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Title: Federal Register Contents, Friday, July 17, 2009

Contents Federal Register
Vol. 74, No. 136
Friday, July 17, 2009

Agricultural Marketing Service
Peanut Promotion, Research, and Information Order; Section 610 Review ,
34687 [E9–17030] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Agriculture Department
See  Agricultural Marketing Service
See  Forest Service
Antitrust Division
National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1933:
  National Biodiesel Accreditation Commission ,
  34788–34789 [E9–16776] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Blind or Severely Disabled, Committee for Purchase From People Who Are
See  Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled
Bonneville Power Administration
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Klickitat Hatchery Program ,
  34740–34741 [E9–17034] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals ,
34758–34759 [E9–17079] [TEXT]  [PDF]
34757–34758 [E9–17080] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Commerce Department
See  Economic Analysis Bureau
See  Foreign–Trade Zones Board
See  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals ,
34710 [E9–16960] [TEXT]  [PDF]
34710 [E9–17031] [TEXT]  [PDF]
34710–34711 [E9–17042] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled
Procurement List; Additions and Deletions ,
34727–34728 [E9–17020] [TEXT]  [PDF]
34726–34727 [E9–17019] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Comptroller of the Currency
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals ,
34865–34867 [E9–17056] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Copyright Office, Library of Congress
Agreements Under the 2009 Webcaster Settlement Act ,
34796–34802 [E9–17092] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Defense Department
Private Security Contractors (PSCs) Operating in Contingency Operations ,
34690–34694 [E9–17059] [TEXT]  [PDF]
TRICARE; Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS):
  Changes Included in the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007; Authorization of Forensic Examinations ,
  34694–34696 [E9–17060] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals ,
34728–34729 [E9–17061] [TEXT]  [PDF]
34730–34731 [E9–17063] [TEXT]  [PDF]
34730 [E9–17064] [TEXT]  [PDF]
34729–34730 [E9–17065] [TEXT]  [PDF]
34729 [E9–17066] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Department of Transportation
See  Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
Economic Analysis Bureau
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals ,
34711–34712 [E9–16963] [TEXT]  [PDF]
34712 [E9–16964] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Education Department
International Education Programs ,
35070–35074 [E9–16953] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals; Correction ,
34731 [E9–17037] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Applications for Fiscal Year 2009 New Awards:
  Technical Assistance and Dissemination to Improve Services and Results for Children With Disabilities, etc. ,
  34731–34737 [E9–17126] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Election Assistance Commission
Publication of State Plan Pursuant to the Help America Vote Act ,
34870–35035 [E9–16611] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Energy Department
See  Bonneville Power Administration
See  Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Environmental Protection Agency
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan:
  San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District ,
  34704–34707 [E9–17045] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals ,
34752–34753 [E9–17047] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc. ,
34753–34754 [E9–17089] [TEXT]  [PDF]
34754–34755 [E9–17090] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Proposed CERCLA Administrative De Minimis Settlement:
  Casmalia Disposal Site ,
  34755–34756 [E9–16863] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Federal Aviation Administration
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals ,
34858 [E9–16806] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Federal Communications Commission
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals ,
34756–34757 [E9–17043] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals ,
34865–34867 [E9–17056] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Final Flood Elevation Determinations ,
34697–34700 [E9–17108] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals ,
34768–34769 [E9–17057] [TEXT]  [PDF]
34768 [E9–17068] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Major Disaster Declarations:
  Arkansas ,
  34769–34770 [E9–17040] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  National Fire Academy Board of Visitors ,
  34770–34771 [E9–17062] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Applications Accepted for Filing, Soliciting Motions to Intervene and Protests, etc.:
  North Hartland, LLC ,
  34738 [E9–16992] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Monadnock Paper Mills, Inc. ,
  34738–34740 [E9–16973] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Domtar Maine Corp.; Scoping Meetings ,
  34742–34744 [E9–16990] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  34741–34742 [E9–16991] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Gulf South Pipeline Co., LP ,
  34744–34745 [E9–16993] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Consolidated Water Power Co., et al. ,
  34746 [E9–16976] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Entergy Power Ventures, L.P. ,
  34745–34746 [E9–16974] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Southwestern Power Administration ,
  34746 [E9–16977] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Initial Market-Based Rate Filing Includes Request for Blanket Section 204 Authorization:
  Verde Energy USA, Inc. ,
  34746–34747 [E9–16975] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Preliminary Permit Applications Accepted for Filing and Soliciting Comments, Motions to Intervene, etc.:
  Arizona Independent Power, Inc. ,
  34750–34751 [E9–16979] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  FFP Project 66, LLC ,
  34748 [E9–16989] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  FFP Project 78, LLC ,
  34751 [E9–16981] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  FFP Project 79, LLC ,
  34747 [E9–16982] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  FFP Project 80, LLC ,
  34751–34752 [E9–16983] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  FFP Project 81, LLC ,
  34747 [E9–16984] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  FFP Project 82, LLC ,
  34749–34750 [E9–16985] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  FFP Project 83, LLC ,
  34749 [E9–16986] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  FFP Project 84, LLC ,
  34748–34749 [E9–16987] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  FFP Project 85, LLC ,
  34748 [E9–16988] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Hydrodynamics, Inc. ,
  34750 [E9–16980] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Jonathan and Jane Chase ,
  34752 [E9–16978] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Federal Reserve System
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals ,
34865–34867 [E9–17056] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Federal Transit Administration
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals ,
34858–34859 [E9–17077] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Fish and Wildlife Service
Subsistence Management Regulations for Public Lands in Alaska; Makhnati Island Area; Correction ,
34696–34697 [E9–17052] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals ,
34772–34774 [E9–17070] [TEXT]  [PDF]
34771–34772 [E9–17072] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Marine Mammals and Endangered Species:
  National Marine Fisheries Service File No. 932–1905; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (File No. MA–009526) ,
  34725–34726 [E9–17087] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Foreign–Trade Zones Board
Foreign–Trade Zone 134:
  Chattanooga, TN, Application for Temporary/Interim Manufacturing Authority, Volkswagen Group of America, etc. ,
  34714 [E9–17075] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Foreign–Trade Zone 234:
  Gregg County, Texas; Application for Reorganization under Alternative Site Framework ,
  34714–34715 [E9–17076] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Forest Service
Subsistence Management Regulations for Public Lands in Alaska; Makhnati Island Area; Correction ,
34696–34697 [E9–17052] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Health and Human Services Department
See  Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
See  Health Resources and Services Administration
See  National Institutes of Health
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals ,
34757 [E9–16966] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Health Resources and Services Administration
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals ,
34759–34760 [E9–16958] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Single Source Grant Award to Lincoln County Health Department in Libby, MT ,
34767–34768 [E9–16959] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Homeland Security Department
See  Federal Emergency Management Agency
See  U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Housing and Urban Development Department
Federal Property Suitable as Facilities to Assist the Homeless ,
34771 [E9–16706] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Interior Department
See  Fish and Wildlife Service
See  Land Management Bureau
See  Minerals Management Service
See  National Park Service
See  Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement Office
International Trade Commission
  Prestressed Concrete Steel Wire Strand from China ,
  34782–34783 [E9–16998] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Scheduling of Final Phases of Countervailing Duties and Antidumping Investigations:
  Commodity Matchbooks from India ,
  34783–34784 [E9–16994] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Scheduling of Final Phases of Countervailing Duty Investigations:
  Ni-Resist Piston Inserts from Argentina and Korea ,
  34784–34785 [E9–16995] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Terminations of Investigation:
  Certain Computer Products, Computer Components and Products Containing Same ,
  34785–34786 [E9–16997] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Justice Department
See  Antitrust Division
See  Parole Commission
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals ,
34787–34788 [E9–17081] [TEXT]  [PDF]
34786–34787 [E9–17082] [TEXT]  [PDF]
34787 [E9–17083] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Lodging of Consent Decree Under the Safe Drinking Water Act ,
34788 [E9–16999] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Labor Department
See  Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Land Management Bureau
  Southeast Oregon Resource Advisory Council ,
  34777 [E9–16967] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Library of Congress
See  Copyright Office, Library of Congress
Minerals Management Service
Outer Continental Shelf Western Planning Area Gulf of Mexico Oil and Gas Lease Sale 210 ,
34777–34782 [E9–16955] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Mississippi River Commission
Meetings; Sunshine Act ,
34802 [E9–17157] [TEXT]  [PDF]
National Institutes of Health
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals ,
34760–34761 [E9–17026] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Center For Scientific Review ,
  34762–34764 [E9–16572] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  National Advisory Council for Complementary and Alternative Medicine ,
  34764 [E9–17055] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  National Cancer Institute,
  34764–34765 [E9–17053] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  National Cancer Institute ,
  34765 [E9–17046] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  34765 [E9–17049] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute ,
  34765 [E9–17051] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases ,
  34762 [E9–17085] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases ,
  34762 [E9–17084] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences ,
  34766 [E9–17039] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  34765–34766 [E9–17044] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  National Institute of Mental Health ,
  34764 [E9–17058] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  National Institute on Aging ,
  34766 [E9–17041] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  34761–34762 [E9–17086] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism ,
  34761 [E9–16780] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Prospective Grants of Exclusive Licenses:
  Use of CD47 Antibodies, Antisense Oligonucleotides, and Small Molecules to Treat Disease, etc. ,
  34766–34767 [E9–17038] [TEXT]  [PDF]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska:
  Revision of Single Geographic Location Requirement in the Bering Sea Subarea (Amendments 62/62) ,
  34701–34703 [E9–17088] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Fisheries Off West Coast States:
  Coastal Pelagic Species Fisheries; Closure ,
  34700 [E9–17186] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Fisheries in the Western Pacific:
  Pelagic Fisheries; Vessel Identification Requirements ,
  34707–34709 [E9–17073] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Fisheries off West Coast States:
  Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery (Amendment 15) ,
  34712–34714 [E9–17069] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Incidental Takes of Marine Mammals During Specified Activities:
  Low-Energy Marine Seismic Survey in the Northeast Pacific Ocean (July 2009) ,
  34715–34725 [E9–17067] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Marine Mammals and Endangered Species:
  National Marine Fisheries Service File No. 932–1905; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (File No. MA–009526) ,
  34725–34726 [E9–17087] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  New England Fishery Management Council ,
  34726 [E9–17017] [TEXT]  [PDF]
National Park Service
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Final General Management Plan; Fort Stanwix National Monument, NY ,
  34774–34775 [E9–17071] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Inventory Completion:
  National Park Service, Tumacacori National Historical Park, Tumacacori, AZ ,
  34775–34776 [E9–17054] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Acadia National Park Advisory Commission ,
  34776 [E9–17105] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Big Cypress National Preserve Off-road Vehicle Advisory Committee; Cancellation ,
  34776–34777 [E9–17098] [TEXT]  [PDF]
National Science Foundation
  Proposal Review Panel for Materials Research ,
  34802–34803 [E9–17028] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Arizona Public Service Co. et al. ,
  34803–34804 [E9–17050] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Withdrawal of Regulatory Guide ,
34804 [E9–17048] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Grant of Permanent Variance:
  Calaveras Power Partners L.P., Matrix Service Inc., T. E. Ibberson Co. et al. ,
  34789–34795 [E9–17023] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Maritime Advisory Committee for Occupational Safety and Health (MACOSH) ,
  34795–34796 [E9–17022] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Parole Commission
Paroling, Recommitting, and Supervising Federal Prisoners:
  Prisoners Serving Sentences Under the United States and District of Columbia Codes ,
  34688–34690 [E9–16969] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Personnel Management Office
Consolidated Listing of Schedules A, B, and C Exceptions:
  Excepted Service ,
  35038–35068 [E9–16743] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
  Pipeline Safety; Technical Pipeline Safety Advisory Committee ,
  34707 [E9–16965] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Public Debt Bureau
Privacy Act; Systems of Records ,
34867–34868 [E9–17132] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Railroad Retirement Board
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals ,
34804–34806 [E9–16968] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Securities and Exchange Commission
Proxy Disclosure and Solicitation Enhancements ,
35076–35111 [E9–16764] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Self-Regulatory Organizations; Proposed Rule Changes:
  Chicago Board Options Exchange, Inc. ,
  34842–34844 [E9–17003] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Chicago Stock Exchange, Inc. ,
  34836–34837 [E9–17010] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  International Securities Exchange, LLC ,
  34809–34811 [E9–17004] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  34811–34813 [E9–17006] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  34806–34809 [E9–17002] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  NASDAQ Stock Market LLC ,
  34840–34842 [E9–17005] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  New York Stock Exchange LLC ,
  34817–34822 [E9–17013] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  34822–34826 [E9–17015] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  NYSE Amex LLC ,
  34813–34815 [E9–17008] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  34834–34836 [E9–17012] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  34829–34834 [E9–17014] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  34826–34829 [E9–17016] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  NYSE Arca, Inc. ,
  34837–34840 [E9–17007] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  34816–34817 [E9–17011] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Small Business Administration
Disaster Declaration:
  Arkansas ,
  34806 [E9–17115] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  South Dakota ,
  34806 [E9–17120] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Social Security Administration
  Future Systems Technology Advisory Panel ,
  34844–34845 [E9–17027] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement Office
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals ,
34774 [E9–16910] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Surface Transportation Board
Construction and Operation Exemption:
  Alaska Railroad Corp.; Rail Line Extension to Port MacKenzie, AK ,
  34859–34865 [E9–17018] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Susquehanna River Basin Commission
Actions Taken at June 18, 2009, Meeting ,
34845–34847 [E9–16971] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Projects Approved for Consumptive Uses of Water ,
34847 [E9–16972] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Tennessee Valley Authority
Meetings; Sunshine Act ,
34868 [E9–17141] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Thrift Supervision Office
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals ,
34865–34867 [E9–17056] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Transportation Department
See  Federal Aviation Administration
See  Federal Transit Administration
See  Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
See  Surface Transportation Board
Order Soliciting Community Proposals ,
34847–34858 [E9–17093] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Treasury Department
See  Comptroller of the Currency
See  Public Debt Bureau
See  Thrift Supervision Office
U.S. Customs and Border Protection
  Advisory Committee on Commercial Operations of Customs and Border Protection (COAC) ,
  34770 [E9–16970] [TEXT]  [PDF]

Separate Parts In This Issue
Part II
Election Assistance Commission ,
34870–35035 [E9–16611] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Part III
Personnel Management Office ,
35038–35068 [E9–16743] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Part IV
Education Department ,
35070–35074 [E9–16953] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Part V
Securities and Exchange Commission ,
35076–35111 [E9–16764] [TEXT]  [PDF]

Reader Aids  [TEXT]  [PDF]

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