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The following changes since commit b8d42b234f70ce2927e9ef1279aff42d62779cfd:

  Fio 1.50-rc4 (2011-01-20 10:17:35 -0700)

are available in the git repository at:
  git:// master

Bruce Cran (1):
      Unify makefiles

Jens Axboe (3):
      Ensure that we exit with non-zero status on IO engine load failure
      mmap: catch invalid msync() errors early
      Remove flist_sort(), it's no longer used

 Makefile         |   53 ++++++++++++++++----
 Makefile.FreeBSD |   60 -----------------------
 Makefile.NetBSD  |   59 -----------------------
 Makefile.Windows |   61 -----------------------
 Makefile.aix     |   59 -----------------------
 Makefile.mac     |   60 -----------------------
 Makefile.solaris |   60 -----------------------
 README           |   15 ++----
 engines/mmap.c   |    8 +++
 flist_sort.h     |    9 ----
 ioengines.c      |    2 +
 lib/flist_sort.c |  140 ------------------------------------------------------
 12 files changed, 56 insertions(+), 530 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 Makefile.FreeBSD
 delete mode 100644 Makefile.NetBSD
 delete mode 100644 Makefile.Windows
 delete mode 100644 Makefile.aix
 delete mode 100644 Makefile.mac
 delete mode 100644 Makefile.solaris
 delete mode 100644 flist_sort.h
 delete mode 100644 lib/flist_sort.c


Diff of recent changes:

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 19943db..df58489 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
 OPTFLAGS= -O2 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -g $(EXTFLAGS)
-CFLAGS	= -std=gnu99 -Wwrite-strings -Wall $(OPTFLAGS) -rdynamic
-LIBS	= -lpthread -lm -ldl -lrt -laio
+CFLAGS	= -std=gnu99 -Wwrite-strings -Wall $(OPTFLAGS)
+LIBS	= -lm
 PROGS	= fio
 SCRIPTS = fio_generate_plots
+UNAME  := $(shell uname)
 SOURCE = gettime.c fio.c ioengines.c init.c stat.c log.c time.c filesetup.c \
-	eta.c verify.c memory.c io_u.c parse.c mutex.c options.c rbtree.c \
-	diskutil.c fifo.c blktrace.c smalloc.c filehash.c helpers.c \
-	cgroup.c profile.c debug.c trim.c lib/rand.c lib/flist_sort.c \
-	lib/num2str.c $(wildcard crc/*.c) engines/cpu.c engines/libaio.c \
-	engines/mmap.c engines/posixaio.c engines/sg.c engines/splice.c \
-	engines/sync.c engines/null.c engines/net.c engines/syslet-rw.c \
-	engines/guasi.c engines/binject.c profiles/tiobench.c
+		eta.c verify.c memory.c io_u.c parse.c mutex.c options.c \
+		rbtree.c smalloc.c filehash.c profile.c debug.c lib/rand.c \
+		lib/num2str.c $(wildcard crc/*.c) engines/cpu.c \
+		engines/mmap.c engines/sync.c engines/null.c engines/net.c
+ifeq ($(UNAME), Linux)
+  SOURCE += diskutil.c fifo.c blktrace.c helpers.c cgroup.c trim.c \
+		engines/libaio.c engines/posixaio.c engines/sg.c \
+		engines/splice.c engines/syslet-rw.c engines/guasi.c \
+		engines/binject.c profiles/tiobench.c
+  LIBS += -lpthread -ldl -lrt -laio
+  CFLAGS += -rdynamic
+else ifeq ($(UNAME), SunOS)
+  SOURCE += fifo.c lib/strsep.c helpers.c solaris.c engines/posixaio.c \
+		engines/solarisaio.c
+  LIBS	 += -lpthread -ldl -laio -lrt -lnsl -lsocket
+else ifeq ($(UNAME), FreeBSD)
+  SOURCE += helpers.c engines/posixaio.c
+  LIBS	 += -lpthread -lrt
+  CFLAGS += -rdynamic
+else ifeq ($(UNAME), NetBSD)
+  SOURCE += helpers.c engines/posixaio.c
+  LIBS	 += -lpthread -lrt
+  CFLAGS += -rdynamic
+else ifeq ($(UNAME), AIX)
+  SOURCE += fifo.c helpers.c lib/getopt_long.c engines/posixaio.c
+  LIBS	 += -lpthread -ldl -lrt
+  CFLAGS += -rdynamic
+else ifeq ($(UNAME), Darwin)
+  SOURCE += helpers.c engines/posixaio.c
+  LIBS	 += -lpthread -ldl
+else ifneq (,$(findstring CYGWIN,$(UNAME)))
+  SOURCE += engines/windowsaio.c
+  LIBS	 += -lpthread -lrt
 OBJS = $(SOURCE:.c=.o)
 ifneq ($(findstring $(MAKEFLAGS),s),s)
diff --git a/Makefile.FreeBSD b/Makefile.FreeBSD
deleted file mode 100644
index 537f770..0000000
--- a/Makefile.FreeBSD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-CC	= gcc
-OPTFLAGS= -O2 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -g $(EXTFLAGS)
-CFLAGS	= -std=gnu99 -Wwrite-strings -Wall $(OPTFLAGS) -rdynamic
-LIBS	= -lpthread -lm -lrt
-PROGS	= fio
-SCRIPTS = fio_generate_plots
-SOURCE = gettime.c fio.c ioengines.c init.c stat.c log.c time.c filesetup.c \
-	eta.c verify.c memory.c io_u.c parse.c mutex.c options.c rbtree.c \
-	smalloc.c filehash.c helpers.c profile.c debug.c lib/rand.c \
-	lib/flist_sort.c lib/num2str.c $(wildcard crc/*.c) engines/cpu.c \
-	engines/mmap.c engines/posixaio.c engines/sync.c engines/null.c \
-	engines/net.c
-OBJS = $(SOURCE:.c=.o)
-ifneq ($(findstring $(MAKEFLAGS),s),s)
-ifndef V
-	QUIET_CC	= @echo '   ' CC $@;
-	QUIET_DEP	= @echo '   ' DEP $@;
-INSTALL = install
-prefix = /usr/local
-bindir = $(prefix)/bin
-mandir = $(prefix)/man
-	$(QUIET_CC)$(CC) -o $@ -c $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $<
-fio: $(OBJS)
-	$(QUIET_CC)$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $(LIBS) $(OBJS)
-	$(QUIET_DEP)$(CC) -MM $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(SOURCE) 1> .depend
-$(PROGS): depend
-all: depend $(PROGS) $(SCRIPTS)
-	-rm -f .depend cscope.out $(OBJS) $(PROGS) core.* core
-	@cscope -b
-install: $(PROGS) $(SCRIPTS)
-	$(INSTALL) -m755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
-	$(INSTALL) $(PROGS) $(SCRIPTS) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
-	$(INSTALL) -m 755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1
-	$(INSTALL) -m 644 fio.1 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1
-	$(INSTALL) -m 644 fio_generate_plots.1 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1
-ifneq ($(wildcard .depend),)
-include .depend
diff --git a/Makefile.NetBSD b/Makefile.NetBSD
deleted file mode 100644
index cefc34e..0000000
--- a/Makefile.NetBSD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-CC	= gcc
-OPTFLAGS= -O2 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -g $(EXTFLAGS)
-CFLAGS	= -std=gnu99 -Wwrite-strings -Wall $(OPTFLAGS) -rdynamic
-LIBS	= -lpthread -lm -lrt
-PROGS	= fio
-SCRIPTS = fio_generate_plots
-SOURCE = gettime.c fio.c ioengines.c init.c stat.c log.c time.c filesetup.c \
-	eta.c verify.c memory.c io_u.c parse.c mutex.c options.c rbtree.c \
-	smalloc.c filehash.c helpers.c profile.c debug.c lib/rand.c \
-	lib/flist_sort.c lib/num2str.c $(wildcard crc/*.c) engines/cpu.c \
-	engines/mmap.c engines/posixaio.c engines/sync.c engines/null.c \
-	engines/net.c
-OBJS = $(SOURCE:.c=.o)
-ifneq ($(findstring $(MAKEFLAGS),s),s)
-ifndef V
-	QUIET_CC	= @echo '   ' CC $@;
-	QUIET_DEP	= @echo '   ' DEP $@;
-INSTALL = install
-prefix = /usr/local
-bindir = $(prefix)/bin
-mandir = $(prefix)/man
-	$(QUIET_CC)$(CC) -o $@ -c $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $<
-fio: $(OBJS)
-	$(QUIET_CC)$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $(LIBS) $(OBJS)
-	$(QUIET_DEP)$(CC) -MM $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(SOURCE) 1> .depend
-$(PROGS): depend
-all: depend $(PROGS) $(SCRIPTS)
-	-rm -f .depend cscope.out $(OBJS) $(PROGS) core.* core
-	@cscope -b
-install: $(PROGS) $(SCRIPTS)
-	$(INSTALL) -m755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
-	$(INSTALL) $(PROGS) $(SCRIPTS) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
-	$(INSTALL) -m 755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1
-	$(INSTALL) -m 644 fio.1 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1
-	$(INSTALL) -m 644 fio_generate_plots.1 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1
-ifneq ($(wildcard .depend),)
-include .depend
diff --git a/Makefile.Windows b/Makefile.Windows
deleted file mode 100644
index 3313c04..0000000
--- a/Makefile.Windows
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-CC	= gcc
-OPTFLAGS= -O2 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -gstabs+ $(EXTFLAGS)
-CFLAGS	= -std=gnu99 -Wwrite-strings -Wall $(OPTFLAGS)
-LIBS	= -lpthread -lm -lrt
-PROGS	= fio
-SCRIPTS = fio_generate_plots
-SOURCE = gettime.c fio.c ioengines.c init.c stat.c log.c time.c filesetup.c \
-	eta.c verify.c memory.c io_u.c parse.c mutex.c options.c rbtree.c \
-	smalloc.c filehash.c profile.c debug.c lib/rand.c \
-	lib/flist_sort.c lib/num2str.c $(wildcard crc/*.c) engines/cpu.c \
-	engines/mmap.c engines/sync.c engines/null.c engines/net.c \
-	engines/net.c engines/windowsaio.c
-OBJS = $(SOURCE:.c=.o)
-ifneq ($(findstring $(MAKEFLAGS),s),s)
-ifndef V
-	QUIET_CC	= @echo '   ' CC $@;
-	QUIET_DEP	= @echo '   ' DEP $@;
-INSTALL = install
-prefix = /usr/local
-bindir = $(prefix)/bin
-mandir = $(prefix)/man
-	$(QUIET_CC)$(CC) -o $@ -c $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $<
-fio: $(OBJS)
-	$(QUIET_CC)windres os/windows/version.rc -O coff -o version.o
-	$(QUIET_CC)$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $(LIBS) $(OBJS) version.o
-	$(QUIET_DEP)$(CC) -MM $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(SOURCE) 1> .depend
-$(PROGS): depend
-all: depend $(PROGS) $(SCRIPTS)
-	-rm -f .depend cscope.out $(OBJS) $(PROGS) version.o core.* core
-	@cscope -b
-install: $(PROGS) $(SCRIPTS)
-	$(INSTALL) -m755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
-	$(INSTALL) $(PROGS) $(SCRIPTS) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
-	$(INSTALL) -m 755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1
-	$(INSTALL) -m 644 fio.1 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1
-	$(INSTALL) -m 644 fio_generate_plots.1 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1
-ifneq ($(wildcard .depend),)
-include .depend
diff --git a/Makefile.aix b/Makefile.aix
deleted file mode 100644
index 174ffee..0000000
--- a/Makefile.aix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-CC	= gcc
-OPTFLAGS= -O2 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -g $(EXTFLAGS)
-CFLAGS	= -std=gnu99 -Wwrite-strings -Wall $(OPTFLAGS) -rdynamic
-LIBS	= -lpthread -lm -ldl -lrt
-PROGS	= fio
-SCRIPTS = fio_generate_plots
-SOURCE = gettime.c fio.c ioengines.c init.c stat.c log.c time.c filesetup.c \
-	eta.c verify.c memory.c io_u.c parse.c mutex.c options.c rbtree.c \
-	fifo.c smalloc.c filehash.c helpers.c profile.c debug.c lib/rand.c \
-	lib/getopt_long.c lib/num2str.c $(wildcard crc/*.c) engines/cpu.c \
-	engines/mmap.c engines/posixaio.c engines/sync.c engines/null.c \
-	engines/net.c profiles/tiobench.c
-OBJS = $(SOURCE:.c=.o)
-ifneq ($(findstring $(MAKEFLAGS),s),s)
-ifndef V
-	QUIET_CC	= @echo '   ' CC $@;
-	QUIET_DEP	= @echo '   ' DEP $@;
-INSTALL = installbsd -c
-prefix = /usr/local
-bindir = $(prefix)/bin
-mandir = $(prefix)/man
-	$(QUIET_CC)$(CC) -o $@ -c $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $<
-fio: $(OBJS)
-	$(QUIET_CC)$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $(LIBS) $(OBJS)
-	$(QUIET_DEP)$(CC) -MM $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(SOURCE) 1> .depend
-$(PROGS): depend
-all: depend $(PROGS) $(SCRIPTS)
-	-rm -f .depend cscope.out $(OBJS) $(PROGS) core.* core
-	@cscope -b
-install: $(PROGS) $(SCRIPTS)
-	mkdir -p -m 755 $(DESTDIR)$(bindir) $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1
-	$(INSTALL) $(PROGS) $(SCRIPTS) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
-	$(INSTALL) -m 644 fio.1 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1
-	$(INSTALL) -m 644 fio_generate_plots.1 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1
-ifneq ($(wildcard .depend),)
-include .depend
diff --git a/Makefile.mac b/Makefile.mac
deleted file mode 100644
index 6efce20..0000000
--- a/Makefile.mac
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-CC	= gcc
-OPTFLAGS= -O2 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -g $(EXTFLAGS)
-CFLAGS	= -std=gnu99 -Wwrite-strings -Wall $(OPTFLAGS) -rdynamic
-LIBS	= -lpthread -lm -ldl
-PROGS	= fio
-SCRIPTS = fio_generate_plots
-SOURCE = gettime.c fio.c ioengines.c init.c stat.c log.c time.c filesetup.c \
-	eta.c verify.c memory.c io_u.c parse.c mutex.c options.c rbtree.c \
-	smalloc.c filehash.c helpers.c profile.c debug.c lib/rand.c \
-	lib/flist_sort.c lib/num2str.c $(wildcard crc/*.c) engines/cpu.c \
-	engines/mmap.c engines/posixaio.c engines/sync.c engines/null.c \
-	engines/net.c
-OBJS = $(SOURCE:.c=.o)
-ifneq ($(findstring $(MAKEFLAGS),s),s)
-ifndef V
-	QUIET_CC	= @echo '   ' CC $@;
-	QUIET_DEP	= @echo '   ' DEP $@;
-INSTALL = install
-prefix = /usr/local
-bindir = $(prefix)/bin
-mandir = $(prefix)/man
-	$(QUIET_CC)$(CC) -o $@ -c $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $<
-fio: $(OBJS)
-	$(QUIET_CC)$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $(LIBS) $(OBJS)
-	$(QUIET_DEP)$(CC) -MM $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(SOURCE) 1> .depend
-$(PROGS): depend
-all: depend $(PROGS) $(SCRIPTS)
-	-rm -f .depend cscope.out $(OBJS) $(PROGS) core.* core
-	@cscope -b
-install: $(PROGS) $(SCRIPTS)
-	$(INSTALL) -m755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
-	$(INSTALL) $(PROGS) $(SCRIPTS) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
-	$(INSTALL) -m 755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1
-	$(INSTALL) -m 644 fio.1 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1
-	$(INSTALL) -m 644 fio_generate_plots.1 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1
-ifneq ($(wildcard .depend),)
-include .depend
diff --git a/Makefile.solaris b/Makefile.solaris
deleted file mode 100644
index 97a3ae5..0000000
--- a/Makefile.solaris
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-CC	= gcc
-OPTFLAGS= -O2 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -g $(EXTFLAGS)
-CFLAGS	= -std=gnu99 -Wall $(OPTFLAGS)
-LIBS	= -lpthread -lm -ldl -laio -lrt -lnsl -lsocket
-PROGS	= fio
-SCRIPTS = fio_generate_plots
-SOURCE = gettime.c fio.c ioengines.c init.c stat.c log.c time.c filesetup.c \
-	eta.c verify.c memory.c io_u.c parse.c mutex.c options.c rbtree.c \
-	fifo.c smalloc.c filehash.c lib/strsep.c helpers.c solaris.c \
-	profile.c debug.c lib/rand.c lib/flist_sort.c lib/num2str.c \
-	$(wildcard crc/*.c) engines/cpu.c engines/mmap.c engines/posixaio.c \
-	engines/sync.c engines/null.c engines/net.c engines/solarisaio.c
-OBJS = $(SOURCE:.c=.o)
-ifneq ($(findstring $(MAKEFLAGS),s),s)
-ifndef V
-	QUIET_CC	= @echo '   ' CC $@;
-	QUIET_DEP	= @echo '   ' DEP $@;
-INSTALL = install
-prefix = /usr/local
-bindir = $(prefix)/bin
-mandir = $(prefix)/man
-	$(QUIET_CC)$(CC) -o $@ -c $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $<
-fio: $(OBJS)
-	$(QUIET_CC)$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $(LIBS) $(OBJS)
-	$(QUIET_DEP)$(CC) -MM $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(SOURCE) 1> .depend
-$(PROGS): depend
-all: depend $(PROGS) $(SCRIPTS)
-	-rm -f .depend cscope.out $(OBJS) $(PROGS) core.* core
-	@cscope -b
-install: $(PROGS) $(SCRIPTS)
-	$(INSTALL) -m755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
-	$(INSTALL) $(PROGS) $(SCRIPTS) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
-	$(INSTALL) -m 755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1
-	$(INSTALL) -m 644 fio.1 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1
-	$(INSTALL) -m 644 fio_generate_plots.1 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1
-ifneq ($(wildcard .depend),)
-include .depend
diff --git a/README b/README
index adcced6..cc84fed 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -83,18 +83,11 @@
-Just type 'make' and 'make install'. If on BSD, for now you have to
-specify the BSD Makefile with -f and use gmake (not make), eg:
+Just type 'make' and 'make install'.
-$ gmake -f Makefile.FreeBSD && gmake -f Makefile.FreeBSD install
-Same goes for AIX:
-$ gmake -f Makefile.aix && gmake -f Makefile.aix install
-Likewise with OpenSolaris, use the Makefile.solaris to compile there.
-The OpenSolaris make should work fine. This might change in the
-future if I opt for an autoconf type setup.
+Note that GNU make is required. On BSD it's available from devel/gmake;
+on Solaris it's in the SUNWgmake package. On platforms where GNU make
+isn't the default, type 'gmake' instead of 'make'.
 If your compile fails with an error like this:
diff --git a/engines/mmap.c b/engines/mmap.c
index 059bfcf..79238b1 100644
--- a/engines/mmap.c
+++ b/engines/mmap.c
@@ -181,8 +181,16 @@ static int fio_mmapio_queue(struct thread_data *td, struct io_u *io_u)
 static int fio_mmapio_init(struct thread_data *td)
+	struct thread_options *o = &td->o;
 	unsigned long shift, mask;
+	if ((td->o.rw_min_bs & page_mask) &&
+	    (o->odirect || o->fsync_blocks || o->fdatasync_blocks)) {
+		log_err("fio: mmap options dictate a minimum block size of "
+			"%lu bytes\n", page_size);
+		return 1;
+	}
 	mmap_map_size = MMAP_TOTAL_SZ / td->o.nr_files;
 	mask = mmap_map_size;
 	shift = 0;
diff --git a/flist_sort.h b/flist_sort.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 686b7a5..0000000
--- a/flist_sort.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-struct flist_head;
-void flist_sort(void *priv, struct flist_head *head,
-	       int (*cmp)(void *priv, struct flist_head *a,
-			  struct flist_head *b));
diff --git a/ioengines.c b/ioengines.c
index 6b677cb..7f4e104 100644
--- a/ioengines.c
+++ b/ioengines.c
@@ -312,6 +312,8 @@ int td_io_init(struct thread_data *td)
 			log_err("fio: io engine init failed. Perhaps try"
 				" reducing io depth?\n");
+		if (!td->error)
+			td->error = ret;
 	return ret;
diff --git a/lib/flist_sort.c b/lib/flist_sort.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a2da84..0000000
--- a/lib/flist_sort.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-#include <string.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include "../flist.h"
-#include "../flist_sort.h"
-#ifndef ARRAY_SIZE
-#define	ARRAY_SIZE(arr) (sizeof(arr) / sizeof((arr)[0]))
- * Returns a list organized in an intermediate format suited
- * to chaining of merge() calls: null-terminated, no reserved or
- * sentinel head node, "prev" links not maintained.
- */
-static struct flist_head *merge(void *priv,
-				int (*cmp)(void *priv, struct flist_head *a,
-					struct flist_head *b),
-				struct flist_head *a, struct flist_head *b)
-	struct flist_head head, *tail = &head;
-	while (a && b) {
-		/* if equal, take 'a' -- important for sort stability */
-		if ((*cmp)(priv, a, b) <= 0) {
-			tail->next = a;
-			a = a->next;
-		} else {
-			tail->next = b;
-			b = b->next;
-		}
-		tail = tail->next;
-	}
-	tail->next = a?:b;
-	return;
- * Combine final list merge with restoration of standard doubly-linked
- * list structure.  This approach duplicates code from merge(), but
- * runs faster than the tidier alternatives of either a separate final
- * prev-link restoration pass, or maintaining the prev links
- * throughout.
- */
-static void merge_and_restore_back_links(void *priv,
-				int (*cmp)(void *priv, struct flist_head *a,
-					struct flist_head *b),
-				struct flist_head *head,
-				struct flist_head *a, struct flist_head *b)
-	struct flist_head *tail = head;
-	while (a && b) {
-		/* if equal, take 'a' -- important for sort stability */
-		if ((*cmp)(priv, a, b) <= 0) {
-			tail->next = a;
-			a->prev = tail;
-			a = a->next;
-		} else {
-			tail->next = b;
-			b->prev = tail;
-			b = b->next;
-		}
-		tail = tail->next;
-	}
-	tail->next = a ? : b;
-	do {
-		/*
-		 * In worst cases this loop may run many iterations.
-		 * Continue callbacks to the client even though no
-		 * element comparison is needed, so the client's cmp()
-		 * routine can invoke cond_resched() periodically.
-		 */
-		cmp(priv, tail, tail);
-		tail->next->prev = tail;
-		tail = tail->next;
-	} while (tail->next);
-	tail->next = head;
-	head->prev = tail;
- * flist_sort - sort a list
- * @priv: private data, opaque to flist_sort(), passed to @cmp
- * @head: the list to sort
- * @cmp: the elements comparison function
- *
- * This function implements "merge sort", which has O(nlog(n))
- * complexity.
- *
- * The comparison function @cmp must return a negative value if @a
- * should sort before @b, and a positive value if @a should sort after
- * @b. If @a and @b are equivalent, and their original relative
- * ordering is to be preserved, @cmp must return 0.
- */
-void flist_sort(void *priv, struct flist_head *head,
-		int (*cmp)(void *priv, struct flist_head *a,
-			struct flist_head *b))
-	struct flist_head *part[MAX_LIST_LENGTH_BITS+1]; /* sorted partial lists
-						-- last slot is a sentinel */
-	int lev;  /* index into part[] */
-	int max_lev = 0;
-	struct flist_head *list;
-	if (flist_empty(head))
-		return;
-	memset(part, 0, sizeof(part));
-	head->prev->next = NULL;
-	list = head->next;
-	while (list) {
-		struct flist_head *cur = list;
-		list = list->next;
-		cur->next = NULL;
-		for (lev = 0; part[lev]; lev++) {
-			cur = merge(priv, cmp, part[lev], cur);
-			part[lev] = NULL;
-		}
-		if (lev > max_lev) {
-			assert(lev < ARRAY_SIZE(part) - 1);
-			max_lev = lev;
-		}
-		part[lev] = cur;
-	}
-	for (lev = 0; lev < max_lev; lev++)
-		if (part[lev])
-			list = merge(priv, cmp, part[lev], list);
-	merge_and_restore_back_links(priv, cmp, head, part[max_lev], list);
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