apart from the FC5 xen install script, I just tried to use the fedory 5
Image from xen-get.org on a fedora5 host system.
xend is started (the fc5 install script which takes so long runs at the
same time).
I adjusted the locations of my disk files from the template config that
came with the cen-get image to match my kernel and disk image file
When trying to start the vm, I get the error:
"Error: Error creating domain: Kernel image does not exist:
But the file is definitely at exactly this location - I just asked a
colleague for help but he also couldN#t see any error.
I saw that the xen config file generated by the fedora5 install script
for fc5 domU (/usr/sbin/xenguest-install.py) seems to create a very
different looking config file than the ones I ever saw in any howto or
documentation, so I suspect fc5 added some patches to the xen start
scripts and I must make my config file "somehow" else, but I don't see how.
Is it impossible to use a "standard" xen config file in fc5 with the fc5
provided xen packages?