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The following changes since commit bf974737b15bad8d740f10503e9eab6e0b420aa2:

  Update sample atomic write job file (2013-07-26 13:11:52 -0600)

are available in the git repository at:
  git:// master

Erwan Velu (10):
      fio2gnuplot: Option to select gnuplot's output dir
      Makefile: Installing fio2gnuplot & sons
      Makefile: Installing genfio at install time
      Tree: Moving fio_generate_plots in tools/
      fio2gnuplot: Using default install dir for gpm files
      fio2gnuplot: Printing number of selected files
      fio2gnuplot: Adding comparing 2D graphs
      fio2gnuplot: Fixing help message
      fio2gnuplot: Adding information steps
      fio2gnuplot: Adding filename as title for 2D graphs

 Makefile                                           |    8 +-
 fio_generate_plots => tools/fio_generate_plots     |    0
 fio_generate_plots.1 => tools/fio_generate_plots.1 |    0
 tools/plot/                          |  159 +++++++++++++++-----
 4 files changed, 129 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)
 rename fio_generate_plots => tools/fio_generate_plots (100%)
 rename fio_generate_plots.1 => tools/fio_generate_plots.1 (100%)


Diff of recent changes:

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 3de9735..8494b27 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ OPTFLAGS= -O3 -g -ffast-math
 CFLAGS	= -std=gnu99 -Wwrite-strings -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement $(OPTFLAGS) $(EXTFLAGS) $(BUILD_CFLAGS)
 LIBS	+= -lm $(EXTLIBS)
 PROGS	= fio
-SCRIPTS = fio_generate_plots
+SCRIPTS = tools/fio_generate_plots tools/plot/ tools/genfio
   PROGS += gfio
@@ -189,8 +189,10 @@ bindir = $(prefix)/bin
 ifeq ($(CONFIG_TARGET_OS), Darwin)
 mandir = /usr/share/man
+sharedir = /usr/share/fio
 mandir = $(prefix)/man
+sharedir = $(prefix)/share/fio
@@ -278,4 +280,6 @@ install: $(PROGS) $(SCRIPTS) FORCE
 	$(INSTALL) $(PROGS) $(SCRIPTS) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
 	$(INSTALL) -m 755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1
 	$(INSTALL) -m 644 fio.1 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1
-	$(INSTALL) -m 644 fio_generate_plots.1 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1
+	$(INSTALL) -m 644 tools/fio_generate_plots.1 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1
+	$(INSTALL) -m 755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(sharedir)
+	$(INSTALL) -m 644 tools/plot/*gpm $(DESTDIR)$(sharedir)/
diff --git a/fio_generate_plots b/fio_generate_plots
deleted file mode 100755
index f65a326..0000000
--- a/fio_generate_plots
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-# This script is an almost total rewrite by Louwrentius 
-# of the original fio_generate_plots script provided as part of the FIO storage
-# benchmark utiliy. I only retained how GNUplot is used to generate graphs, as
-# that is something I know nothing about.
-# The script uses the files generated by FIO to create nice graphs in the
-# SVG format. This output format is supported by most modern browsers and
-# allows resolution independant graphs to be generated.
-# This script supports GNUPLOT 4.4 and higher.
-# Version 1.0 @ 20121231
-if [ -z "$1" ]; then
-	echo "Usage: fio_generate_plots subtitle [xres yres]"
-	exit 1
-GNUPLOT=$(which gnuplot)
-if [ ! -x $GNUPLOT ]
-	echo You need gnuplot installed to generate graphs
-	exit 1
-# set resolution
-if [ ! -z "$2" ] && [ ! -z "$3" ]
-	XRES="$2"
-	YRES="$3"
-	XRES=1280
-	YRES=768
-if [ -z "$SAMPLE_DURATION" ]
-set object 1 rectangle from screen 0,0 to screen 1,1 fillcolor rgb\"#ffffff\" behind 
-set style line 1 lc rgb \"#E41A1C\" lw $DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH lt 1;
-set style line 2 lc rgb \"#377EB8\" lw $DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH lt 1;
-set style line 3 lc rgb \"#4DAF4A\" lw $DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH lt 1;
-set style line 4 lc rgb \"#984EA3\" lw $DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH lt 1;
-set style line 5 lc rgb \"#FF7F00\" lw $DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH lt 1;
-set style line 6 lc rgb \"#DADA33\" lw $DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH lt 1;
-set style line 7 lc rgb \"#A65628\" lw $DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH lt 1;
-set style line 20 lc rgb \"#000000\" lt $DEFAULT_GRID_LINE_TYPE lw $DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH;
-DEFAULT_TERMINAL="set terminal svg enhanced dashed size $XRES,$YRES dynamic"
-DEFAULT_XLABEL="set xlabel \"Time (sec)\" font $DEFAULT_AXIS_LABEL_FONT"
-DEFAULT_MXTIC="set mxtics 0"
-DEFAULT_MYTIC="set mytics 2"
-DEFAULT_YRANGE="set yrange [0:*]"
-DEFAULT_GRID="set grid ls 20"
-DEFAULT_KEY="set key outside bottom center ; set key box enhanced spacing 2.0 samplen 3 horizontal width 4 height 1.2 "
-DEFAULT_SOURCE="set label 30 \"Data source:\"; font $DEFAULT_AXIS_FONT tc rgb \"#00000f\" at screen 0.976,0.175 right"
-plot () {
-    if [ -z "$TITLE" ]
-    then	
-        PLOT_TITLE=" set title \"$1\" font $DEFAULT_TITLE_FONT"
-    else
-        PLOT_TITLE=" set title \"$TITLE\\\n\\\n{/*0.6 "$1"}\" font $DEFAULT_TITLE_FONT"
-    fi
-    FILETYPE="$2"
-    YAXIS="set ylabel \"$3\" font $DEFAULT_AXIS_LABEL_FONT"
-    SCALE=$4
-    echo "Title: $PLOT_TITLE"
-    echo "File type: $FILETYPE"
-    echo "yaxis: $YAXIS"
-    i=0
-    for x in *_"$FILETYPE".log
-    do
-        i=$((i+1))
-        PT=$(echo $x | sed s/_"$FILETYPE".log//g)
-        if [ ! -z "$PLOT_LINE" ]
-        then
-            PLOT_LINE=$PLOT_LINE", "
-        fi
-        DEPTH=$(echo $PT | cut -d "-" -f 4)
-	    PLOT_LINE=$PLOT_LINE"'$x' using (\$1/1000):(\$2/$SCALE) title \"Queue depth $DEPTH\" with lines ls $i" 
-    done
-    OUTPUT="set output \"$TITLE-$FILETYPE.svg\" "
-    echo " $PLOT_TITLE ; $YAXIS ; $DEFAULT_OPTS ; show style lines ; $OUTPUT ; plot "  $PLOT_LINE  | $GNUPLOT -
-    unset PLOT_LINE
-# plot <sub title> <file name tag> <y axis label> <y axis scale>
-plot "I/O Latency" lat "Time (msec)" 1000
-plot "I/O Operations Per Second" iops "IOPS" 1
-plot "I/O Submission Latency" slat "Time (μsec)" 1
-plot "I/O Completion Latency" clat "Time (msec)" 1000
-plot "I/O Bandwidth" bw "Throughput (KB/s)" 1
diff --git a/fio_generate_plots.1 b/fio_generate_plots.1
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e3c1ff..0000000
--- a/fio_generate_plots.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-.\"                                      Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*-
-.\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
-.\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
-.\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
-.TH FIO_GENERATE_PLOTS 1 "May 19, 2009"
-.\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
-.\" Some roff macros, for reference:
-.\" .nh        disable hyphenation
-.\" .hy        enable hyphenation
-.\" .ad l      left justify
-.\" .ad b      justify to both left and right margins
-.\" .nf        disable filling
-.\" .fi        enable filling
-.\" .br        insert line break
-.\" .sp <n>    insert n+1 empty lines
-.\" for manpage-specific macros, see man(7)
-fio_generate_plots \- Generate plots for Flexible I/O Tester
-.B fio_generate_plots
-.RI " title"
-This manual page documents briefly the
-.B fio_generate_plots
-command. This manual page was written for the Debian distribution
-because the original program does not have a manual page.
-.\" TeX users may be more comfortable with the \fB<whatever>\fP and
-.\" \fI<whatever>\fP escape sequences to invode bold face and italics,
-.\" respectively.
-\fBfio_generate_plots\fP is a shell script that uses gnuplot to
-generate plots from fio run with \-\-latency-log (\-l) and/or 
-\-\-bandwidth-log (\-w). It expects the log files that fio
-generated in the current directory.
-The script takes the title of the plot as only argument. It does
-not offer any additional options.
-fio_generate_plots was written by Jens Axboe <jens.axboe@xxxxxxxxxx>,
-now Jens Axboe <jaxboe@xxxxxxxxxxxx>.
-This manual page was written by Martin Steigerwald <ms@xxxxxxxxx>,
-for the Debian project (but may be used by others).
diff --git a/tools/fio_generate_plots b/tools/fio_generate_plots
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f65a326
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/fio_generate_plots
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+# This script is an almost total rewrite by Louwrentius 
+# of the original fio_generate_plots script provided as part of the FIO storage
+# benchmark utiliy. I only retained how GNUplot is used to generate graphs, as
+# that is something I know nothing about.
+# The script uses the files generated by FIO to create nice graphs in the
+# SVG format. This output format is supported by most modern browsers and
+# allows resolution independant graphs to be generated.
+# This script supports GNUPLOT 4.4 and higher.
+# Version 1.0 @ 20121231
+if [ -z "$1" ]; then
+	echo "Usage: fio_generate_plots subtitle [xres yres]"
+	exit 1
+GNUPLOT=$(which gnuplot)
+if [ ! -x $GNUPLOT ]
+	echo You need gnuplot installed to generate graphs
+	exit 1
+# set resolution
+if [ ! -z "$2" ] && [ ! -z "$3" ]
+	XRES="$2"
+	YRES="$3"
+	XRES=1280
+	YRES=768
+if [ -z "$SAMPLE_DURATION" ]
+set object 1 rectangle from screen 0,0 to screen 1,1 fillcolor rgb\"#ffffff\" behind 
+set style line 1 lc rgb \"#E41A1C\" lw $DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH lt 1;
+set style line 2 lc rgb \"#377EB8\" lw $DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH lt 1;
+set style line 3 lc rgb \"#4DAF4A\" lw $DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH lt 1;
+set style line 4 lc rgb \"#984EA3\" lw $DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH lt 1;
+set style line 5 lc rgb \"#FF7F00\" lw $DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH lt 1;
+set style line 6 lc rgb \"#DADA33\" lw $DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH lt 1;
+set style line 7 lc rgb \"#A65628\" lw $DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH lt 1;
+set style line 20 lc rgb \"#000000\" lt $DEFAULT_GRID_LINE_TYPE lw $DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH;
+DEFAULT_TERMINAL="set terminal svg enhanced dashed size $XRES,$YRES dynamic"
+DEFAULT_XLABEL="set xlabel \"Time (sec)\" font $DEFAULT_AXIS_LABEL_FONT"
+DEFAULT_MXTIC="set mxtics 0"
+DEFAULT_MYTIC="set mytics 2"
+DEFAULT_YRANGE="set yrange [0:*]"
+DEFAULT_GRID="set grid ls 20"
+DEFAULT_KEY="set key outside bottom center ; set key box enhanced spacing 2.0 samplen 3 horizontal width 4 height 1.2 "
+DEFAULT_SOURCE="set label 30 \"Data source:\"; font $DEFAULT_AXIS_FONT tc rgb \"#00000f\" at screen 0.976,0.175 right"
+plot () {
+    if [ -z "$TITLE" ]
+    then	
+        PLOT_TITLE=" set title \"$1\" font $DEFAULT_TITLE_FONT"
+    else
+        PLOT_TITLE=" set title \"$TITLE\\\n\\\n{/*0.6 "$1"}\" font $DEFAULT_TITLE_FONT"
+    fi
+    FILETYPE="$2"
+    YAXIS="set ylabel \"$3\" font $DEFAULT_AXIS_LABEL_FONT"
+    SCALE=$4
+    echo "Title: $PLOT_TITLE"
+    echo "File type: $FILETYPE"
+    echo "yaxis: $YAXIS"
+    i=0
+    for x in *_"$FILETYPE".log
+    do
+        i=$((i+1))
+        PT=$(echo $x | sed s/_"$FILETYPE".log//g)
+        if [ ! -z "$PLOT_LINE" ]
+        then
+            PLOT_LINE=$PLOT_LINE", "
+        fi
+        DEPTH=$(echo $PT | cut -d "-" -f 4)
+	    PLOT_LINE=$PLOT_LINE"'$x' using (\$1/1000):(\$2/$SCALE) title \"Queue depth $DEPTH\" with lines ls $i" 
+    done
+    OUTPUT="set output \"$TITLE-$FILETYPE.svg\" "
+    echo " $PLOT_TITLE ; $YAXIS ; $DEFAULT_OPTS ; show style lines ; $OUTPUT ; plot "  $PLOT_LINE  | $GNUPLOT -
+    unset PLOT_LINE
+# plot <sub title> <file name tag> <y axis label> <y axis scale>
+plot "I/O Latency" lat "Time (msec)" 1000
+plot "I/O Operations Per Second" iops "IOPS" 1
+plot "I/O Submission Latency" slat "Time (μsec)" 1
+plot "I/O Completion Latency" clat "Time (msec)" 1000
+plot "I/O Bandwidth" bw "Throughput (KB/s)" 1
diff --git a/tools/fio_generate_plots.1 b/tools/fio_generate_plots.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e3c1ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/fio_generate_plots.1
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+.\"                                      Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*-
+.\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
+.\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
+.\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
+.TH FIO_GENERATE_PLOTS 1 "May 19, 2009"
+.\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
+.\" Some roff macros, for reference:
+.\" .nh        disable hyphenation
+.\" .hy        enable hyphenation
+.\" .ad l      left justify
+.\" .ad b      justify to both left and right margins
+.\" .nf        disable filling
+.\" .fi        enable filling
+.\" .br        insert line break
+.\" .sp <n>    insert n+1 empty lines
+.\" for manpage-specific macros, see man(7)
+fio_generate_plots \- Generate plots for Flexible I/O Tester
+.B fio_generate_plots
+.RI " title"
+This manual page documents briefly the
+.B fio_generate_plots
+command. This manual page was written for the Debian distribution
+because the original program does not have a manual page.
+.\" TeX users may be more comfortable with the \fB<whatever>\fP and
+.\" \fI<whatever>\fP escape sequences to invode bold face and italics,
+.\" respectively.
+\fBfio_generate_plots\fP is a shell script that uses gnuplot to
+generate plots from fio run with \-\-latency-log (\-l) and/or 
+\-\-bandwidth-log (\-w). It expects the log files that fio
+generated in the current directory.
+The script takes the title of the plot as only argument. It does
+not offer any additional options.
+fio_generate_plots was written by Jens Axboe <jens.axboe@xxxxxxxxxx>,
+now Jens Axboe <jaxboe@xxxxxxxxxxxx>.
+This manual page was written by Martin Steigerwald <ms@xxxxxxxxx>,
+for the Debian project (but may be used by others).
diff --git a/tools/plot/ b/tools/plot/
index 03ef0dd..800c334 100755
--- a/tools/plot/
+++ b/tools/plot/
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import sys
 import getopt
 import re
 import math
+import shutil
 def find_file(path, pattern):
@@ -37,40 +38,95 @@ def find_file(path, pattern):
 	return fio_data_file
-def generate_gnuplot_script(fio_data_file,title,gnuplot_output_filename,mode,disk_perf):
-	f=open("mygraph",'w')
+def generate_gnuplot_script(fio_data_file,title,gnuplot_output_filename,gnuplot_output_dir,mode,disk_perf,gpm_dir):
+	print "Generating rendering scripts"
+	filename=gnuplot_output_dir+'mygraph'
+	f=open(filename,'w')
+	# Plotting 3D or comparing graphs doesn't have a meaning unless if there is at least 2 traces
 	if len(fio_data_file) > 1:
-        	f.write("call \'graph3D.gpm\' \'%s' \'%s\' \'\' \'%s\' \'%s\'\n" % (title,gnuplot_output_filename,gnuplot_output_filename,mode))
+        	f.write("call \'%s/graph3D.gpm\' \'%s' \'%s\' \'\' \'%s\' \'%s\'\n" % (gpm_dir,title,gnuplot_output_filename,gnuplot_output_filename,mode))
+		# Setting up the compare files that will be plot later
+		compare=open(gnuplot_output_dir + 'compare.gnuplot','w')
+		compare.write('''
+set title '%s'
+set terminal png size 1280,1024
+set ytics axis out auto
+set key top left reverse
+set xlabel "Time (Seconds)"
+set ylabel '%s'
+set xrange [0:]
+set yrange [0:]
+'''% (title,mode))
+		compare.close()
+		#Copying the common file for all kind of graph (raw/smooth/trend)
+		compare_raw_filename="compare-%s-2Draw" % (gnuplot_output_filename)
+		compare_smooth_filename="compare-%s-2Dsmooth" % (gnuplot_output_filename)
+		compare_trend_filename="compare-%s-2Dtrend" % (gnuplot_output_filename)
+		shutil.copy(gnuplot_output_dir+'compare.gnuplot',gnuplot_output_dir+compare_raw_filename+".gnuplot")
+		shutil.copy(gnuplot_output_dir+'compare.gnuplot',gnuplot_output_dir+compare_smooth_filename+".gnuplot")
+		shutil.copy(gnuplot_output_dir+'compare.gnuplot',gnuplot_output_dir+compare_trend_filename+".gnuplot")
+		#Setting up a different output filename for each kind of graph
+		compare_raw=open(gnuplot_output_dir+compare_raw_filename + ".gnuplot",'a')
+		compare_raw.write("set output '%s.png'\n" % compare_raw_filename)
+		compare_smooth=open(gnuplot_output_dir+compare_smooth_filename+".gnuplot",'a')
+		compare_smooth.write("set output '%s.png'\n" % compare_smooth_filename)
+		compare_trend=open(gnuplot_output_dir+compare_trend_filename+".gnuplot",'a')
+		compare_trend.write("set output '%s.png'\n" % compare_trend_filename)
         # Let's create a temporary file for each selected fio file
         for file in fio_data_file:
                 tmp_filename = "gnuplot_temp_file.%d" % pos
-                png_file=file.replace('.log','')
+		# Plotting comparing graphs doesn't have a meaning unless if there is at least 2 traces
+		if len(fio_data_file) > 1:
+			# Adding the plot instruction for each kind of comparing graphs
+			if pos ==0 :
+				compare_raw.write("plot '%s' using 2:3 with linespoints title '%s'" % (tmp_filename,fio_data_file[pos]))
+				compare_smooth.write("plot '%s' using 2:3 smooth csplines title '%s'" % (tmp_filename,fio_data_file[pos]))
+				compare_trend.write("plot '%s' using 2:3 smooth bezier title '%s'" % (tmp_filename,fio_data_file[pos]))
+			else:
+				compare_raw.write(",\\\n'%s' using 2:3 with linespoints title '%s'" % (tmp_filename,fio_data_file[pos]))
+				compare_smooth.write(",\\\n'%s' using 2:3 smooth csplines title '%s'" % (tmp_filename,fio_data_file[pos]))
+				compare_trend.write(",\\\n'%s' using 2:3 smooth bezier title '%s'" % (tmp_filename,fio_data_file[pos]))
+		png_file=file.replace('.log','')
                 raw_filename = "%s-2Draw" % (png_file)
                 smooth_filename = "%s-2Dsmooth" % (png_file)
                 trend_filename = "%s-2Dtrend" % (png_file)
                 avg  = average(disk_perf[pos])
-                f.write("call \'graph2D.gpm\' \'%s' \'%s\' \'\' \'%s\' \'%s\' \'%s\' \'%s\' \'%f\'\n" % (title,tmp_filename,raw_filename,mode,smooth_filename,trend_filename,avg))
+                f.write("call \'%s/graph2D.gpm\' \'%s' \'%s\' \'%s\' \'%s\' \'%s\' \'%s\' \'%s\' \'%f\'\n" % (gpm_dir,title,tmp_filename,fio_data_file[pos],raw_filename,mode,smooth_filename,trend_filename,avg))
                 pos = pos +1
+	# Plotting comparing graphs doesn't have a meaning unless if there is at least 2 traces
+	if len(fio_data_file) > 1:
+		os.remove(gnuplot_output_dir+"compare.gnuplot")
+		compare_raw.close()
+		compare_smooth.close()
+		compare_trend.close()
-def generate_gnuplot_math_script(title,gnuplot_output_filename,mode,average):
-	f=open("mymath",'a')
-        f.write("call \'math.gpm\' \'%s' \'%s\' \'\' \'%s\' \'%s\' %s\n" % (title,gnuplot_output_filename,gnuplot_output_filename,mode,average))
+def generate_gnuplot_math_script(title,gnuplot_output_filename,mode,average,gnuplot_output_dir,gpm_dir):
+	filename=gnuplot_output_dir+'mymath';
+	f=open(filename,'a')
+        f.write("call \'%s/math.gpm\' \'%s' \'%s\' \'\' \'%s\' \'%s\' %s\n" % (gpm_dir,title,gnuplot_output_filename,gnuplot_output_filename,mode,average))
-def compute_aggregated_file(fio_data_file, gnuplot_output_filename):
+def compute_aggregated_file(fio_data_file, gnuplot_output_filename, gnuplot_output_dir):
+	print "Processing data file 2/2"
 	# Let's create a temporary file for each selected fio file
 	for file in fio_data_file:
-		tmp_filename = "gnuplot_temp_file.%d" % pos
+		tmp_filename = "%sgnuplot_temp_file.%d" % (gnuplot_output_dir, pos)
 		pos = pos +1
-	f = open(gnuplot_output_filename, "w")
+	f = open(gnuplot_output_dir+gnuplot_output_filename, "w")
 	# Let's add some information
 	for tempfile in temp_files:
@@ -83,14 +139,15 @@ def compute_aggregated_file(fio_data_file, gnuplot_output_filename):
 def average(s): return sum(s) * 1.0 / len(s)
-def compute_temp_file(fio_data_file,disk_perf):
+def compute_temp_file(fio_data_file,disk_perf,gnuplot_output_dir):
+	print "Processing data file 1/2"
 	for file in fio_data_file:
 		pos = len(files) - 1
-		tmp_filename = "gnuplot_temp_file.%d" % pos
+		tmp_filename = "%sgnuplot_temp_file.%d" % (gnuplot_output_dir,pos)
 		gnuplot_file.write("#Temporary file based on file %s\n" % file)
@@ -144,14 +201,15 @@ def compute_temp_file(fio_data_file,disk_perf):
 	return blk_size
-def compute_math(fio_data_file, title,gnuplot_output_filename,mode,disk_perf):
+def compute_math(fio_data_file, title,gnuplot_output_filename,gnuplot_output_dir,mode,disk_perf,gpm_dir):
+	print "Computing Maths"
-	average_file=open(gnuplot_output_filename+'.average', 'w')
-	min_file=open(gnuplot_output_filename+'.min', 'w')
-	max_file=open(gnuplot_output_filename+'.max', 'w')
-	stddev_file=open(gnuplot_output_filename+'.stddev', 'w')
-	global_file=open(gnuplot_output_filename+'.global','w')
+	average_file=open(gnuplot_output_dir+gnuplot_output_filename+'.average', 'w')
+	min_file=open(gnuplot_output_dir+gnuplot_output_filename+'.min', 'w')
+	max_file=open(gnuplot_output_dir+gnuplot_output_filename+'.max', 'w')
+	stddev_file=open(gnuplot_output_dir+gnuplot_output_filename+'.stddev', 'w')
+	global_file=open(gnuplot_output_dir+gnuplot_output_filename+'.global','w')
 	min_file.write('DiskName %s\n' % mode)
 	max_file.write('DiskName %s\n'% mode)
@@ -195,14 +253,14 @@ def compute_math(fio_data_file, title,gnuplot_output_filename,mode,disk_perf):
-		os.remove('mymath')
+		os.remove(gnuplot_output_dir+'mymath')
-	generate_gnuplot_math_script("Average values of "+title,gnuplot_output_filename+'.average',mode,int(avg))
-	generate_gnuplot_math_script("Min values of "+title,gnuplot_output_filename+'.min',mode,average(global_min))
-	generate_gnuplot_math_script("Max values of "+title,gnuplot_output_filename+'.max',mode,average(global_max))
-	generate_gnuplot_math_script("Standard Deviation of "+title,gnuplot_output_filename+'.stddev',mode,int(standard_deviation))
+	generate_gnuplot_math_script("Average values of "+title,gnuplot_output_filename+'.average',mode,int(avg),gnuplot_output_dir,gpm_dir)
+	generate_gnuplot_math_script("Min values of "+title,gnuplot_output_filename+'.min',mode,average(global_min),gnuplot_output_dir,gpm_dir)
+	generate_gnuplot_math_script("Max values of "+title,gnuplot_output_filename+'.max',mode,average(global_max),gnuplot_output_dir,gpm_dir)
+	generate_gnuplot_math_script("Standard Deviation of "+title,gnuplot_output_filename+'.stddev',mode,int(standard_deviation),gnuplot_output_dir,gpm_dir)
 def parse_global_files(fio_data_file, global_search):
@@ -249,17 +307,28 @@ def parse_global_files(fio_data_file, global_search):
 		print "Global search %s is not yet implemented\n" % global_search
-def render_gnuplot():
-	print "Running gnuplot Rendering\n"
+def render_gnuplot(fio_data_file, gnuplot_output_dir):
+	print "Running gnuplot Rendering"
-		os.system("gnuplot mymath")
-		os.system("gnuplot mygraph")
+		# Let's render all the compared files if some
+		if len(fio_data_file) > 1:
+			print " |-> Rendering comparing traces"
+			os.system("cd %s; for i in *.gnuplot; do gnuplot $i; done" % gnuplot_output_dir)
+		print " |-> Rendering math traces"
+		os.system("cd %s; gnuplot mymath" % gnuplot_output_dir)
+		print " |-> Rendering 2D & 3D traces"
+		os.system("cd %s; gnuplot mygraph" % gnuplot_output_dir)
+		name_of_directory="the current"
+		if gnuplot_output_dir != "./":
+			name_of_directory=gnuplot_output_dir
+		print "\nRendering traces are available in %s directory" % name_of_directory
 		print "Could not run gnuplot on mymath or mygraph !\n"
 def print_help():
-    print ' -ghbio -t <title> -o <outputfile> -p <pattern>'
+    print ' -ghbiod -t <title> -o <outputfile> -p <pattern> -G <type>'
     print '-h --help                           : Print this help'
     print '-p <pattern> or --pattern <pattern> : A pattern in regexp to select fio input files'
@@ -268,6 +337,7 @@ def print_help():
     print '-g           or --gnuplot           : Render gnuplot traces before exiting'
     print '-o           or --outputfile <file> : The basename for gnuplot traces'
     print '                                       - Basename is set with the pattern if defined'
+    print '-d           or --outputdir <dir>   : The directory where gnuplot shall render files'
     print '-t           or --title <title>     : The title of the gnuplot traces'
     print '                                       - Title is set with the block size detected in fio traces'
     print '-G		or --Global <type>     : Search for <type> in .global files match by a pattern'
@@ -280,13 +350,21 @@ def main(argv):
     title='No title'
+    gnuplot_output_dir='./'
+    gpm_dir="/usr/share/fio/"
+    if not os.path.isfile(gpm_dir+'math.gpm'):
+	    gpm_dir="/usr/local/share/fio/"
+    	    if not os.path.isfile(gpm_dir+'math.gpm'):
+		    print "Looks like fio didn't got installed properly as no gpm files found in '/usr/share/fio' or '/usr/local/share/fio'\n"
+		    sys.exit(3)
-	    opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:],"ghbio:t:p:G:")
+	    opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:],"ghbio:d:t:p:G:")
     except getopt.GetoptError:
@@ -302,6 +380,12 @@ def main(argv):
       elif opt in ("-o", "--outputfile"):
+      elif opt in ("-d", "--outputdir"):
+         gnuplot_output_dir=arg
+	 if not gnuplot_output_dir.endswith('/'):
+		gnuplot_output_dir=gnuplot_output_dir+'/'
+	 if not os.path.exists(gnuplot_output_dir):
+		os.makedirs(gnuplot_output_dir)
       elif opt in ("-t", "--title"):
       elif opt in ("-g", "--gnuplot"):
@@ -322,10 +406,12 @@ def main(argv):
     if len(fio_data_file) == 0:
 	    print "No log file found with pattern %s!" % pattern
+    else:
+	    print "%d files Selected with pattern '%s'" % (len(fio_data_file), pattern)
     fio_data_file=sorted(fio_data_file, key=str.lower)
     for file in fio_data_file:
-	print 'Selected %s' % file
+	print ' |-> %s' % file
 	if "_bw.log" in file :
 		mode="Bandwidth (KB/sec)"
 	if "_iops.log" in file :
@@ -336,6 +422,7 @@ def main(argv):
 	    if "IO" in mode:
 		    title='IO benchmark with %d fio results' % len(fio_data_file)
+    print
     #We need to adjust the output filename regarding the pattern required by the user
     if (pattern_set_by_user == True):
@@ -352,14 +439,14 @@ def main(argv):
     if parse_global==True:
 	parse_global_files(fio_data_file, global_search)
-    	blk_size=compute_temp_file(fio_data_file,disk_perf)
+    	blk_size=compute_temp_file(fio_data_file,disk_perf,gnuplot_output_dir)
     	title="%s @ Blocksize = %dK" % (title,blk_size/1024)
-    	compute_aggregated_file(fio_data_file, gnuplot_output_filename)
-    	compute_math(fio_data_file,title,gnuplot_output_filename,mode,disk_perf)
-    	generate_gnuplot_script(fio_data_file,title,gnuplot_output_filename,mode,disk_perf)
+    	compute_aggregated_file(fio_data_file, gnuplot_output_filename, gnuplot_output_dir)
+    	compute_math(fio_data_file,title,gnuplot_output_filename,gnuplot_output_dir,mode,disk_perf,gpm_dir)
+    	generate_gnuplot_script(fio_data_file,title,gnuplot_output_filename,gnuplot_output_dir,mode,disk_perf,gpm_dir)
     	if (run_gnuplot==True):
-    		render_gnuplot()
+    		render_gnuplot(fio_data_file, gnuplot_output_dir)
     # Cleaning temporary files
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