From: Mark Nielsen [mailto:mnielsen@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Sat 12/1/2007 3:19 PM
To: Christian Lahti
Subject: Re: Fedora Core 8 + Xenbr0 + network bridging?
hmm, did you mean "Hi Mark" ??
I have 8 Dell 2950s
running RHEL 5.1 (new libvirt with that funky NAT
they added). I have 4 NICs
in each; 2 copper, 2 fiber. I bond the 2
copper (eth0 and eth1) and call it
bond0. bond0 carries my "private" IP
for cluster suite communications on the
dom0 (physical) cluster.
Then I bond eth2 and eth3 (fiber) in to bond1. I
lay down the public
network for the dom0 cluster on bond1.100 (for example,
that would be
VLAN 100). I also add many (up to 10 or so now) VLANs on
(bond1.20, bond1.21, bond1.22, etc). Then I create xen bridges to
of these bond/VLAN devices. This allows me to put any particular VM
any particular (or combination up to 3) of these xen bridged bonded
My document explains, in detail, how to do all of this :)
The only added
step is that I have to "undefine" (virsh net-undefine default)
default network that the new libvirt creates (virbr0). Even with
new NAT thing they added, I've been told (by our devs) that
preferred way to do static network configurations is with the method
lay out. NAT is more for dynamic networks (cable modems, dial-up,
I'm pretty sure there weren't any significant changes in
Fedora 8 (we've
dropped the word "core" now, btw) that don't exist in RHEL
5.1 with
respects to the network. 5.0 -> 5.1 is when that NAT change came
the pipe.
p.s. I'm happy to answer any other
questions you may have about my
document. I'm quite certain that, if you
follow it, you'll have what
you're looking for.
Christian Lahti
> Hi Dale:
> I work with David who posted the
original question to the mailing
> list. I think we need to give a
bit more background info on what we
> are trying to do. We are
running a mixed environment of mostly CentOS
> 3, 4and 5, we do have a few
windows servers and XP systems as well.
> We are looking to
virtualize all these platforms. Normally we have a
> bonded pair of
NICs for the physical hosts, we were able to get this
> running using
CentOS 5 x86_64 with no problems, the guest machines use
> the bonded pair
in bridged mode as expected after a bit of tweaking.
> The biggest
issue we found with EL5 is that windows guest performace
> is dismal at
best, hence our decision to have a look at Fedora Core 8
> x86_64. I
am happy to report that performance for all of our guest
> platforms is
*very* good with FC8, but it seems that libvirt changed
> the way
networking is setup for Xen. The default NAT configuration is
pretty useless for production server environment. Thanks to the
mailing list we are now able to bridge a single NIC on FC8 (like eth0
for example), but we cannot figure out how to get a bridge for bond0
(comprised of eth0 and eth1) defined and available to Xen. All the
tweaks that worked find on EL5 have not worked so far on FC8. I am
going to review your document tomorrow and give it a try, but any idea
on whether your methodology will work on FC8 and libvirt? I am
willing to blow a Sunday to get this worked out once and for all
> Basically we are after good performance on both para
and fully
> virtualized guests using a bonded pair of GB NICs for speed
> redundancy. If this can be achieved with enterprise linux then
> would be preferable, but we will go FC8 if the bonding thing can
> sorted out. By the way Xensource 4.x looks to be a respin of
> and has pretty good performance but their free version is limited
> 32bit (and hence 4GB ram). Adding the clustering failover is
the next
> step of course :)
> Thanks again for the
help so far.
> just FYI for the list, I
have a how-to for a bonded and VLAN tagged network.
ODT and PDF formats available.
> It might not
be the best way, but I've sent it out to my colleagues
> several times and
have never received any negative feedback.
> Dale Bewley
> I haven't
done bonding, but you should be able to bond them and then compose a bridge on
top of this bonded device I would think.
> Dale Bewley - Unix Administrator - Shields
Library - UC Davis
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