened?
If that happened, the frontend would crash, so I don't think that's too
likely. But the patch is still sane, of course :-)
Is this close to when it stopped last time as well?
If you have it running, it would be great to do a gdb attach and see
what the frontend is up to (or where it might be stuck)...
Jens Axboe
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