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Title: Federal Register Contents, Friday, April 11, 2008

Contents Federal Register
Vol. 73, No. 71
Friday, April 11, 2008

Agricultural Marketing Service
Marketing Order Regulating the Handling of Spearmint Oil Produced in the Far West:
  Revision of Salable Quantity and Allotment Percentage for Class 3 (Native) Spearmint Oil for the 2007-2008 Marketing Year,
  19743–19746 [E8–7866] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Agriculture Department
See  Agricultural Marketing Service
See  Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
See  Forest Service
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
19802 [E8–7672] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives Bureau
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
19894 [E8–7822] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
19802–19803 [E8–7753] [TEXT]  [PDF]
19803–19805 [E8–7755] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Blind or Severely Disabled, Committee for Purchase From People Who Are
See  Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
19853–19854 [E8–7706] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
19854 [E8–7709] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Children and Families Administration
Administration for Native Americans; Award Urgent Grants,
19854–19855 [E8–7808] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Coast Guard
Drawbridge Operations:
  Norwalk River, Norwalk, CT,
  19746–19747 [E8–7675] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Regulated Navigation Areas, Safety Zones, Security Zones, and Deepwater Port Facilities:
  Navigable Waters of Boston Captain of the Port Zone,
  19780–19785 [E8–7676] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
19857–19858 [E8–7673] [TEXT]  [PDF]
19858–19859 [E8–7674] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Commerce Department
See  Industry and Security Bureau
See  International Trade Administration
See  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
See  National Telecommunications and Information Administration
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
19808–19809 [E8–7651] [TEXT]  [PDF]
19809 [E8–7652] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled
Procurement List; Additions,
19807 [E8–7773] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Procurement List; Proposed Additions and Deletions,
19807–19808 [E8–7772] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Drug Enforcement Administration
Manufacturer of Controlled Substances Notice of Registration,
19894 [E8–7080] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Employee Benefits Security Administration
  Advisory Council on Employee Welfare and Pension Benefit Plans,
  19895–19896 [E8–7757] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Employment and Training Administration
Labor Condition Application Requirements:
  Filing Procedures for Employers Seeking to Use Nonimmigrants on E-3 Visas in Specialty Occupations,
  19944–19950 [E8–7563] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Application for Reconsideration; Affirmative Determination:
  Dynamerica Manufacturing LLC, Muncie, IN,
  19896 [E8–7736] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Parlex U.S.A., Methuen, MA,
  19896 [E8–7738] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Eligibility Certification for Worker Adjustment Assistance and Alternative Trade Adjustment Assistance:
  NACOM Corp., Griffin, GA,
  19896–19897 [E8–7734] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Quebcor World, Brookfield, WI,
  19897 [E8–7732] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Silicon Laboratories, Inc., Austin, TX,
  19897 [E8–7737] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Solectron Corp., Charlotte, NC,
  19897–19898 [E8–7733] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Statek Group L. P., et al., Austin, TX,
  19898 [E8–7731] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Eligibility Determination for Worker Adjustment Assistance and Alternative Trade Adjustment Assistance:
  General Electric, Niles Glass Plant, et al.,
  19898–19900 [E8–7743] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Investigation Regarding Eligibility Certification for Worker Adjustment Assistance and Alternative Trade Adjustment Assistance,
19900–19901 [E8–7742] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Revised Determination on Reconsideration:
  LLINK Technologies, LLC, Brown City, MI,
  19901–19902 [E8–7744] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Merix Corp., Wood Village, OR,
  19902 [E8–7735] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Termination of Investigation:
  Esselte Corp., Kankakee, IL,
  19902 [E8–7739] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Kodyn Products Co., Loyalhanna, PA,
  19902 [E8–7740] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  NewPage Corp., Niagara, WI,
  19903 [E8–7745] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Southern Furniture, Inc., Conover, NC,
  19903 [E8–7730] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Employment Standards Administration
Labor Condition Application Requirements:
  Filing Procedures for Employers Seeking to Use Nonimmigrants on E-3 Visas in Specialty Occupations,
  19944–19950 [E8–7563] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Energy Department
See  Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
See  Southeastern Power Administration
Procedural Rules for DOE Nuclear Activities,
19761–19766 [E8–7763] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statement:
  Draft Complex Transformation Supplemental Programmatic; Extension of Comment Period,
  19829 [E8–7869] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Protection Agency
Environmental Impacts Statements; Weekly Receipt Availability,
19834 [E8–7787] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statements and Regulations; Availability of Comments,
19833–19834 [E8–7784] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Board of Scientific Counselors, Executive Committee,
  19834–19835 [E8–7812] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Science Advisory Board,
  19835–19837 [E8–7811] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Proposed Settlement Agreement,
19838–19839 [E8–7814] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Receipt of Petition; Massachusetts Marine Sanitation Device Standard,
19839–19841 [E8–7793] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Executive Office of the President
See  Presidential Documents
See  Trade Representative, Office of United States
Federal Aviation Administration
Damage Tolerance and Fatigue Evaluation of Structure,
19746 [E8–7649] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Airworthiness Directives:
  ATR Model ATR42 Airplanes and Model ATR72-101, -102, -201, -202, 211, and 212 Airplanes,
  19768–19770 [E8–7658] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A. (EMBRAER) Model ERJ 170 and Model ERJ 190 Airplanes,
  19770–19772 [E8–7667] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  General Avia Costruzioni Aeronatiche Models F22B, F22C, and F22R Airplanes,
  19775–19777 [E8–7657] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  MORAVAN a.s. Model Z-143L Airplanes,
  19766–19768 [E8–7654] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Teledyne Continental Motors (TCM) IO-520, et al.,
  19772–19775 [E8–7711] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Class E Airspace; Revocation:
  Luke AFB, Phoenix, AZ,
  19777–19778 [E8–7663] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Federal Bureau of Investigation
  Compact Council for the National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact,
  19895 [E8–7616] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Compliance Filing:
  Southern California Water Co.,
  19829–19830 [E8–7771] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Bonneville Power Administration,
  19830 [E8–7769] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Public Service Company of New Mexico,
  19830 [E8–7770] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Issuance of Order:
  NRG Southaven, LLC,
  19830–19831 [E8–7768] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Records Governing Off-the Record Communications,
19831–19832 [E8–7767] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Federal Highway Administration
Buy America Waiver Notification System,
19927 [E8–7664] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Federal Housing Finance Board
Federal Home Loan Bank Members Selected for Community Support Review,
19841–19851 [E8–7510] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Qualification of Drivers; Exemption Renewals; Vision,
19928 [E8–7661] [TEXT]  [PDF]
19928–19929 [E8–7666] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Federal Railroad Administration
Application for Approval of Discontinuance or Modification of a Railroad Signal System, etc.,
19929 [E8–7659] [TEXT]  [PDF]
19929–19930 [E8–7680] [TEXT]  [PDF]
19930 [E8–7681] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Petition for Waiver of Compliance,
19930–19931 [E8–7682] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Federal Reserve System
Formations, Acquisitions, and Mergers of Bank Holding Companies,
19851–19852 [E8–7645] [TEXT]  [PDF]
19852 [E8–7762] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Application by Bank of America Corp., Charlotte, NC to Acquire Countrywide Financial Corp., Calabasas, CA,
  19852–19853 [E8–7758] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Fish and Wildlife Service
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
19867–19868 [E8–7648] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Draft Safe Harbor Agreement and Application; Availability:
  Enhancement of Survival Permit for the Beautiful Shiner et al.; Cochise County, AZ,
  19868–19869 [E8–7690] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Endangered Wildlife and Plants; Permits,
19869 [E8–7707] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Forest Service
Boundary Establishment; Wildcat National Wild and Scenic River, White Mountain National Forest, Carroll County, NH,
19805 [E8–7559] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Intent to Prepare Environmental Impact Statement:
  Bend/Ft. Rock Ranger District, Deschutes National Forest, Oregon; EXF Thinning, Fuels Reduction, and Research Project,
  19805–19806 [E8–7692] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Ravalli County Resource Advisory Committee,
  19806–19807 [E8–7693] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Roadless Area Conservation National Advisory Committee,
  19807 [E8–7509] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Health and Human Services Department
See  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
See  Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
See  Children and Families Administration
See  National Institutes of Health
Homeland Security Department
See  Coast Guard
See  Transportation Security Administration
See  U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
See  U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Housing and Urban Development Department
Federal Property Suitable as Facilities to Assist the Homeless,
19866 [E8–7415] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Industry and Security Bureau
Order Renewing Temporary Denial Order:
  Aviation Services International B.V. et al.,
  19809–19811 [E8–7683] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Interior Department
See  Fish and Wildlife Service
See  Land Management Bureau
See  Minerals Management Service
See  National Indian Gaming Commission
See  Reclamation Bureau
Final Environmental Impact Statement; Availability:
  Central Utah Project,
  19866–19867 [E8–7810] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Internal Revenue Service
Amendment of Matching Rule for Certain Gains on Member Stock; Guidance; Correction,
19942 [Z8–4571] [TEXT]  [PDF]
International Trade Administration
Antidumping Duty Administrative Review; Final Results:
  Carbazole Violet Pigment 23 From India,
  19811–19812 [E8–7794] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Expected Non-Market Economy Wages; Request for Comments on 2007 Calculation,
19812–19814 [E8–7805] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Final Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value:
  Light-Walled Rectangular Pipe and Tube From Turkey,
  19814–19816 [E8–7833] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Preliminary Affirmative Countervailing Duty Determination:
  Sodium Nitrite From the People's Republic of China,
  19816–19820 [E8–7798] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Justice Department
See  Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives Bureau
See  Drug Enforcement Administration
See  Federal Bureau of Investigation
Lodging of Consent Decree:
  Industrial Excess Landfill, Inc.,
  19893 [E8–7685] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  T.L. Diamond & Co., Inc. et al.,
  19893–19894 [E8–7686] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Labor Department
See  Employee Benefits Security Administration
See  Employment and Training Administration
See  Employment Standards Administration
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
19895 [E8–7705] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Land Management Bureau
Alaska Native Claims Selection,
19869–19870 [E8–7710] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Conveyance of Federally-owned Mineral Interests in California,
19870–19871 [E8–7688] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Proposed Resource Management Plan and Final Environmental Impact Statement, Yuma Field Office; Availability,
19871–19872 [E8–7622] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Maritime Administration
Coastwise Trade Laws; Requested Administrative Waiver,
19931–19932 [E8–7678] [TEXT]  [PDF]
19932 [E8–7679] [TEXT]  [PDF]
19932–19933 [E8–7684] [TEXT]  [PDF]
19933 [E8–7687] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Minerals Management Service
Oil and Gas Lease Sales for 2009-2012:
  Gulf of Mexico, Outer Continental Shelf, Central Planning Area and Western Planning Area,
  19872 [E8–7775] [TEXT]  [PDF]
National Archives and Records Administration
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
19903 [E8–7721] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Advisory Committee on the Electronic Records Archives,
  19903–19904 [E8–7717] [TEXT]  [PDF]
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
  National Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council,
  19933–19934 [E8–7660] [TEXT]  [PDF]
National Indian Gaming Commission
Environmental Impact Statement; Cancellation:
  Big Sandy Casino and Resort, Fresno County, CA,
  19904 [E8–7766] [TEXT]  [PDF]
National Institutes of Health
  Center for Scientific Review,
  19855–19857 [E8–7691] [TEXT]  [PDF]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska:
  Reallocation of Pacific Cod in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Management Area,
  19748 [E8–7801] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Atlantic Highly Migratory Species:
  Renewal of Atlantic Tunas Longline Limited Access Permits and Atlantic Shark Dealer Workshop Attendance Requirements,
  19795–19801 [E8–7820] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Taking and Importing Marine Mammals; Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to U.S. Navy Shock Trial,
19789–19795 [E8–7778] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
19821 [E8–7653] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Bay Watershed Education and Training (B WET) Program; Correction,
19821–19822 [E8–7708] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Draft Environmental Impact Statement and Habitat Conservation Plan; Availability,
19822–19824 [E8–7821] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Endangered and Threatened Species:
  Finding on Petition to List Lynn Canal Population of Pacific Herring as Threatened or Endangered Species,
  19824–19825 [E8–7797] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Pacific Whiting; Joint Management Committee and Scientific Review Group; Nominations,
19825–19826 [E8–7792] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Taking and importing of Endangered Species:
  Sea Turtles Incidental to Power Plant Operations,
  19826–19828 [E8–7788] [TEXT]  [PDF]
National Science Foundation
  Advisory Committee for Cyberinfrastructure,
  19904 [E8–7704] [TEXT]  [PDF]
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
  Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee,
  19828–19829 [E8–7809] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Expansion of the National Source Tracking System,
19749–19761 [E8–7756] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Extension of Time for Petition for Leave to Intervene in Combined Operating License for Bellefonte,
19904 [E8–7729] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards Subcommittee on Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems,
  19904 [E8–7712] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  19905 [E8–7715] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Order Modifying License:
  Exelon Generation Company, LLC,
  19905–19909 [E8–7727] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Office of United States Trade Representative
See  Trade Representative, Office of United States
Personnel Management Office
Computer Matching Program Between the Office of Personnel Management and Social Security Administration,
19911–19912 [E8–7752] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
Availability of Funds:
  Hazardous Materials Instructor Training Grants Program,
  19934–19936 [E8–7703] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Presidential Documents
Special observances:
  National D.A.R.E. Day (Proc. 8235),
  19955–19956 [08–1124] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day (Proc. 8234),
  19951–19954 [08–1123] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007; Assignment of Functions (Memorandum of March 28, 2008),
19957 [08–1125] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Reclamation Bureau
Charter Renewal; Yakima River Basin Conservation Advisory Group,
19872–19873 [E8–7728] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Interim Guidelines; Colorado River Lower Basin Shortages and Coordinated Operations for Lake Powell and Lake Mead,
19873–19892 [E8–7760] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Securities and Exchange Commission
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
19912–19913 [E8–7700] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Self-Regulatory Organizations; Proposed Rule Changes:
  American Stock Exchange LLC,
  19913–19914 [E8–7656] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Boston Stock Exchange, Inc.,
  19914–19916 [E8–7781] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc.,
  19916–19918 [E8–7655] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  National Securities Clearing Corp.,
  19918–19919 [E8–7696] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  New York Stock Exchange LLC,
  19919–19921 [E8–7699] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  NYSE Arca, Inc.,
  19921–19923 [E8–7697] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  19923–19926 [E8–7698] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Small Business Administration
Disaster Declaration:
  19926 [E8–7723] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  South Carolina,
  19926–19927 [E8–7724] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Southeastern Power Administration
Cumberland System of Projects,
19832–19833 [E8–7761] [TEXT]  [PDF]
State Department
Amendment to the International Traffic in Arms Regulations:
  The United States Munitions List,
  19778–19780 [08–1122] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Fine Arts Committee,
  19927 [E8–7813] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Surface Transportation Board
Finance Transaction; Stagecoach Group PLC and Coach USA, Inc.- Control - Megabus Northeast LLC,
19936–19937 [E8–7764] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Trade Representative, Office of United States
Generalized System of Preferences:
  Re-initiation of a Review to Consider the Designation of the Republic of Azerbaijan as a Beneficiary Developing Country,
  19909–19911 [E8–7702] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Transportation Department
See  Federal Aviation Administration
See  Federal Highway Administration
See  Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
See  Federal Railroad Administration
See  Maritime Administration
See  National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
See  Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
See  Surface Transportation Board
Transportation Security Administration
Transportation Worker Identification Credential:
  Enrollment Dates for Ports of Portsmouth, NH; Chattanooga, TN and San Juan, PR,
  19859–19860 [E8–7646] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Treasury Department
See  Internal Revenue Service
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
19860–19861 [E8–7790] [TEXT]  [PDF]
19861 [E8–7791] [TEXT]  [PDF]
U.S. Customs and Border Protection
International Registered Traveler; Pilot Program Announcement,
19861–19865 [E8–7643] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Modification and Extension of the Post-Entry Amendment Processing Test; Correction,
19865–19866 [E8–7695] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation Commission
Final Environmental Impact Statement; Availability:
  Central Utah Project,
  19866–19867 [E8–7810] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Veterans Affairs Department
Data Breaches,
19747–19748 [E8–7726] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Assistance to States in Hiring and Retaining Nurses at State Veterans Homes,
19785–19789 [E8–7641] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
19937 [E8–7746] [TEXT]  [PDF]
19937 [E8–7747] [TEXT]  [PDF]
19938 [E8–7748] [TEXT]  [PDF]
19938 [E8–7749] [TEXT]  [PDF]
19938–19939 [E8–7750] [TEXT]  [PDF]
19939–19940 [E8–7751] [TEXT]  [PDF]
19940 [E8–7786] [TEXT]  [PDF]
GR Modifier Use,
19940–19941 [E8–7642] [TEXT]  [PDF]

Separate Parts In This Issue
Part II
Labor Department, Employment Standards Administration; Labor Department, Employment and Training Administration,
19944–19950 [E8–7563] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Part III
Executive Office of the President, Presidential Documents,
19951–19954 [08–1123] [TEXT]  [PDF]
19955–19956 [08–1124] [TEXT]  [PDF]
19957 [08–1125] [TEXT]  [PDF]

Reader Aids  [TEXT]  [PDF]

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