runmd wrote:
I created a para-virtualized guest as 10GB. Later down the road I would
like to grow it to 20GB. Can I do this with it being just a file on
Dom0. The only possible solution I can think of is creating a new domU
as 20GB and then doing a dd command and copying one virutal disk to
another. But I would like to just grow the guest, if possible.
There are two possible ways to do this; both rely on using LVM inside
the guest to expand the LV.
1) You should just be able to append data to the end of the disk in the
dom0 (something like "dd if=/dev/zero count=10G >>
/var/lib/xen/images/guest.dsk), and use "pvresize", vgextend, lvextend,
and resize2fs inside the guest to expand the disk.
2) If you are uncomfortable with the first method, you can define
another disk and expand your LVM that way. On the dom0 do something
like "dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/lib/xen/images/guest-disk2.dsk count=10G",
then add another line into your /etc/xen/guest configuration file for
the second disk. Then boot the guest, and inside the guest partition
the disk with LVM partition, vgextend the VG with the new partition, and
finally lvextend the LV with the new space.
If you aren't using LVM inside the guest, the best you are going to get
away with is adding a second disk (like 2) above), and just mounting
that inside the guest as another mountpoint.
Chris Lalancette
Fedora-xen mailing list