on den 29.03.2006 klokka 13:12 (+0900) skreiv tournesol: > I think it is not slash problem > > let me show you detail > > # xenguest-install.py > What is the name of your virtual machine? fc4 > How much RAM should be allocated (in megabytes)? 260 > What would you like to use as the disk (path)? /opt/fc4/ > What is the install location? > ftp://ftp.riken.jp/Linux/fedora/core/4/i386/os/ > Invalid URL location given You can only install distros which have a native XEN guest kernel, AFAIK this is only FC5 and rawhide at the moment. If you want other preinstalled distros, you might find this site interesting: http://jailtime.org/ -- Roy-Magne Mo <rmo@xxxxxxxxxxxx>