Hi, I just followed the instruction on http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FedoraXenQuickstartFC5 but when I boot on the LinuxXen kernel, it hangs on "Starting xend: Bridge firewalling registered" and then I have seven or more lines of vif0.0: received packet with own address as source address Now, if I start in interactive mode and does not start xend during boot, I can then log into the system and then start xend . Here I have again these lines of vif0.0: received ... , but at least xend finishes the start process. What have I to do that I works without having to start in Interactive mode and that the vif0.0: received... messages disappear ? Just to mention that my laptop is not connected to the internet, but this should not be the problem I think, isn't it ? Thanks for your answers. Seeu Chris