I will make some test's in next 2 day's
this kernel is using the next version of xen (3.1) ?
thanks for the update
Itamar Reis Peixoto
e-mail: itamar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
msn: itamarjp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
skype: itamarjp
icq: 81053601
+55 34 3238 3845
+55 11 4063 5033
get the new kernel running for F7 GA.
FYI, we think we've got the problem fixed & have a new build available.
If anyone is running rawhide with Xen and seeing crashes/hangs/wierd
behaviour, please give the 2.6.20-2925.8.fc7 kernel a try. Its not in
rawhide YUM repos yet, but you can it from Koji
NB. this requires xen-3.1.0-0.rc7.1.fc7 userspace.
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