Re: vif not being created for domU - [Solved]

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On Wed, 2006-08-30 at 13:24 +1000, Hilton Day wrote:
> After some reading, it appears the problem is that the bridge device 
> gets named differently than expected by the script.
I filed a BZ on this:

> The bridge interface created by the network-bridge script was called 
> "xenbr2", as it was bridging device eth2.
> Changing my xend-config.sxp to force the name of the bridge device to be 
> "xenbr0" enabled the domU to access the bridge device and get an address 
> via dhcp.  The change made was to alter the line that calls the bridge 
> script in xend-config.sxp to be:
> (network-script 'network-bridge netdev=eth2 bridge=xenbr0')
> Looks like the is hardcoded with the bridge device 
> on line 174:
> vif = [ 'type=ioemu,bridge=xenbr0,mac=%(mac)s' ]
> Hilton.
> Hilton Day wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm running with fc5, kernel-xen0-2.6.17-1.2174.
> >
> > Yesterday I had a working Xen installation with a domU also running 
> > FC5, same kernel, udev, xen, libvirt, and same hardware.
> >
> > Following a rebuild of the host and reinstall/update of FC5 to same 
> > update levels, I'm now hitting a problem installing a domU, where it 
> > appears its not setting up a bridged interface for the domU.  I think 
> > it might be hotplug related?
> >
> > I've got the same udev, and its running, and I can see the rules files 
> > in /etc/udev/rules.d.
> >
> > Below is the output of several logs and commands.. as far as I can 
> > see, the network-bridge script is good, and its set up my interfaces 
> > correctly.  One minor complication is that my bridged ethernet card is 
> > on device eth2, but I've got the amendment in xend-config.sxp to call 
> > "(network-script 'network-bridge netdev=eth2')".
> >
> > I checked the kernel-xen list in bugzilla but couldn't find anything 
> > there on hotplug problems.
> >
> > Any help in figuring out the root cause would be much appreciated!  
> > Having gone from working to not-working in a reinstall of the same 
> > setup has me very confused.
> >
> > #### brctl show ####
> > bridge name    bridge id        STP enabled    interfaces
> > xenbr2        8000.feffffffffff    no        peth2
> >                            vif0.2
> >
> > #### ifconfig ####
> > eth2      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:14:6C:8C:2E:25          inet 
> > addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
> >          inet6 addr: fe80::214:6cff:fe8c:2e25/64 Scope:Link
> >          UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
> >          RX packets:353 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
> >          TX packets:396 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
> >          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
> >          RX bytes:42427 (41.4 KiB)  TX bytes:97320 (95.0 KiB)
> >
> > lo        Link encap:Local Loopback          inet addr:  
> > Mask:
> >          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
> >          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
> >          RX packets:660 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
> >          TX packets:660 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
> >          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
> >          RX bytes:3375221 (3.2 MiB)  TX bytes:3375221 (3.2 MiB)
> >
> > peth2     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr FE:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF          inet6 
> > addr: fe80::fcff:ffff:feff:ffff/64 Scope:Link
> >          RX packets:362 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
> >          TX packets:457 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
> >          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
> >          RX bytes:43683 (42.6 KiB)  TX bytes:104598 (102.1 KiB)
> >          Interrupt:18
> >
> > vif0.2    Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr FE:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF          inet6 
> > addr: fe80::fcff:ffff:feff:ffff/64 Scope:Link
> >          UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
> >          RX packets:396 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
> >          TX packets:354 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
> >          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
> >          RX bytes:97320 (95.0 KiB)  TX bytes:42517 (41.5 KiB)
> >
> > xenbr2    Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr FE:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF          inet6 
> > addr: fe80::200:ff:fe00:0/64 Scope:Link
> >          UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
> >          RX packets:62 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
> >          TX packets:6 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
> >          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
> >          RX bytes:9920 (9.6 KiB)  TX bytes:468 (468.0 b)
> >
> > #### /var/log/xen-hotplug.log ####
> > interface vif1.0 does not exist!
> >
> > #### /var/log/xend.log ####
> > [2006-08-30 11:17:25 xend] INFO (SrvDaemon:283) Xend Daemon started
> > [2006-08-30 11:17:25 xend] INFO (SrvDaemon:287) Xend changeset: 
> > unavailable .
> > [2006-08-30 11:17:25 xend.XendDomainInfo] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:207) 
> > XendDomainInfo.recreate({'paused': 0, 'cpu_time': 10867218609L, 
> > 'ssidref': 0, 'handle': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 
> > 0], 'shutdown_reason': 0, 'dying': 0, 'dom': 0, 'mem_kb': 961860, 
> > 'maxmem_kb': -4, 'max_vcpu_id': 0, 'crashed': 0, 'running': 1, 
> > 'shutdown': 0, 'online_vcpus': 1, 'blocked': 0})
> > [2006-08-30 11:17:25 xend.XendDomainInfo] INFO (XendDomainInfo:219) 
> > Recreating domain 0, UUID 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000.
> > [2006-08-30 11:17:25 xend.XendDomainInfo] WARNING (XendDomainInfo:241) 
> > No vm path in store for existing domain 0
> > [2006-08-30 11:17:25 xend.XendDomainInfo] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:701) 
> > Storing VM details: {'name': 'Domain-0', 'on_reboot': 'restart', 
> > 'on_poweroff': 'destroy', 'uuid': 
> > '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', 'on_crash': 'restart', 
> > 'vcpus': '1', 'vcpu_avail': '1', 'memory': '940', 'maxmem': '940'}
> > [2006-08-30 11:17:25 xend.XendDomainInfo] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:736) 
> > Storing domain details: {'cpu/0/availability': 'online', 
> > 'memory/target': '962560', 'name': 'Domain-0', 'console/limit': 
> > '1048576', 'vm': '/vm/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', 'domid': 
> > '0'}
> > [2006-08-30 11:17:25 xend] DEBUG (XendDomain:153) number of vcpus to 
> > use is 0
> > [2006-08-30 11:17:25 xend.XendDomainInfo] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:919) 
> > XendDomainInfo.handleShutdownWatch
> > [2006-08-30 11:22:23 xend.XendDomainInfo] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:185) 
> > XendDomainInfo.create(['vm', ['name', 'xen-www'], ['memory', '256'], 
> > ['maxmem', '256'], ['vcpus', '1'], ['on_poweroff', 'destroy'], 
> > ['on_reboot', 'destroy'], ['on_crash', 'destroy'], ['image', ['linux', 
> > ['kernel', '/var/lib/xen/vmlinuz.1WDQ9c'], ['ramdisk', 
> > '/var/lib/xen/initrd.img.jBbqHv'], ['args', ' root=/dev/xvd 
> > method=ftp://virtual/pub ']]], ['device', ['vbd', ['dev', 
> > '/dev/xvda'], ['uname', 'file:/dev/raid/xen_www'], ['mode', 'w']]], 
> > ['device', ['vif', ['mac', '00:16:3e:11:48:67'], ['bridge', 'xenbr0'], 
> > ['script', '/etc/xen/scripts/vif-bridge']]]])
> > [2006-08-30 11:22:23 xend.XendDomainInfo] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:291) 
> > parseConfig: config is ['vm', ['name', 'xen-www'], ['memory', '256'], 
> > ['maxmem', '256'], ['vcpus', '1'], ['on_poweroff', 'destroy'], 
> > ['on_reboot', 'destroy'], ['on_crash', 'destroy'], ['image', ['linux', 
> > ['kernel', '/var/lib/xen/vmlinuz.1WDQ9c'], ['ramdisk', 
> > '/var/lib/xen/initrd.img.jBbqHv'], ['args', ' root=/dev/xvd 
> > method=ftp://virtual/pub ']]], ['device', ['vbd', ['dev', 
> > '/dev/xvda'], ['uname', 'file:/dev/raid/xen_www'], ['mode', 'w']]], 
> > ['device', ['vif', ['mac', '00:16:3e:11:48:67'], ['bridge', 'xenbr0'], 
> > ['script', '/etc/xen/scripts/vif-bridge']]]]
> > [2006-08-30 11:22:23 xend.XendDomainInfo] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:390) 
> > parseConfig: result is {'uuid': None, 'on_crash': 'destroy', 
> > 'on_reboot': 'destroy', 'image': ['linux', ['kernel', 
> > '/var/lib/xen/vmlinuz.1WDQ9c'], ['ramdisk', 
> > '/var/lib/xen/initrd.img.jBbqHv'], ['args', ' root=/dev/xvd 
> > method=ftp://virtual/pub ']], 'on_poweroff': 'destroy', 
> > 'bootloader_args': None, 'cpus': None, 'name': 'xen-www', 'backend': 
> > [], 'vcpus': 1, 'cpu_weight': None, 'features': None, 'vcpu_avail': 
> > None, 'memory': 256, 'device': [('vbd', ['vbd', ['dev', '/dev/xvda'], 
> > ['uname', 'file:/dev/raid/xen_www'], ['mode', 'w']]), ('vif', ['vif', 
> > ['mac', '00:16:3e:11:48:67'], ['bridge', 'xenbr0'], ['script', 
> > '/etc/xen/scripts/vif-bridge']])], 'bootloader': None, 'cpu': None, 
> > 'maxmem': 256}
> > [2006-08-30 11:22:23 xend.XendDomainInfo] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1216) 
> > XendDomainInfo.construct: None
> > [2006-08-30 11:22:23 xend.XendDomainInfo] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1248) 
> > XendDomainInfo.initDomain: 1 1.0
> > [2006-08-30 11:22:23 xend] DEBUG (balloon:134) Balloon: free 62; need 
> > 257; retries: 10.
> > [2006-08-30 11:22:23 xend] DEBUG (balloon:143) Balloon: setting dom0 
> > target to 745.
> > [2006-08-30 11:22:23 xend.XendDomainInfo] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:987) 
> > Setting memory target of domain Domain-0 (0) to 745 MiB.
> > [2006-08-30 11:22:23 xend] DEBUG (balloon:128) Balloon: free 257; need 
> > 257; done.
> > [2006-08-30 11:22:23 xend] INFO (image:134) buildDomain os=linux dom=1 
> > vcpus=1
> > [2006-08-30 11:22:23 xend] DEBUG (image:177) dom            = 1
> > [2006-08-30 11:22:23 xend] DEBUG (image:178) image          = 
> > /var/lib/xen/vmlinuz.1WDQ9c
> > [2006-08-30 11:22:23 xend] DEBUG (image:179) store_evtchn   = 1
> > [2006-08-30 11:22:23 xend] DEBUG (image:180) console_evtchn = 2
> > [2006-08-30 11:22:23 xend] DEBUG (image:181) cmdline        =   
> > root=/dev/xvd method=ftp://virtual/pub
> > [2006-08-30 11:22:23 xend] DEBUG (image:182) ramdisk        = 
> > /var/lib/xen/initrd.img.jBbqHv
> > [2006-08-30 11:22:23 xend] DEBUG (image:183) vcpus          = 1
> > [2006-08-30 11:22:23 xend] DEBUG (image:184) features       =
> > [2006-08-30 11:22:23 xend] DEBUG (blkif:24) exception looking up 
> > device number for /dev/xvda: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 
> > '/dev/xvda'
> > [2006-08-30 11:22:23 xend] DEBUG (DevController:110) DevController: 
> > writing {'virtual-device': '51712', 'backend-id': '0', 'state': '1', 
> > 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/vbd/1/51712'} to 
> > /local/domain/1/device/vbd/51712.
> > [2006-08-30 11:22:23 xend] DEBUG (DevController:112) DevController: 
> > writing {'domain': 'xen-www', 'frontend': 
> > '/local/domain/1/device/vbd/51712', 'dev': '/dev/xvda', 'state': '1', 
> > 'params': '/dev/raid/xen_www', 'mode': 'w', 'frontend-id': '1', 
> > 'type': 'file'} to /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/1/51712.
> > [2006-08-30 11:22:23 xend] DEBUG (DevController:110) DevController: 
> > writing {'backend-id': '0', 'mac': '00:16:3e:11:48:67', 'handle': '0', 
> > 'state': '1', 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/vif/1/0'} to 
> > /local/domain/1/device/vif/0.
> > [2006-08-30 11:22:23 xend] DEBUG (DevController:112) DevController: 
> > writing {'bridge': 'xenbr0', 'domain': 'xen-www', 'handle': '0', 
> > 'script': '/etc/xen/scripts/vif-bridge', 'state': '1', 'frontend': 
> > '/local/domain/1/device/vif/0', 'mac': '00:16:3e:11:48:67', 
> > 'frontend-id': '1'} to /local/domain/0/backend/vif/1/0.
> > [2006-08-30 11:22:23 xend.XendDomainInfo] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:701) 
> > Storing VM details: {'uuid': '5b6415d8-f3a6-d64b-67c8-d8f7afb98e95', 
> > 'on_reboot': 'destroy', 'start_time': '1156900943.67', 'on_poweroff': 
> > 'destroy', 'name': 'xen-www', 'vcpus': '1', 'vcpu_avail': '1', 
> > 'memory': '256', 'on_crash': 'destroy', 'image': "(linux (kernel 
> > /var/lib/xen/vmlinuz.1WDQ9c) (ramdisk /var/lib/xen/initrd.img.jBbqHv) 
> > (args ' root=/dev/xvd method=ftp://virtual/pub '))", 'maxmem': '256'}
> > [2006-08-30 11:22:23 xend.XendDomainInfo] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:736) 
> > Storing domain details: {'console/ring-ref': '237071', 'console/port': 
> > '2', 'name': 'xen-www', 'console/limit': '1048576', 'vm': 
> > '/vm/5b6415d8-f3a6-d64b-67c8-d8f7afb98e95', 'domid': '1', 
> > 'cpu/0/availability': 'online', 'memory/target': '262144', 
> > 'store/ring-ref': '237072', 'store/port': '1'}
> > [2006-08-30 11:22:23 xend.XendDomainInfo] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:919) 
> > XendDomainInfo.handleShutdownWatch
> > [2006-08-30 11:22:23 xend] DEBUG (DevController:143) Waiting for 
> > devices vif.
> > [2006-08-30 11:22:23 xend] DEBUG (DevController:149) Waiting for 0.
> > [2006-08-30 11:22:23 xend] DEBUG (DevController:449) 
> > hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/1/0/hotplug-status.
> > [2006-08-30 11:22:23 xend] DEBUG (DevController:449) 
> > hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/1/0/hotplug-status.
> > [2006-08-30 11:22:23 xend] DEBUG (DevController:463) 
> > hotplugStatusCallback 2.
> > [2006-08-30 11:22:23 xend] ERROR (SrvBase:87) Request wait_for_devices 
> > failed.
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/xen/web/", line 85, 
> > in perform
> >    return op_method(op, req)
> >  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/xen/xend/server/", 
> > line 72, in op_wait_for_devices
> >    return self.dom.waitForDevices()
> >  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/xen/xend/", 
> > line 1511, in waitForDevices
> >    self.waitForDevices_(c)
> >  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/xen/xend/", 
> > line 1063, in waitForDevices_
> >    return self.getDeviceController(deviceClass).waitForDevices()
> >  File 
> > "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/xen/xend/server/", 
> > line 145, in waitForDevices
> >    return map(self.waitForDevice, self.deviceIDs())
> >  File 
> > "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/xen/xend/server/", 
> > line 161, in waitForDevice
> >    raise VmError("Device %s (%s) could not be connected. "
> > VmError: Device 0 (vif) could not be connected. Backend device not found.
> > [2006-08-30 11:22:24 xend] INFO (XendDomain:365) Domain xen-www (1) 
> > unpaused.
> >
> > #### /var/log/messages ####
> > Aug 30 11:17:26 virtual kernel: Bridge firewalling registered
> > Aug 30 11:17:26 virtual kernel: device vif0.2 entered promiscuous mode
> > Aug 30 11:17:26 virtual NET[2453]: /sbin/dhclient-script : updated 
> > /etc/resolv.conf
> > Aug 30 11:17:26 virtual kernel: audit(1156900646.201:3): dev=vif0.2 
> > prom=256 old_prom=0 auid=4294967295
> > Aug 30 11:17:26 virtual kernel: xenbr2: port 1(vif0.2) entering 
> > learning state
> > Aug 30 11:17:26 virtual dhclient: bound to -- renewal in 
> > 43167 seconds.
> > Aug 30 11:17:26 virtual kernel: xenbr2: topology change detected, 
> > propagating
> > Aug 30 11:17:26 virtual kernel: xenbr2: port 1(vif0.2) entering 
> > forwarding state
> > Aug 30 11:17:26 virtual kernel: r8169: peth2: link up
> > Aug 30 11:17:26 virtual kernel: device peth2 entered promiscuous mode
> > Aug 30 11:17:26 virtual kernel: audit(1156900646.249:4): dev=peth2 
> > prom=256 old_prom=0 auid=4294967295
> > Aug 30 11:17:26 virtual kernel: xenbr2: port 2(peth2) entering 
> > learning state
> > Aug 30 11:17:26 virtual kernel: xenbr2: topology change detected, 
> > propagating
> > Aug 30 11:17:26 virtual kernel: xenbr2: port 2(peth2) entering 
> > forwarding state
> > Aug 30 11:20:37 virtual ntpd[2004]: synchronized to LOCAL(0), stratum 10
> > Aug 30 11:20:37 virtual ntpd[2004]: kernel time sync disabled 0041
> > Aug 30 11:21:40 virtual ntpd[2004]: kernel time sync enabled 0001
> > Aug 30 11:22:23 virtual logger: /etc/xen/scripts/vif-bridge: brctl 
> > addif xenbr0 vif1.0 failed
> > Aug 30 11:22:46 virtual ntpd[2004]: synchronized to, 
> > stratum 2
> >
> > -- 
> > Fedora-xen mailing list
> > Fedora-xen@xxxxxxxxxx
> >
> --
> Fedora-xen mailing list
> Fedora-xen@xxxxxxxxxx
Sam Folk-Williams, RHCE         Red Hat Global Support Services 
Phone: 919/754-4558             GPG ID: 1B0D46BA 

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