Anne Facq wrote:
I use XEN on Fedora 8 with Domu on a LVM partition.
Before, on Fedora Core 6, I could backup each Domu by directly mounting
the filesystem of the Domu (mount /dev/vg00/lvfoo /mnt) and then running
dump on it.
On Fedora 8, I can't mount directly the filesystem of the Domu, so I
Pardon if this is a dumb question, but why not?
backup the filesystem of the Domu using the dd command (dd
if=/dev/vg00/lvfoo of=/var/xen/lvfoo.img)
But the backup with dd is longer and takes more disk space than the
backup with dump, as dd copies unused blocks.
Is there a better method to backup a Domu filesystem from Dom0 on Fedora
8 ?
I suppose you could use the img2qcow tool (possibly directly on
/dev/vg00/lvfoo) to get a qcow file instead of a raw image. However, I
vaguely remember seeing somewhere that the qcow created by the xen tools
is not necessarily 100% compatible with other qcow tools.
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