Hi, I was just setting up Xen for the first time on FC5, which was
relatively easy... the most trouble was knowing to disable selinux so
that xend would start up properly on boot. After I set it to
permissive it looked good, and I started to install a FC5 guest. /
usr/sbin/xenguest-install.py started up the installation (which was
pulled from http from a host next to the xen host, serving a mounted
FC-5-x86_64-DVD.iso) and it got as far as the dialog telling me that
it may take a while to initialize, and then it wedged the Xen host.
The host was fully updated to the latest patches as of today. At
this point the machine is hosed, and is gonna need someone to power-
cycle it to get it back to life, which unfortunately probably won't
happen until monday at the earliest.
I am just curious if anyone else has run into similar issues, or if
there are any known work arounds?
# uname -a
Linux butters 2.6.17-1.2187_FC5xen0 #1 SMP Mon Sep 11 01:51:30 EDT
2006 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
The machine has like 15g of memory, almost 100g of disk and 4 dual
core cpus (which the kernel sees as 8 cpus).
I'd really like to use Xen... instead of VMware... though I it is
going to be hard to debug since this machine is like 300 miles from
me with crummy support, so if it wedges again, its another few days
to kick it.
Any ideas welcome.
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