I too found that part of the guides a bit light on information.
I used the NFS option via a mount from the Dom0 box.
I created a dir /fc6 and extracted all of the first cd to it, then for
all the other CDs all you have to do is extract the Fedora dir into
You need to edit /etc/exports and add the line
/fc6 *(ro,no_root_squash)
then restart nfs via /etc/init.d/nfs restart
No need to worry about the long path normally given unless you like
typing or are planning on using it for a mirror service.
In virt-manager you the specify the source as nfs:'hostbox':/fc6
Also i found a comment saying that the file backed storage should be
under /var/lib/xen/images so tha.t the SElinux doesnt block it, not sure
if this is still valid for the latest release of FC
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