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Title: Federal Register Contents, Thursday, January 24, 2008

Contents Federal Register
Vol. 73, No. 16
Thursday, January 24, 2008

Agriculture Department
See  Commodity Credit Corporation
See  Forest Service
Antitrust Division
Public Comment and Response on Proposed Final Judgment,
4268–4285 [08–227] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board
Telecommunications Act Accessibility Guidelines:
  Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Standards; meeting,
  4132 [E8–1229] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
See  Inspector General Office, Health and Human Services Department
Children and Families Administration
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
4233–4234 [08–246] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Coast Guard
Safety Zone:
  Trent River Between New Bern and James City, North Carolina,
  4078–4080 [E8–1133] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
4249–4250 [E8–1132] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Application for Recertification of Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council,
4251 [08–284] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Commerce Department
See  International Trade Administration
See  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
See  National Telecommunications and Information Administration
See  Patent and Trademark Office
Commodity Credit Corporation
Funds Availability:
  Inviting Applications for the Emerging Markets Program,
  4172–4175 [08–238] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Comptroller of the Currency
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
4220–4229 [E8–1198] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Copyright Royalty Board, Library of Congress
Preexisting Subscription and Satellite Digital Audio Radio Services; Determination of Rates and Terms,
4080–4104 [E8–669] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Corporation for National and Community Service
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
4182–4183 [E8–1230] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Defense Acquisition Regulations System
Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement:
  Closeout of Contract Files (DFARS Case 2006-D045),
  4113–4114 [E8–1093] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Combating Trafficking in Persons,
  4115 [E8–1120] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Commercial Item Determinations,
  4114 [E8–1121] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Payment Withholding - Deletion of Duplicative Text (DFARS Case 2007-D010),
  4116–4117 [E8–1091] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Research and Development Contract Type Determination (DFARS Case 2006-D053),
  4117–4118 [E8–1092] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Technical Amendments,
  4113 [E8–1102] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Trade Agreements - New Thresholds,
  4115–4116 [E8–1103] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
4188–4189 [E8–1090] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Defense Department
See  Defense Acquisition Regulations System
See  Navy Department
36 (b)(1) Arms Sales Notification,
4183–4187 [08–260] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
4187–4188 [E8–1196] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Federal Acquisition Regulation; Information Collection; OMB Circular A-119,
4188 [E8–1170] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Education Department
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
4195 [E8–1124] [TEXT]  [PDF]
4196 [E8–1128] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Safe Schools/Healthy Students Program:
  Notice inviting applications for new awards for fiscal year (FY) 2008,
  4196–4201 [E8–1208] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Energy Department
See  Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Environmental Protection Agency
Air quality implementation plans; approval and promulgation; various States:
  4105–4109 [E8–1183] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans:
  New York; Clean Air Interstate Rule,
  4109–4113 [E8–802] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Revisions to the Continuous Emissions Monitoring Rule for the Acid Rain Program, NOx Budget Trading Program, Clean Air Interstate Rule, and the Clean Air Me,
4312–4377 [E7–25071] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Transportation Conformity Rule Amendments; Efficient Transportation Equity Act,
4420–4441 [E8–597] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Air quality implementation plans; approval and promulgation; various States:
  4133–4136 [E8–1181] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Emission Standards for Stationary Diesel Engines,
4136–4144 [E8–1118] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
4205–4206 [E8–1182] [TEXT]  [PDF]
4206–4208 [E8–1184] [TEXT]  [PDF]
4208–4209 [E8–1185] [TEXT]  [PDF]
4209–4210 [E8–1186] [TEXT]  [PDF]
4210–4211 [E8–1187] [TEXT]  [PDF]
4211–4212 [E8–1188] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Chlordecone (Kepone) Draft Toxicological Review; Integrated Risk Information System Summary Information,
4213–4214 [E8–1224] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Clean Air Act Operating Permit Program:
  Wisconsin Public Service Corp.; State Operating Permit Objection Petition,
  4214 [E8–1221] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Clean Water Act Section 303(d):
  Arkansas Total Maximum Daily Loads,
  4215–4216 [E8–1195] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Arkansas Total Maximum Loads,
  4215 [E8–1193] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  FIFRA Scientific Advisory Panel,
  4216–4218 [E8–1191] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Executive Office of the President
See  Presidential Documents
See  Trade Representative, Office of United States
Federal Aviation Administration
Airworthiness Directives:
  Airbus Model A319 and A320 Series Airplanes,
  4063–4066 [E8–970] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Boeing Model 727 Airplanes,
  4053–4054 [E8–1129] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Boeing Model 747-400, -400D, and -400F Series Airplanes; Boeing Model 757 Airplanes; and Boeing Model 767 Airplanes,
  4066–4069 [E8–969] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Boeing Model 767 200 and 767 300 Series Airplanes,
  4061–4063 [E8–972] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Cessna Aircraft Company 172 and 182 Series Airplanes,
  4051–4053 [E8–1130] [TEXT]  [PDF]
DG Flugzeugbau GmbH Model DG-500MB Gliders
  4051 [E8–830] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Eurocopter France Model SA332C, L, L1, and L2 Helicopters,
  4055–4057 [E8–1028] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  General Electric Company CF6 50, 80A1/A3, and 80C2A Series Turbofan Engines,
  4057–4059 [E8–975] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  McDonnell Douglas Model 717 200 Airplanes,
  4059–4061 [E8–971] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Amendment of Class E Airspace:
  Pottsville, PA,
  4070 [08–204] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  St. Marys, PA,
  4069–4070 [08–203] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  State College, PA,
  4070–4071 [08–205] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Establishment of Class E Airspace; Springfield, CO; Correction,
4071 [E8–846] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Standard Instrument Approach Procedures:
  Miscellaneous Amendments,
  4075–4077 [E8–1012] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Standard Instrument Approach Procedures, and Takeoff Minimums and Obstacle Departure Procedures:
  4073–4075 [E8–1015] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Miscellaneous Amendments,
  4071–4073 [E8–853] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Airworthiness Directives:
  Airbus Model A318, A319, A320, and A321 Series Airplanes Equipped with Certain Northrop Grumman Air Data Inertial Reference Units,
  4129–4131 [E8–1135] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  APEX Aircraft Model CAP 10 B Airplanes,
  4121–4123 [E8–1161] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  4123–4125 [E8–1164] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Bombardier Model CL 600 2B19 (Regional Jet Series 100 & 440) Airplanes,
  4125–4127 [E8–1167] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Pacific Aerospace Limited Models FU24-954 and FU24A-954 Airplanes,
  4127–4129 [E8–1137] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Aircraft Certification Service Meet the Regulators Information Sharing and Listening,
  4302 [E8–1227] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Federal Communications Commission
Ancillary or Supplementary Use of Digital Television Capacity by Noncommercial Licensees,
4113 [E8–1163] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau Reports on the First Triennial Review of the Commission's Policies and Practices, etc.,
4218–4220 [E8–1166] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
4220–4229 [E8–1198] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations,
4144–4156 [E8–1215] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Withdrawal of Proposed Flood Elevation Determination for the Unincorporated Areas of Richland County, South Carolina,
4156–4157 [E8–1209] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Kansas; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of an Emergency Declaration,
4251–4252 [E8–1222] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Major Disaster Declaration:
  4252 [E8–1210] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  National Advisory Council,
  4252–4253 [E8–1220] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Nebraska; Major Disaster and Related Determinations,
4253 [E8–1223] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Nevada; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration,
4253 [E8–1226] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Oregon; Amendment No. 6 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration,
4253–4254 [E8–1231] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Transparency Provision under Section 23 of the Natural Gas Act,
4131 [E8–1152] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Combined Notice of Filings No. 1
  Iroquois Gas Transmission System, L.P., et al.,
  4201–4202 [E8–1153] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Northern Indiana Public Service Company, et al.,
  4202–4204 [E8–1154] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Issuance Order:
  Alpha Domestic Power Trading, LLC,
  4204 [E8–1150] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Notice of Complaint:
Maryland Public Service Commission
PJM interconnection, L.L.C.,
  4204–4205 [E8–1149] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Santa Maria Cogen, Inc.; Notice of Issuance of Order,
4205 [E8–1148] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Trunkline Gas Company, LLC; Errata Notice,
4205 [E8–1151] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Federal Highway Administration
Environmental Impact Statement; Notice of Intent:
  Mariposa County, California,
  4302–4303 [E8–1142] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Federal Maritime Commission
Agreements Filed,
4229–4230 [E8–1225] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Federal Reserve System
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
4220–4229 [E8–1198] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Federal Trade Commission
Herbs Nutrition Corporation, et al.; Analysis of Proposed Consent Order to Aid Public Comment,
4230–4231 [E8–1169] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Life is good, Inc., and Life is good Retail, Inc.; Analysis of Proposed Consent Order to Aid Public Comment,
4231–4233 [E8–1168] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Fish and Wildlife Service
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants:
  12-Month Finding on Petition to List the Siskiyou Mountains Salamander and Scott Bar Salamander as Threatened or Endangered,
  4380–4418 [E8–918] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Report/Statement; Notice of Intent:
  Regarding the Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP) for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California,
  4178–4180 [E8–1219] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Food and Drug Administration
Oral Dosage Form New Animal Drugs; Clindamycin,
4077 [E8–1199] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
4234–4235 [E8–1200] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Forest Service
Wasatch-Cache National Forest, Utah; West Bear Landscape Management Project,
4175 [08–257] [TEXT]  [PDF]
General Services Administration
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
4187–4188 [E8–1196] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Federal Acquisition Regulation; Information Collection; OMB Circular A-119,
4188 [E8–1170] [TEXT]  [PDF]
General Services Administration Acquisition Regulation:
  Information Collection,
  4233 [E8–1144] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Health and Human Services Department
See  Children and Families Administration
See  Food and Drug Administration
See  Indian Health Service
See  Inspector General Office, Health and Human Services Department
Homeland Security Department
See  Coast Guard
See  Federal Emergency Management Agency
See  U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Indian Health Service
Native American Research Centers for Health (NARCH) Grants Announcement Type:
  New and Competing Continuations Funding Announcement Number: HHS-2009-IHS-NARCHV-0001 Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number: 93.933,
  4235–4248 [08–243] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Inspector General Office, Health and Human Services Department
Nursing Facilities Compliance Program Guidance Revision; Information and Recommendation Solicitation,
4248–4249 [E8–1213] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Interior Department
See  Fish and Wildlife Service
See  Land Management Bureau
Internal Revenue Service
Consolidated Returns; Intercompany Obligations; Hearing,
4131–4132 [E8–1145] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
4307–4308 [E8–1146] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Art Advisory Panel Renewal,
4308 [E8–1165] [TEXT]  [PDF]
International Trade Administration
Helical Spring Lock Washers from the Peoples Republic of China:
  Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review,
  4175–4176 [E8–1228] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Justice Department
See  Antitrust Division
Labor Department
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
4286 [E8–1194] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Land Management Bureau
Eastern States: Filing of Plat of Survey,
4264 [E8–1176] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Twin Falls District Resource Advisory Council,
  4264 [E8–1134] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Proposed Reinstatement of Terminated Oil and Gas Lease,
4265 [E8–1160] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Realty Action:
  Direct and Competitive Sales of Public Land, Idaho and Proposed Plan Amendment,
  4265–4268 [E8–1162] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Library of Congress
See  Copyright Royalty Board, Library of Congress
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
4187–4188 [E8–1196] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Federal Acquisition Regulation; Information Collection; OMB Circular A-119,
4188 [E8–1170] [TEXT]  [PDF]
National Credit Union Administration
Community Development Revolving Loan Fund for Credit Unions,
4286–4287 [E8–1147] [TEXT]  [PDF]
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Tire Registration and Recordkeeping,
4157–4171 [E8–1099] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
4303–4304 [E8–1131] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Petition for Exemption from the Vehicle Theft Prevention Standard:
  Hyundia-Kia America Technical Center, Inc.,
  4304–4305 [E8–1141] [TEXT]  [PDF]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Taking of Marine Mammals Incidental to Commercial Fishing Operations; Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan,
4118–4120 [08–262] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Endangered and Threatened Species:
  Final Recovery Plan for Southern Resident Killer Whales,
  4176–4177 [E8–1206] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Report/Statement; Notice of Intent:
  Regarding the Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP) for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California,
  4178–4180 [E8–1219] [TEXT]  [PDF]
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
  Internet Domain Name and Addressing System: Midterm Review of the Joint Project Agreement,
  4181 [E8–1180] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Navy Department
Decision Memorandum; Alternative Arrangements for Southern California Operating Area:
  Composite Training Unit Exercises and Joint Task Force Exercises Scheduled Between Today and January 2009,
  4189–4193 [E8–1175] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Privacy Act; Systems of Records,
4193–4195 [E8–1190] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
  Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards,
  4287–4288 [E8–1189] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Reactor Safeguards Advisory Committee,
  4288 [E8–1073] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Office of United States Trade Representative
See  Trade Representative, Office of United States
Patent and Trademark Office
National Medal of Technology and Innovation Call for 2008 Nominations,
4181–4182 [08–251] [TEXT]  [PDF]
National Model of Technology and Innovation Nomination Evaluation Committee,
4182 [E8–1139] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
Notice of Application for Special Permits,
4305–4306 [08–248] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Notice of Applications for Modification of Special Permit,
4306–4307 [08–249] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Presidential Documents
Committees; establishment, renewal, termination, etc.:
  Financial Literacy, President's Advisory Council on; establishment (EO 13455),
  4443–4447 [08–325] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Securities and Exchange Commission
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
4290–4291 [E8–1157] [TEXT]  [PDF]
4291 [E8–1158] [TEXT]  [PDF]
4291–4292 [E8–1159] [TEXT]  [PDF]
4292 [E8–1179] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Self-Regulatory Organizations; Proposed Rule Changes:
  American Stock Exchange LLC,
  4292–4293 [E8–1177] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Chicago Board Options Exchange, Inc.,
  4293–4295 [E8–1178] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc.,
  4295–4297 [E8–1156] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  The Options Clearing Corporation,
  4297–4299 [E8–1155] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Small Business Administration
Mississippi Disaster No. MS-00014,
4299 [E8–1218] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Missouri Disaster Number MO-00019,
4299–4300 [E8–1125] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Nebraska Disaster No. NE-00018,
4300 [E8–1127] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Nevada Disaster Number NV-00008,
4300 [E8–1216] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Washington Disaster Number WA-00015,
4300 [E8–1126] [TEXT]  [PDF]
State Department
Passports; Correction,
4077–4078 [E8–1205] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Border Crossing Facility, U.S.-Mexico Border, San Diego, CA and Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico; Presidential Permit Application,
4300–4301 [E8–1217] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Culturally Significant Objects Imported for Exhibition Determinations:
  Khatchkar of Lori,
  4301 [E8–1204] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Rococo: The Continuing Curve, 1730-2008,
  4301 [E8–1201] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Works by Frans Hals and Philips Wouwerman,
  4301–4302 [E8–1203] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Thrift Supervision Office
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
4308–4309 [E8–1192] [TEXT]  [PDF]
4220–4229 [E8–1198] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Hiring or Indemnifying Senior Executive Officers or Directors,
4309 [E8–1207] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Trade Representative, Office of United States
WTO Dispute Settlement Proceedings Regarding Measures of European Communities Affecting the Approval and Marketing of Biotech Products,
4288–4290 [E8–1143] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Transportation Department
See  Federal Aviation Administration
See  Federal Highway Administration
See  National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
See  Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
  National Surface Transportation Infrastructure Financing Commission,
  4302 [08–263] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Treasury Department
See  Comptroller of the Currency
See  Internal Revenue Service
See  Thrift Supervision Office
U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Departmental Advisory Committee—
Commercial Operations of Customs and Border Protection and Related Homeland Security Functions,
  4254 [E8–1214] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Transaction Value Method; Proposed Interpretation and Comment Request,
4254–4264 [E8–1140] [TEXT]  [PDF]

Separate Parts In This Issue
Part II
Environmental Protection Agency,
4312–4377 [E7–25071] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Part III
Interior Department, Fish and Wildlife Service,
4380–4418 [E8–918] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Part IV
Environmental Protection Agency,
4420–4441 [E8–597] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Part V
Executive Office of the President, Presidential Documents,
4443–4447 [08–325] [TEXT]  [PDF]

Reader Aids  [TEXT]  [PDF]

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