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Title: Federal Register Contents, Friday, March 3, 2006

Contents Federal Register
Vol. 71, No. 42
Friday, March 3, 2006

Agriculture Department
See  Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
See  Commodity Credit Corporation
See  Food and Nutrition Service
See  Forest Service
Agency information collection activities; proposals, submissions, and approvals,
10950 [E6–3046] [TEXT]  [PDF]
10950–10951 [E6–3047] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
Plant-related quarantine, foreign:
  Fruits and vegetables importation; list,
  10924 [E6–3037] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Reports and guidance documents; availability, etc.:
  National Animal Identification System; official identification devices with animal identification number,
  10951–10952 [E6–3036] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Army Department
See  Engineers Corps
Patent licenses; non-exclusive, exclusive, or partially exclusive:
  Enzymatic template polymerization,
  10960 [06–1989] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Blind or Severely Disabled, Committee for Purchase From People Who Are
See  Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Agency information collection activities; proposals, submissions, and approvals,
10973–10974 [E6–3024] [TEXT]  [PDF]
National Center for Environmental Health/Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry—
Scientific Counselors Board,
  10974 [E6–3025] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Inpatient psychiatric facilities prospective payment system; (2007 RY) payment rates; update
  11027 [Z6–2607] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Agency information collection activities; proposals, submissions, and approvals,
10974–10975 [06–1919] [TEXT]  [PDF]
10975–10976 [06–1920] [TEXT]  [PDF]
10976–10977 [06–1921] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Commerce Department
See  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled
Procurement list; additions and deletions,
10957 [E6–3022] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Commodity Credit Corporation
Loan and purchase programs:
  American Indian Livestock Feed Program; correction,
  10831 [06–1927] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Multilateral clearing organizations; recognition,
10958–10959 [06–1940] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Comptroller of the Currency
Agency information collection activities; proposals, submissions, and approvals,
11017–11019 [06–1980] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Corporation for National and Community Service
Agency information collection activities; proposals, submissions, and approvals,
10959–10960 [E6–3038] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Defense Department
See  Army Department
See  Engineers Corps
Drug Enforcement Administration
Schedules of controlled substances:
  Anabolic steroid products; control exemption,
  10835–10837 [06–2032] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Education Department
Agency information collection activities; proposals, submissions, and approvals,
10962–10963 [E6–3041] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Grants and cooperative agreements; availability, etc.:
Safe and drug-free schools—
Safe Schools/Healthy Students Program,
  10963–10964 [E6–3083] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Employment and Training Administration
Adjustment assistance; applications, determinations, etc.
  ABCO Rents of Clinton,
  10994 [E6–3076] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Alene Candles, Inc., et al.,
  10994–10995 [E6–3069] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  American Allsafe Co.,
  10995 [E6–3056] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Atlantic Luggage Co.,
  10995 [E6–3073] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Falcon Plastics,
  10994 [E6–3063] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Jackson Products, Inc.,
  10995 [E6–3074] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  O’Mara Inc.,
  10996 [E6–3075] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Rexnord Disc Coupling Operation,
  10996 [E6–3067] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Energy Department
See  Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Engineers Corps
Environmental statements; notice of intent:
  Louisiana Coastal Area, LA; Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Project,
  10960–10962 [E6–3050] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  San Diego County, CA; State route 905; route location, adoption, and construction,
  10962 [E6–3045] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Protection Agency
Air quality implementation plans; approval and promulgation; various States:
  10838–10842 [06–1943] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  10842–10844 [06–1944] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Air quality implementation plans; approval and promulgation; various States:
  10949 [06–1942] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental statements; availability, etc.:
  Agency comment availability,
  10965 [E6–3079] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Agency weekly receipts,
  10965–10966 [E6–3077] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  State and Tribal Toxics Action Forum,
  10966–10967 [06–2090] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Toxic and hazardous substances control:
  New chemicals; receipt and status information,
  10967–10970 [E6–3051] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Executive Office of the President
See  Trade Representative, Office of United States
Federal Aviation Administration
Airworthiness directives:
  General Electric Co.,
  10832–10834 [06–1958] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Class E airspace,
10834–10835 [06–2007] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Class E airspace,
10924–10926 [E6–3072] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Aeronautical land-use assurance; waivers:
  Pease International Tradeport, NH,
  11010–11011 [06–2008] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Commercial Space Transportation Advisory Committee,
  11011 [06–2001] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  RTCA, Inc.,
  11012 [06–2009] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  11012 [06–2010] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  11012–11013 [06–2011] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  RTCA Program Management Committee,
  11011 [06–2006] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Agency information collection activities; proposals, submissions, and approvals,
11017–11019 [06–1980] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Electric rate and corporate regulation combined filings,
10964–10965 [E6–3042] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Federal Highway Administration
Environmental statements; notice of intent:
  Lafourche, St. Charles, and Jefferson Parishes, LA,
  11013–11014 [06–1981] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental statements; record of decision:
  Los Angeles County, CA,
  11014 [06–1988] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Federal Maritime Commission
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
10970–10971 [06–2093] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Federal Railroad Administration
Traffic control systems; discontinuance or modification:
  BNSF Railway Co. et al.,
  11014–11015 [E6–3071] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Federal Reserve System
Agency information collection activities; proposals, submissions, and approvals,
10971–10972 [E6–2990] [TEXT]  [PDF]
11017–11019 [06–1980] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Fish and Wildlife Service
Environmental statements; availability, etc.:
  Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge, AK; public scoping meetings,
  10988 [E6–3026] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Food and Drug Administration
Agency information collection activities; proposals, submissions, and approvals,
10977 [E6–3020] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Peripheral and Central Nervous System Drugs Advisory Committee,
  10977–10978 [E6–3021] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Reports and guidance documents; availability, etc.:
  Drug and biologics firms; postmarketing commitment studies; performance status report,
  10978–10979 [E6–3019] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Food and Nutrition Service
Child nutrition and food distribution programs:
  Faith-based and community organizations participation; data collection requirement,
  10914–10924 [06–1985] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Forest Service
National Forest System land and resource management planning:
2005 planning rule; amendments
Transition language revised,
  10837–10838 [06–2021] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Agency information collection activities; proposals, submissions, and approvals,
10952–10953 [E6–3078] [TEXT]  [PDF]
10953–10954 [E6–3080] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental statements; notice of intent:
  Nez Perce National Forest, ID,
  10954–10956 [06–1982] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Recreation fee areas:
  Shasta-Trinity National Forest, CA; Harris Springs Guard Station overnight rental fee,
  10956 [06–2024] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Reports and guidance documents; availability, etc.:
  Land management planning; clarification, monitoring, development, etc.; environmental management systems directive,
  10956–10957 [06–2022] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Health and Human Services Department
See  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
See  Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
See  Food and Drug Administration
See  National Institutes of Health
Agency information collection activities; proposals, submissions, and approvals,
10972 [E6–3033] [TEXT]  [PDF]
10972–10973 [E6–3034] [TEXT]  [PDF]
10973 [E6–3035] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Homeland Security Department
See  U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Housing and Urban Development Department
Grants and cooperative agreements; availability, etc.:
  Homeless assistance; excess and surplus Federal properties,
  11030–11058 [06–1870] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Interior Department
See  Fish and Wildlife Service
See  Land Management Bureau
See  Minerals Management Service
See  National Park Service
Internal Revenue Service
Income taxes:
  Corporate estimated tax; public hearing canceled,
  10940 [E6–3062] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Agency information collection activities; proposals, submissions, and approvals,
11019 [E6–3052] [TEXT]  [PDF]
11019–11020 [E6–3053] [TEXT]  [PDF]
11020 [E6–3054] [TEXT]  [PDF]
11021 [E6–3055] [TEXT]  [PDF]
11021–11022 [E6–3057] [TEXT]  [PDF]
11022 [E6–3058] [TEXT]  [PDF]
11022–11023 [E6–3059] [TEXT]  [PDF]
11023 [E6–3060] [TEXT]  [PDF]
11023–11024 [E6–3061] [TEXT]  [PDF]
11024–11025 [E6–3064] [TEXT]  [PDF]
11025 [E6–3065] [TEXT]  [PDF]
11025–11026 [E6–3066] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Committees; establishment, renewal, termination, etc.:
  Taxpayer Advocacy Panel,
  11026 [E6–3068] [TEXT]  [PDF]
International Trade Commission
Import investigations:
  Apparel from Sub-Saharan African, Caribbean Basin, and Andean countries; preferential treatment,
  10992–10993 [E6–3082] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Orange juice from—
  10993 [E6–3085] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
10993–10994 [06–2102] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Justice Department
See  Drug Enforcement Administration
Labor Department
See  Employment and Training Administration
Land Management Bureau
Public administrative procedures:
  Application procedures and execution and filing forms; Montana State Office removed from State office addresses and jurisdiction areas list,
  10844–10846 [06–1991] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Alaska Native claims selection:
  MTNT, Ltd.,
  10988–10989 [E6–3044] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental statements; notice of intent:
  Carbon and Sweetwater Counties, WY; Continental Divide-Creston Natural Gas Project,
  10989–10990 [E6–3043] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Pinedale Anticline Working Group,
  10990 [06–2028] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Minerals Management Service
Environmental statements; availability, etc.:
Outer Continental Shelf—
Oil and gas leasing; 2007-2012 program; public scoping meetings,
  10990–10991 [06–2100] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Royalty Policy Committee,
  10991 [E6–3017] [TEXT]  [PDF]
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Importation of vehicles and equipment subject to Federal safety, bumper, and theft prevention standards:
  Registered importers of vehicles not originally manufactured to conform with Federal standards; theft prevention standard certification,
  10846–10850 [06–2003] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Agency information collection activities; proposals, submissions, and approvals,
11015 [06–1986] [TEXT]  [PDF]
National Institutes of Health
Environmental statements; notice of intent:
  Ravalli County, MT; Rocky Mountain Laboratories; campus master plan,
  10979–10980 [06–2015] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Inventions, Government-owned; availability for licensing,
10980–10981 [E6–3013] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  National Center for Research Resources,
  10981 [06–1971] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  10981 [06–1972] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  10982 [06–1973] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases,
  10985 [06–2020] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases,
  10985 [06–2019] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  National Institute of Child Health and Human Development,
  10982 [06–1974] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences,
  10982 [06–1970] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  10983 [06–1976] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  10984–10985 [06–2018] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  National Institute of Mental Health,
  10982–10983 [06–1975] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  10983 [06–1977] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  10983–10984 [06–1978] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke,
  10984 [06–2016] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Scientific Review Center,
  10985–10987 [06–2017] [TEXT]  [PDF]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Fishery conservation and management:
Alaska; fisheries of Exclusive Economic Zone—
Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands groundfish,
  10894–10912 [06–1995] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Gulf of Alaska groundfish,
  10870–10894 [06–1994] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Northeastern United States fisheries—
Atlantic herring,
  10867–10869 [06–1996] [TEXT]  [PDF]
West Coast States and Western Pacific fisheries—
Guam longline fishing; prohibited area,
  10869–10870 [06–1997] [TEXT]  [PDF]
International fisheries regulations:
Pacific halibut—
Catch sharing plan,
  10850–10867 [06–2064] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Fishery conservation and management:
Northeastern United States fisheries—
Northeast multispecies,
  11060–11087 [06–1911] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Reports and guidance documents; availability, etc.:
  Treated wood and creosote-treated wood in aquatic environments; technical review and use recommendations,
  10957–10958 [E6–3048] [TEXT]  [PDF]
National Park Service
National Park System:
  Glacier Bay National Park, AK; vessel management,
  10940–10949 [06–2000] [TEXT]  [PDF]
National Register of Historic Places; pending nominations,
10991–10992 [E6–2999] [TEXT]  [PDF]
National Science Foundation
Agency information collection activities; proposals, submissions, and approvals,
10996–10997 [06–1955] [TEXT]  [PDF]
10997 [06–2004] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
  Reactor Safeguards Advisory Committee,
  10998 [E6–3039] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  10998 [E6–3040] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Office of United States Trade Representative
See  Trade Representative, Office of United States
Personnel Management Office
Senior Executive Service:
  Pay and performance awards; rate increase,
  10913–10914 [E6–3016] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Railroad Retirement Board
Agency information collection activities; proposals, submissions, and approvals,
11000–11001 [E6–3032] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Securities and Exchange Commission
  Internal control reporting requirements,
  11001 [E6–3031] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Reports and guidance documents; availability, etc.:
  Securities and regulatory issues for smaller companies; Smaller Public Companies Advisory Committee final report,
  11090–11133 [06–1992] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Self-regulatory organizations; proposed rule changes:
  American Stock Exchange LLC,
  11001–11003 [E6–3015] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Chicago Board Options Exchange, Inc.,
  11003–11007 [E6–3014] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.,
  11008 [E6–3029] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Pacific Stock Exchange, Inc.,
  11008–11010 [E6–3030] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Social Security Administration
Medicare subsidies:
  Medicare Part B income-related monthly adjustment amount,
  10926–10939 [06–2075] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Surface Transportation Board
Rail carriers:
  Rail rate cases; major issues; stand-alone cost methodology changes,
  11015–11016 [E6–3049] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Railroad operation, acquisition, construction, control, etc.:
  BNSF Railway Co.,
  11016 [06–1861] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Railroad services abandonment:
  Union Pacific Railroad Co. et al.,
  11017 [E6–3070] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Trade Representative, Office of United States
Trade Policy Staff Committee:
U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement—
Employment impact review,
  10998–10999 [E6–2993] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental review,
  10999–11000 [E6–2995] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Transportation Department
See  Federal Aviation Administration
See  Federal Highway Administration
See  Federal Railroad Administration
See  National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
See  Surface Transportation Board
Aviation proceedings:
  Agreements filed; weekly receipts,
  11010 [E6–2963] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Certificates of public convenience and necessity and foreign air carrier permits; weekly applications,
  11010 [E6–2962] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Treasury Department
See  Comptroller of the Currency
See  Internal Revenue Service
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Agency information collection activities; proposals, submissions, and approvals,
10987 [E6–3027] [TEXT]  [PDF]
10987–10988 [E6–3028] [TEXT]  [PDF]

Separate Parts In This Issue
Part II
Housing and Urban Development Department,
11030–11058 [06–1870] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Part III
Commerce Department, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,
11060–11087 [06–1911] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Part IV
Securities and Exchange Commission,
11090–11133 [06–1992] [TEXT]  [PDF]

Reader Aids  [TEXT]  [PDF]

Consult the Reader Aids section at the end of this issue for phone numbers, online resources, finding aids, reminders, and notice of recently enacted public laws.

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