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Title: Federal Register Contents, Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Contents Federal Register
Vol. 74, No. 8
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

— —— —
Agriculture Department
See  Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
See  Forest Service
See  Natural Resources Conservation Service
Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives Bureau
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
1707 [E9–464] [TEXT]  [PDF]
1708 [E9–465] [TEXT]  [PDF]
1708–1709 [E9–472] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
Official Animal Identification Numbering Systems,
1634–1643 [E9–353] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
1688–1689 [E9–405] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Subcommittee on Procedures Reviews, Advisory Board on Radiation and Worker Health (ABRWH), National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH),
  1689–1690 [E9–524] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Children and Families Administration
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
1690 [E9–447] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Commerce Department
See  Economic Analysis Bureau
See  Industry and Security Bureau
See  International Trade Administration
See  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Comptroller of the Currency
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
1762–1763 [E9–433] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Department of Transportation
See  Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
Drug Enforcement Administration
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
1709 [E9–467] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Economic Analysis Bureau
Direct Investment Surveys:
  BE–11, Annual Survey of U.S. Direct Investment Abroad,
  1590–1591 [E9–463] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Education Department
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
1666–1667 [E9–390] [TEXT]  [PDF]
1667 [E9–393] [TEXT]  [PDF]
1667–1668 [E9–395] [TEXT]  [PDF]
1668 [E9–488] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Energy Department
See  Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Office
See  Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
  Environmental Management Site-Specific Advisory Board, Idaho National Laboratory,
  1668–1669 [E9–468] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Office
Public Meeting and Availability of the Preliminary Technical Support Document:
  Energy Conservation Standards for Residential Water Heaters, Direct Heating Equipment, and Pool Heaters,
  1643–1646 [E9–476] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Protection Agency
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans:
  Washington; Interstate Transport of Pollution,
  1591–1593 [E9–357] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
1679–1681 [E9–471] [TEXT]  [PDF]
1681–1682 [E9–475] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Board of Scientific Counselors, National Center for Environmental Research Standing Subcommittee Meeting2009,
  1682–1683 [E9–470] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Total Coliform Rule/Distribution Systems Advisory Committee Agreement in Principle,
1683–1684 [E9–469] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
1684 [E9–490] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Executive Office of the President
See  Presidential Documents
Federal Aviation Administration
Airworthiness Directives:
  Airbus Model A318, A319, A320, and A321 Series Airplanes,
  1646–1649 [E9–456] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Airbus Model A330–200 and –300 Series Airplanes, and A340–200, –300, –500 and –600 Series Airplanes,
  1649–1651 [E9–458] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Class E Airspace:
  Battle Creek, MI,
  1652–1653 [E9–477] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Omaha, NE,
  1651–1652 [E9–478] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
1751–1752 [E9–341] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Assessments; Availability, etc.:
  Barter Island Airport, Kaktovik, AK,
  1752–1753 [E9–479] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Petition for Exemption; Summary of Petition Received,
1753–1754 [E9–380] [TEXT]  [PDF]
1754 [E9–381] [TEXT]  [PDF]
1754–1755 [E9–382] [TEXT]  [PDF]
1755 [E9–383] [TEXT]  [PDF]
1755–1756 [E9–384] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Second MeetingSpecial Committee 219Attitude and Heading Reference Systems (AHRS),
1756 [E9–491] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Federal Communications Commission
Closed Captioning of Video Programming:
  Closed Captioning Requirements for Digital Television Receivers,
  1594–1605 [E8–31447] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Television Broadcasting Services:
  Grand Island, NE,
  1593 [E9–508] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Hayes Center, NE,
  1593–1594 [E9–511] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Closed Captioning of Video Programming,
1654–1661 [E8–31446] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Television Broadcasting Services:
  Cadillac, MI,
  1653–1654 [E9–509] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
1685 [E8–31443] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
1685–1686 [E9–619] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Petition for Reconsideration of Action in Rulemaking Proceeding,
1686 [E9–510] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Combined Notice of Filings,
1669–1672 [E9–397] [TEXT]  [PDF]
1672–1674 [E9–398] [TEXT]  [PDF]
1674–1675 [E9–485] [TEXT]  [PDF]
1675–1678 [E9–486] [TEXT]  [PDF]
1678–1679 [E9–487] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Federal Highway Administration
Environmental Impact Statements; Intent:
  Washington State,
  1756–1757 [E9–429] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Final Federal Agency Actions on a Proposed Highway Project in California,
1757–1758 [E9–459] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Federal Maritime Commission
Agreement Filed,
1686 [E9–425] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Qualifications of Drivers; Exemption Applications:
  1758 [E9–389] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Federal Railroad Administration
Policy on the Safety of Railroad Bridges,
1605–1607 [E9–436] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
1687 [E9–558] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Federal Trade Commission
Rules of Practice,
1804–1836 [E9–296] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Revised Jurisdictional Thresholds for Section 7A of the Clayton Act,
1687–1688 [E9–411] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Revised Jurisdictional Thresholds for Section 8 of the Clayton Act,
1688 [E9–418] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Federal Transit Administration
Continuation of the Early Scoping-Efficient Transportation Decision Making Process for the South Florida East Coast Corridor Transit Analysis,
1758–1760 [E9–435] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Fish and Wildlife Service
2008–2009 Refuge-Specific Hunting and Sport Fishing RegulationsModifications,
1838–1865 [E9–287] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Food and Drug Administration
Advisory Committees; Tentative Schedule of Meetings for 2009,
1690–1692 [E9–451] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Draft Guidance for Industry:
  Good Importer Practices; Availability,
  1692–1693 [E9–453] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Guidance for Industry:
  Good Reprint Practices for the Distribution of Medical Journal Articles and Medical or Scientific Reference Publications on Unapproved New Uses of Approved Drugs and Approved or Cleared Medical Devices; Availability,
  1694–1695 [E9–452] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Participation of Certain Population Subsets in Clinical Drug Trials; Request for Comment,
1695–1697 [E9–450] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Foreign Assets Control Office
Additional Designation of Entities Pursuant to Executive Order (13382),
1763–1768 [E9–396] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Forest Service
  Ravalli County Resource Advisory Committee,
  1662 [E9–448] [TEXT]  [PDF]
General Services Administration
GSA Bulletins:
  Federal Travel Regulation (FTR 09–02),
  1688 [E9–434] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Health and Human Services Department
See  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
See  Children and Families Administration
See  Food and Drug Administration
See  National Institutes of Health
Homeland Security Department
  Homeland Security Information Network Advisory Committee,
  1701–1702 [E9–445] [TEXT]  [PDF]
No FEAR Act; Notification Requirements,
1702–1703 [E9–376] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Privacy Act; Systems of Records,
1703–1704 [E9–377] [TEXT]  [PDF]
1704 [E9–379] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Housing and Urban Development Department
Prohibition on Use of Indian Community Development Block Grant Assistance for Employment Relocation Activities,
1868–1869 [E9–378] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Redelegation of Authority for Office of Public and Indian Housing,
1704–1705 [E9–386] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Industry and Security Bureau
  Sensors and Instrumentation Technical Advisory Committee,
  1662 [E9–366] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Interior Department
See  Fish and Wildlife Service
See  Land Management Bureau
International Trade Administration
  Export Trade Certificate of Review; Association for the Administration of Rice Quotas, Inc.,
  1662–1663 [E9–466] [TEXT]  [PDF]
International Trade Commission
  Circular Welded Carbon Quality Steel Line Pipe from China,
  1706 [E9–446] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Refined Brown Aluminum Oxide From China,
  1706–1707 [E9–480] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Justice Department
See  Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives Bureau
See  Drug Enforcement Administration
Land Management Bureau
Survey Plat Filings:
  1705–1706 [E9–454] [TEXT]  [PDF]
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Decision of Inconsequential Noncompliance:
  Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.,
  1760–1761 [E9–517] [TEXT]  [PDF]
National Institutes of Health
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
1697–1698 [E9–484] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health & Human Development,
  1698 [E9–482] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  1698 [E9–483] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  National Center for Research Resources,
  1698–1699 [E9–417] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  1699 [E9–426] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases,
  1701 [E9–424] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research,
  1701 [E9–420] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases,
  1700–1701 [E9–400] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  National Institute on Aging,
  1701 [E9–401] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  National Institute on Drug Abuse,
  1699–1700 [E9–280] [TEXT]  [PDF]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Fisheries of the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and South Atlantic:
  Snapper-Grouper Fishery off the Southern Atlantic States; Amendment 14,
  1621–1631 [E9–497] [TEXT]  [PDF]
International Fisheries; Pacific Tuna Fisheries:
  Revisions to Regulations for Vessels Authorized to Fish for Tuna and Tuna-like Species in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean and to Requirements for the Submission of Fisheries Certificates of Origin,
  1607–1620 [E9–499] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Pacific Halibut Fisheries:
  Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands King and Tanner Crab Fisheries; Groundfish Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska; Individual Fishing Quota Program; Western Alaska Community Development Quota Program; Recordkeeping and Reporting; Permits; Cor,
  1631–1633 [E9–489] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Draft Guidelines for Use of Pesticide-Treated Wood Products; Availability,
1663–1664 [E9–369] [TEXT]  [PDF]
International Whaling Commission; Intersessional Meeting on the Future of the International Whaling Commission; Nominations,
1664–1665 [E9–370] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council; Correction,
  1665 [E9–608] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Western Pacific Fishery Management Council,
  1665 [E9–385] [TEXT]  [PDF]
U.S. Climate Change Science Program Draft Unified Synthesis Product Report:
  Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States,
  1666 [E9–371] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Regional Equity,
1587–1590 [E9–492] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Environmental Assessment; Availability, etc.:
  Hypervelocity Gun Facility, Naval Research Laboratory, Chesapeake Beach, MD,
  1710–1712 [E9–457] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Facility Operating Licenses, etc.:
  Biweekly Notice,
  1712–1723 [E9–35] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
1723 [E9–585] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Personnel Management Office
Excepted Service,
1723–1724 [E9–406] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
Hazardous Materials:
  Improving the Safety of Railroad Tank Car Transportation of Hazardous Materials,
  1770–1802 [E8–31056] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Presidential Documents
Tom Lantos Block Burmese Junta's Anti-Democratic Efforts (JADE) Act of 2008, Assignment of Function (Memorandum of December 23, 2008),
1585 [E9–595] [TEXT]  [PDF]
United Nations/African Union Mission in Darfur Support, Waiver of Reimbursement (Presidential Determination)
  No. 2009–10 of January 1, 2009,
  1583 [E9–598] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Public Health Service
See  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
See  Food and Drug Administration
See  National Institutes of Health
Securities and Exchange Commission
See  Securities and Exchange Commission
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
1724–1725 [E9–442] [TEXT]  [PDF]
1725 [E9–443] [TEXT]  [PDF]
1725–1726 [E9–444] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Macquarie Global Infrastructure Total Return Fund Inc., et al.,
  1726–1730 [E9–440] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  SunAmerica Focused Alpha Growth Fund, Inc., et al.,
  1730–1734 [E9–416] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
1734 [E9–462] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Self-Regulatory Organizations; Proposed Rule Changes:
  Boston Stock Exchange, Inc.,
  1734–1736 [E9–439] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Chicago Board Options Exchange, Inc.,
  1736–1737 [E9–391] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  1737–1738 [E9–461] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc.,
  1738–1740 [E9–438] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  International Securities Exchange, LLC,
  1740–1741 [E9–413] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board,
  1741–1743 [E9–441] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  NASDAQ Stock Market LLC,
  1743–1744 [E9–437] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  New York Stock Exchange LLC,
  1744–1746 [E9–414] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  1746–1749 [E9–415] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Small Business Administration
Disaster Declarations:
  1749 [E9–421] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  1749 [E9–422] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  1749–1750 [E9–427] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  1750 [E9–423] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  1750 [E9–410] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  1750–1751 [E9–412] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  New Hampshire,
  1751 [E9–419] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  National Small Business Development Center Advisory Board,
  1751 [E9–428] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Transportation Department
See  Federal Aviation Administration
See  Federal Highway Administration
See  Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
See  Federal Railroad Administration
See  Federal Transit Administration
See  National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
See  Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
Treasury Department
See  Comptroller of the Currency
See  Foreign Assets Control Office
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
1761–1762 [E9–431] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Debt Management Advisory Committee,
  1762 [E9–399] [TEXT]  [PDF]
U.S.–China Economic and Security Review Commission
Public Hearings:
  U.S.–China Economic and Security Review Commission,
  1768 [E9–473] [TEXT]  [PDF]

Separate Parts In This Issue
Part II
Transportation Department, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration,
1770–1802 [E8–31056] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Part III
Federal Trade Commission,
1804–1836 [E9–296] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Part IV
Interior Department, Fish and Wildlife Service,
1838–1865 [E9–287] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Part V
Housing and Urban Development,
1868–1869 [E9–378] [TEXT]  [PDF]

Reader Aids  [TEXT]  [PDF]

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