Igor Pires Soares さんは書きました:
2010/7/14 James Laska <jlaska@xxxxxxxxxx>:
One of the wishlist items for the QA team from Fedora 13 was to better
understand the test coverage handled by the Fedora l10n and i18n teams.
Looking at the link above, and not being familiar with l10n, is there a
place that documents what the general test procedure is?
There is not a general place describing the general procedure right
now and I realize this is something we should work on in order to
clarify the procedure for all L10N teams and also for others.
Hi Igor and all
I am wondering if we can use this newly opensourced tool (on 12-Jul),
Nitrate, for this purpose [1]. Red Hat has been using this tool for QA
I have uploaded some screenshots of very small sample test case plan on
my page [2].
First screenshot of 'test case sample' shows the test case plan consists
of only 6 test cases. Second screenshot of 'test case sample expanded'
shows the description of general procedure for one of these test cases.
Third screenshot of 'test run' shows the results of each test case under
particular test run.
The tool can be downloaded for installing, pls see instruction at [1].
The above sample test case plan can be imported with attached xml file.
Aalam is original author of those test cases, and I obtained the
permission to open those cases from him. Special thanks to Aalam.
Any idea is welcomed.
I see the results wiki template, where do record test results for the
release? Are those also on the wiki?
The initial intention for this template was to guide local teams on
their tests, so they can record their results where they feel is more
appropriate. It depends on how the L10N teams work.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<!DOCTYPE testopia SYSTEM "testopia.dtd" [
<!ENTITY testopia_lt "<">
<!ENTITY testopia_gt ">">
<testopia version="1.1">
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[anaconda][Text] String translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Verify the translation of strings are correct on each screen of Anaconda.</li>
</ol><ol> </ol></action>
<li>All text is translated in selected language.&nbsp; </li>
<li>Translation is appropriate and of a high quality.</li>
<li>To enter the text installation interface, press [TAB] in the install menu screen.</li>
<li>When the boot prompt is displayed, type <em>linux text</em>.</li>
<li>Select the required language, and then press Enter.</li>
<li>Select your keyboard model, and then press Enter.</li>
<p><strong>Note: </strong></p>
<li><em>CJKI Language -&nbsp; Interface is in English.(Language Unavailable in text mode until the display of the Language is possbile)<br /></em></li>
<li><em>Non-CJKI - Interface is in selected language.</em></li>
<li>Installation Method is Local CD/DVD</li>
<li>Skip the media test.</li>
<li>Type week password for root password like 'redhat' if alerted, press Yes.</li>
<li>Select 'Use free space' in Partitioning Type</li>
<li>Enable network interface - Select eth0 and use DHCP</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[anaconda][Text] Default time zone</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>When the time zone screen appears, verify that the default setting reflects the time zone for the selected locale.</li>
<expectedresults><p>Example results:</p>
<ol> </ol>
<li>zh_CN: Beijing</li>
<li>zh_TW: Taiwan</li>
<li>ja_JP: Tokyo</li>
<li>ko_KR: Seoul</li>
<li>*_IN: Calcutta/Kolkata</li>
<ol> </ol></expectedresults>
<setup><p>Package: anaconda</p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[anaconda][Text] Screen elements alignment</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Verify the element sizes (text boxes, buttons, menus, etc.) are correct on each screen of Anaconda.</li>
<li>All elements are proportional to text.</li>
<li>No element extends outside the edge of the screen.</li>
<setup><p>Package: anaconda</p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[anaconda][Text] Post Installation check</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>check following after installation
<li>time zone ($date)</li>
<li>locale ($locale) (en_US for indic, other - respective locale)</li>
<li>timezone should be respective to selected language</li>
<setup><p>Package: anaconda</p>
<p>Text Mode is minimal install (~600MB) and no GUI is there.</p>
<p>we need to check timezone and locale</p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="DISABLED">
<summary>[TUI + HTTP] post-installation check list</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><p>Note: Waiting for latest packages list for TUI mode as we have limited or no language support for TUI for CJKI</p>
<p>No Package Selection for TUI Mode. System is minimal install</p>
<li>Reboot your test machine<br />
<li>there is no GUI, only TUI application installed</li>
<li>setup tool should run as
<li>CJKI = English</li>
<li>All other = Repective Language</li>
<li>login and run command '<em>date</em>'</li>
<ol> </ol></action>
<li>setup tool/Firstboot in expected language</li>
<li><em>date</em> command's output show default timezone for selected language</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[anaconda][GUI] String translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Verify the translation of strings are correct on each screen of Anaconda.</li>
<li>All text is translated in selected language.</li>
<li>Translation is appropriate and of a high quality.</li>
<li>When clicking Languages selection "Customize now", selecting language support is selected by default.</li>
<setup><p>Package: anaconda</p>
<p><strong>installation Method:</strong></p>
<p><strong>CD</strong>: boot using boot CD and press entry,skip CD Test, select language (in text mode) and use provided URL/NFS path.</p>
<p><strong>DVD:</strong> boot from DVD and continue by selecting langauge (no need to provide path)</p>
<p><strong>Create Virtual Machine:</strong> Create new virtual machine with virt-manager, install using</p>
<p>URL (http/ftp) and use provided path. (5GB Free space for GUI)</p>
<li>Select Install or upgrade an existing system</li>
<li>Skip the media test when installing from Local CD/DVD</li>
<li>Search all menus and sub-menus of functions. problems and missing translations will be hidden deep within the menus.</li>
<li><strong>Network</strong>: Enable IPv4 support, un-select IPv6 option</li>
<li><strong>Disk Partition:</strong> use Basic Storage Devices, "Use Free Space: to install and select "Encrypt system" and&nbsp; "Review and modify partitioning layout"</li>
<li><strong>Package Selection: </strong>select "Desktop" and Installation Repo. Select "Customize now". Click 'Add additional software repositories' and 'Modify repository' to check their translation(But do not add or modify). Click Desktop in Package selection in "Customize now", add KDE Desktop.</li>
<div id="_mcePaste" style="overflow: hidden; position: absolute; left: -10000px; top: 0px; width: 1px; height: 1px;">skip CD Test</div></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="DISABLED">
<summary>[TUI + HTTP] default font</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><p>anaconda uses sans family font. Need to determine if the proper font has been selected in the locale tested.</p>
<li>in the language support, choose the locale you are testing</li>
<li>during installation, check and ensure the correct fonts are used</li>
</ol><ol> </ol></action>
<li>CJKI Installation - English Installation</li>
<ol> </ol></expectedresults>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[anaconda][GUI] Shortcut keys</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Verify that all the shortcut keys function correctly on each page of Anaconda.</li>
<li>To test shortcut keys, hold down the <strong>Alt </strong>key and press the key that corresponds to the letter underlined on the screen. For example, in English the shortcut key for <em>Next </em>is <strong>Alt </strong>+ <strong>N</strong>.</li>
<li>Shortcut keys function correctly on each page of Anaconda.</li>
<setup><p>Package: anaconda</p>
<p>Please report this test case after installation started, till then check shortcut on each window</p>
<p>Shortcut can be English or Locale, which you are testing,</p>
<p>depends upon language.</p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[anaconda][GUI] Screen elements alignment</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Select the required language, and then click Next.</li>
<li> Select your keyboard model, and then click Next.</li>
<li>Verify the element sizes (text boxes, buttons, menus, etc.) are correct on each screen of Anaconda.</li>
<li>All elements are proportional to text.</li>
<li>No element extends outside the edge of the screen.</li>
<setup><p>Package: anaconda</p>
<p>Note: Please report this test case after installation started, till then check alignment on each window</p>
<ol> </ol></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[anaconda][GUI] cracklib translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>at root password screen, entry following password
<li>wrong password ( password/confirm passwd - redhat123/redhat)</li>
<li>easy password ( password/confirm passwd - redhat/redhat)</li>
<li>empty password (password/confirm passd - /)</li>
<li>speical password (password/confirm passd - @$#-_/@$#-_)</li>
<li>Check error message in each password</li>
<p>Note: press back and reset default password to continue</p></action>
<li>Each error message should be translated</li>
<setup><p>package: anaconda</p>
<p>start GUI installation in locale selected</p>
<p>Note: please don't press continue with easy password, but cancel and try next passowrd.</p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[anaconda][GUI] default font</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><p>anaconda uses sans family font. Need to determine if the proper font has been selected in the locale tested.</p>
<li>in the language support, choose the locale you are testing</li>
<li>during installation, check and ensure the correct fonts are used (<em>Alt + F2, ls /usr/share/fonts/</em>)</li>
</ol><ol> </ol></action>
<li>zh_*: <strong>ZenKai</strong></li>
<li>ja: <strong>Gothic</strong></li>
<li>ko: <strong>Gulim</strong></li>
<li>ml_IN<strong>: Meera</strong></li>
<li>*_IN: <strong>Lohit<br /></strong></li>
<ol> </ol></expectedresults>
<setup><p>Package: anaconda</p>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[anaconda][GUI] Default time zone</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>When the time zone screen appears, verify that the default setting reflects the time zone for the selected locale.</li>
<expectedresults><p>Example results:</p>
<li>zh_CN: Beijing</li>
<li>zh_TW: Taiwan</li>
<li>ja_JP: Tokyo</li>
<li>ko_KR: Seoul</li>
<li>*_IN: Calcutta/Kolkata</li>
<setup><p>package: anaconda</p>
<p>start GUI installation in locale selected</p></setup>
<testcase author="ktakemur@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="DISABLED">
<summary>[anaconda][GUI] post-installation check list 1</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><p>Please follow the steps after reboot.</p>
<li>Welcome screen</li>
<li>Creat User(Click 'User Network Login..' and search all munes to check translations)</li>
<li>Date and Time</li>
<expectedresults><div class="content"><ol> </ol>
<li>All text is translated in selected language. </li>
<li>Translation is appropriate and of a high quality.</li>
<li>timezone should be respective to selected language</li>
<setup><p>After anaconda installation is complete(the machine has been rebooted), you will see welcome screen to set some initial configurations.</p>
<p>Do not forget eject CD/DVD from the drive before reboot if you have installed from local CD/DVD</p>
<p>If the machine booted from CD/DVD again, select 'Boot from Local Hard Disk' from the menu.</p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[anaconda][GUI] post-installation check list</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><p>1. verify whether the following have been installed using rpm -qa |grep ibus* for example<br /><br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; o ibus&nbsp; (<em>rpm -qa|grep ibus</em>)<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; o font packages (<em>rpm -qa|grep </em>devanagari)<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; o dictionary (rpm -q hunspell-hi)<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; o language packs for OOo etc (<em>rpm -qa|grep hi_IN</em>)</p>
<ol> </ol></action>
<li>ibus-pinyin,ibus-chewing, ibus-tables-chinese</li>
<p>Indic (like Hindi)</p>
<setup><p>Package: anaconda, comps</p>
<p>Following the completion of anaconda, we need to verify if the associated packages for the language support have been installed.</p></setup>
<testcase author="ktakemur@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[Release Notes] Check Release Notes</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>After installation has been complete, logon GNOME session</li>
<li>Go to the Panel to open System -&gt; Document -&gt; Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6: Release Notes</li>
<li>Check release notes both en_US and your language</li>
<li>Contents are fully translated.</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[firstboot] Translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>on every page of <strong>firstboot</strong>, note the translation of strings whether they have been fully translated</li>
</ol><ol> </ol></action>
<li>All message should be translated</li>
<setup><ol> </ol>
<p>On fresh installed system, first-boot should automatically run</p>
<p>Package: <strong>firstboot</strong></p>
<p>if need to re-run in desktop use following command</p>
<li>$ su -</li>
<li>$ firstboot --reconfig --debug</li>
<ol> </ol></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[firstboot] widgets alignment</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>on every page of <strong>firstboot</strong>, note the size of <strong>widgets</strong> (button, text box)</li>
<li>is the widget out of proportion? (<em><strong>yes/no</strong></em>)</li>
<li>did anything fell out of the screen? (<strong>yes/no</strong>)</li>
<setup><p>Package: Firstboot</p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[firstboot] shortcut keys working</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>verify whether all the shortcut keys are working on every page</li>
<li>shortcut keys on every page should be working</li>
<setup><p>Package: firstboot</p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[firstboot] default font</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><p>firstboot uses sans family font. Need to determine if the proper font has been selected in the locale tested.<br /><br /></p>
<li>in the language support, check and ensure the correct fonts are used</li>
<expectedresults><ol> </ol>
<li>zh_*: ZenKai</li>
<li>ja: Gothic</li>
<li>ko: Gulim</li>
<li>Indic: <strong>lohit-* </strong></li>
<li>malayalam: <strong>Mera</strong></li>
<ol> </ol></expectedresults>
<setup><p>Package: firstboot</p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[gdm] GDM Translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Log out the Gnome Session</li>
<li>Before login, check messages, buttons</li>
<li>Enter user Name, check buttons, Language selection</li>
<li>All Message should be translated</li>
<setup><p>Need to logout and Check the GDM messages</p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[gdm] character spacing and size</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><p>1. While enter <span style="font-weight: bold;">password</span> after giving <span style="font-weight: bold;">username</span>, check password <span style="font-style: italic;">character (*) size</span></p></action>
<expectedresults><ol> </ol>
<p>1. whether size of <strong>(*)</strong> is relavant to Other English Font size</p></expectedresults>
<setup><p>Package: gdm, font package</p>
<breakdown><p>Fail Case: Size of * bigger (nearly equal to Other Character or tiny, position of previously input character changed by input *</p></breakdown>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[gdm] shortcut keys are working</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Logout Gnome Session and Enter user name.</li>
<li>try Language (Alt+L), Keyboard (Alt+K), Session (Alt+S) shortcut</li>
<expectedresults><p>1. shortcut keys&nbsp; should be working</p></expectedresults>
<setup><p>Package: gdm</p>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[desktop-effects] Translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><p>Verify translation and shortcut keys in the Desktop Effects application.</p>
<li>Press <strong>Alt </strong>+ <strong>F2</strong>. The Run Applicaiton dialog appears.</li>
<li>In the text box, type <em>desktop-effects</em>, and then click <strong>Run</strong>.</li>
<li> Click Standard(By default)</li>
<li>Click Compiz</li>
<li>Click Close.</li>
<li>If your computer does not support desktop effects the warning "Desktop effects could not be enabled" will appear. This is not a <strong>fail</strong> condition of the test case.</li>
<li>Application is translated.</li>
<li>Application is working(if errors ocuur, it can hanld the errors with decent messages).</li>
</ol> <ol> </ol></expectedresults>
<setup><p>Package: desktop-effects</p>
<p>Note: If package not installed, please install it by</p>
<p><em>yum install &lt;PACKAGE&gt;</em></p></setup>
<li>Application Failed to work on Some Hardware Error "Accelerated 3D graphics is not available". FAIL test case</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[im-chooser] Translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>run im-chooser (Alt+F2)</li>
<li>Check screen </li>
<p>IM Chooser - Input Method configuration</p>
<li>Check shortcut(Alt+C for <span style="text-decoration: underline;">C</span>lose, Alt+P for Input Method <span style="text-decoration: underline;">P</span>references.. in English example)</li>
<li>application should be translated</li>
<li>shortcut keys should be working</li>
<setup><p>Package: im-chooser</p>
<p>Note: If package not installed, please install it by<br /><br />yum install &lt;PACKAGE&gt;</p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[im-chooser] i18n</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Add new user (system-config-users)</li>
<li>logout and login as new user with English locale</li>
<li>run im-chooser(Alt + F2)</li>
<li>select "Enable input method feature"</li>
<li>No need to logout</li>
<li>Right click on ibus icon in notification area, select Preferences. Select Input Method tab in 'IBus Preferences' and Add the input method of selecting language from 'Select an input method'.</li>
<li>Right click on ibus icon and select Restart</li>
<li>run gedit, Activate IM and type something</li>
<li>Log out the new uer</li>
<li>ibus should start (only icon will appear in notification area)</li>
<li>locale (you selected in ibus preferences) input should work in gedit</li>
<setup><p>Package: im-chooser</p>
<p>Note: If package not installed, please install it by<br /><br />yum install &lt;PACKAGE&gt;</p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[iok] input in gedit</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Login using localization user.</li>
<li>Run gedit (Alt + F2) (first)</li>
<li>Run iok (Alt + F2)</li>
<li>Click on gedit and click on iok</li>
<li>Press key from iok and check whether input working in gedit</li>
<li>input should be working in gedit</li>
<setup><p>Package: iok</p>
<p><br />Note: If package not installed, please install it by<br /><br />yum install &lt;PACKAGE&gt;</p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[iok] Translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>run iok -a (Alt + F2 type there or run from gnome-terminal)</li>
<li>check translation</li>
<li>Application should be translated</li>
<setup><p>Package: iok (Specific for Indic)</p>
<p>1. If package not installed, please install it by<br /><br />yum install &lt;PACKAGE&gt;</p>
<p>2. Set iok to use 'Always on Top" feature(Right Click on iok menu bar to find the select box).</p></setup>
<breakdown><p><strong>"to English" </strong>is kept in English, it is not Bug, but feature</p></breakdown>
<testcase author="anross@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[ibus] String translations</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Right click the iBus icon in the notification area. Check translations for:<ol>
<li>Click Preferences. Check translations on all screens.
<li>Select keyboard shortcut for trigger</li>
<li>Select keyboard shortcut for next input method</li>
<li>Please press a key (or a key combination)</li>
<li>Input Method</li>
<li>Input Method About</li>
<li>Click About. Check translations on all screens.</li>
<p><span style="font-weight: bold;"><br /></span></p></action>
<li>All translations are complete.</li>
<testcase author="czhao@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[ibus] Preferences-Input Methods-Add pinyin</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Right click the iBus icon in the notification area (top panel).</li>
<li>Go to Preferences -&gt; Input Methods</li>
<li>In the "Select an input method",select Chinese-&gt;PinYin</li>
<li>Click Add button<span style="font-weight: bold;"><br /></span></li>
<expectedresults><p>Verify the selected input method is in the list and you can input in any application</p></expectedresults>
<setup><p>Package: ibus-pinyin</p></setup>
<testcase author="czhao@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[ibus] Preferences-Input Methods-Up</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Right click the iBus icon in the notification area.</li>
<li>Go to Preferences -&gt; Input Methods</li>
<li>Select one input method from bottom of list, then click button Up, move it to top in list</li>
<li>Press Close, Right Click on ibus icon, select "Restart"</li>
<li>Press Alt+F2,</li>
<li>Open gedit.</li>
<li>Enable iBus and start typing.</li>
<p><span style="font-weight: bold;"><br /></span></p>
<p><span style="font-weight: bold;"><br /></span></p></action>
<li>By default selected keymap should top most (set up in preference)</li>
<li>Verify the input method can move up to the next row on the list.</li>
<setup><p>Package: ibus</p>
<p>Test: Change Default input Method and a test whether it is changed or not</p></setup>
<testcase author="czhao@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[ibus] Preferences-Input Methods-Down</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Right click the iBus icon in the notification area.</li>
<li>Go to Preferences -&gt; Input Methods</li>
<li>In the "Select an input method", add more input methods</li>
<li>Select one input method,then click Down button</li>
<li>Press Close, Right Click on ibus icon, select "Restart"</li>
<li>Press Alt+F2,</li>
<li>Open gedit. </li>
<li>Enable iBus/Input Method and start typing.</li>
<li>Verify the input method can move down to the next row on the list.</li>
<testcase author="czhao@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[ibus] Preferences-Input Methods-About</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><p>1.Right click the iBus icon in the notification area.<br />2.Go to <span style="font-weight: bold;">Preferences</span> -&gt; <span style="font-weight: bold;">Input Methods</span><span style="font-weight: bold;"><br /></span>3.Select one input method,then click <span style="font-weight: bold;">About</span> button<span style="font-weight: bold;"><br /></span></p></action>
<li>Information should be relative to locale.</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="DISABLED">
<summary>[bug buddy] GUI Localization Testing</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><p>NOTE: you must be using your Locale during login in<br />Desktop (<em>gnome/kde</em>)<br /><br />1. Run Application with following command&nbsp; in gnome-terminal<br /><em>bug-buddy --appname=bug-buddy --minidump=bug-buddy.txt</em><br />2. Click on First Button (Review Crash Details)<br />&nbsp;2.1 New Window Open<br />&nbsp;2.2 Need to Check 3 Buttons<br />3. Click on Help Button<br />&nbsp;3.1 New Window Open</p></action>
<expectedresults><p>1. Check Translation<br />- Above Input Box (What are you doing...)<br />- Check Button (Review Crash Detials)<br />- Check Button on Newly open Windows (with Step 2.1)<br />- Check Help about Tool (Step 3.1)<br />PASS if- All Stuff Translated<br />FAIL&nbsp; if Any Part is not Translated<br />NOTE: Please give detail about what is not Translated,<br />Button Name, (if case Button is not Translated)<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />&nbsp;<br /></p></expectedresults>
<testcase author="czhao@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[ibus] Enable IBus in IM Chooser</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><p>1. Go to <span style="font-weight: bold;">System </span>-&gt;<span style="font-weight: bold;">Preferences</span>&nbsp;<span style="font-weight: bold;"> </span>-&gt;<span style="font-weight: bold;">Input Method<br /></span>2. In the IM Chooser dialogue,tick "Enable input method feature",<br />3. Click Close button<span style="font-weight: bold;">.<br /></span></p></action>
<expectedresults><p>1.After step 2,&nbsp; verify the "Use IBus (recommended)" is enabled in input method.<br />2.After step 3, verify IBus icon appears in the upper right corner of the navigation bar.</p></expectedresults>
<setup><p>You must login in to Non-CJKI locale (eg English), otherwise</p>
<p>ibus will be default active.</p>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="DISABLED">
<summary>[ekiga]GUI Localziation (translation/shortcut) Testing</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><p>1. Run Application with Alt+F2 (or from Menu)<br />&nbsp; (Command "<em><strong>ekiga</strong></em>")<br />2. Press <strong>Cancel</strong> for Wizard<br />3. Application start<br />4. Open Each Menu/Submenu<br />5. Check buttons and various tabs</p></action>
<expectedresults><p>1. Menu/Submenu should be Translated in localized <strong>(Complete, Few Missing, Few Translated, N/A)</strong><br />2. Shortcut keys should be:</p>
<li>in English for CJK and Indic</li>
<li>in respective language for Other Language</li>
<p><br />NOTE:<br /><strong>Fail</strong>: if</p>
<li>Application has no translation (if it is not, then no further test for shortcut as step 2)</li>
<li>Check shortcut in Menu and Buttons</li>
<testcase author="czhao@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[ibus] Remove Input Method</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Right click the iBus icon in the notification area.</li>
<li>Go to <span style="font-weight: bold;">Preferences</span> -&gt; <span style="font-weight: bold;">Input Methods<br /></span></li>
<li>In the "<strong>Select an input method</strong>", add more input methods<span style="font-weight: bold;"><br /></span></li>
<li>Select one input method,then click <span style="font-weight: bold;">Remove</span> button</li>
<li>Right Click on iBus icon and '<strong>restart</strong>'</li>
<li>Selected input method should be removed.</li>
<li>All Messages during this activity should be tanslated.</li>
<setup><p>Package: ibus</p></setup>
<testcase author="czhao@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[ibus] About IBus</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><p>1.Right click the iBus icon in the notification area, and select <span style="font-weight: bold;">About</span>. <span style="font-weight: bold;"><br /></span>2.Press <span style="font-weight: bold;">Credits</span><br />3.Press <span style="font-weight: bold;">License</span></p></action>
<expectedresults><p>1. all messages should be translated</p></expectedresults>
<setup><p>Package: ibus</p></setup>
<testcase author="czhao@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[ibus] Quit IBus</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><p>1. Right click the iBus icon in notification area<br />2. Click <span style="font-weight: bold;">Quit</span></p></action>
<expectedresults><p>There is no iBus icon in notification area.</p></expectedresults>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[gtk2+] LTR Error check</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>open gnome-terminal</li>
<li>run gedit from gnome-terminal</li>
<li>check gnome-terminal for any error message</li>
<li>gnome-terminal should be error free</li>
<setup><p>Package: gtk2</p>
<p>LTR (left to right) language should have default variable in gtk2 translation.</p>
<li>fail case has some error message with "LTR" string</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[Appearance] Translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>run Appreance Preferences with System-&gt;Preferences-&gt;Appearance</li>
<li>use Theme/Background/Fonts tab</li>
<li>Check translation</li>
<li>use shortcut</li>
<li>Application should be translated</li>
<li>Shortcut should be working</li>
<setup><p>Package: gnome-theme, gnome-icon-theme,gnome-backgrounds</p>
<p>Note: If package not installed, please install it by<br /><br />yum install &lt;PACKAGE&gt;</p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[abrt] Translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>run Applications-&gt;System Tools-&gt;Automatic Bug Reporting Tool</li>
<li>check menu/submenu/pluings/About</li>
<li>try shortcut for menu (alt+&lt;char&gt;)</li>
<li>application should be translated</li>
<li>shortcut key should be working for menu</li>
<setup><p>package: abrt-gui</p>
<li>If package not installed, please install it by</li>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"><br />yum install &lt;PACKAGE&gt;</p>
<li>Use localized Desktop</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[metacity] windows decoration Translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>use gnome desktop (which is default)</li>
<li>run gedit or gnome-terminal</li>
<li>Right click on window decoration</li>
<li>check menu</li>
<li>use shortcut provide in window decoration menu</li>
<li>application should be translated</li>
<li>shortcut should be working</li>
<setup><p>Package: metacity (gnome-desktop)</p>
<li>If package not installed, please install it by</li>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"><br />yum install &lt;PACKAGE&gt;</p>
<li>Use localized Desktop</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[NM] Translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>NetworkManager Icon in notification area</li>
<li>Right Click -&gt; Edit Connections</li>
<li>use all tabs</li>
<li>try shortcuts</li>
<li>Application should be translated</li>
<li>shortcut should be working</li>
<setup><p>Package: NetworkManger-gnome<br /><br />Note: If package not installed, please install it by<br /><br />yum install &lt;PACKAGE&gt;</p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[brasero] Translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">run brasero<br /></span></li>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Open Menu, Submenu</span></li>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Try to create Audio project, Data project, Video project, Disc Copy, Burn Image (and Cancel all those)<br /></span></li>
<p><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Check translation and shortcut keys </span></p>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">whole application should translated with tabs and dialog</span></li>
<p><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">shortcut keys should working properly</span></p>
<setup><p>Package: brasero (gnome-desktop)</p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[cheese] Translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">run <em>cheese</em><br /></span></p>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">open Menu/Submenu <br /></span></li>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Press Buttons (<em>Take a Photo/Start Recording/Take Multiple Photos/Effects</em>)<br /></span></li>
<p><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Check translation and shortcut keys</span></p>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">whole application should translated with menu/dialog</span></li>
<p><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">shortcut keys should working properly</span></p>
<setup><p>Package: cheese (gnome-desktop)</p>
<p>If no camera, you can continue test.</p></setup>
<li>No Camera</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[eog] Translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>run eog</li>
<li>check menu/submenu (Toolbar/Preferences)</li>
<li>use shortcuts for Menu (Alt+&lt;Char&gt;)</li>
<li>All menu/submenu should be translated</li>
<li>shortcut should be working</li>
<setup><p>Package: <strong>eog</strong> (gnome-desktop)</p>
<p>Note: If package not installed, please install it by<br /><br />yum install &lt;PACKAGE&gt;</p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[ekiga] Translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>run ekiga</li>
<li>check wizard translation</li>
<li>check menu/submenu (account/preferences)</li>
<li>click on Contacts/Dialpad/Call History)</li>
<li>try to use Shortcut for Menu</li>
<li>All Menu/Submenu/Dialog box/Wizard should be translated</li>
<li>shortcut should work</li>
<setup><p>Package: ekiga<br /><br />Note: If package not installed, please install it by<br /><br />yum install &lt;PACKAGE&gt;</p>
<p>Setup: in wizard,</p>
<li>Select "I do not want to sign up for ekiga..." in 3 of 8 dialog</li>
<li>Select "I do not want to sign up for ekiga..." in 4 of 8 dialog</li>
<li>All other keep default and Press Next/Apply</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[evince] Translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>run evince (Alt + F2)</li>
<li>check menu/submenu/Toolbar</li>
<li>use shortcut for menu (Alt+&lt;char&gt;)</li>
<li>Application should be translated</li>
<li>shortcut should be working</li>
<setup><p>Package: evince (gnome-desktop)</p>
<p>Note: If package not installed, please install it by<br /><br />yum install &lt;PACKAGE&gt;</p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[file-roller] Translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>run file-roller (Alt+F2)</li>
<li>check menu/submenu</li>
<li>try to create new zip file with default setting (choose any name)</li>
<li>use shortcut for menu</li>
<li>application should be translated</li>
<li>dialog box for new file should be translated</li>
<li>shortcut should work</li>
<setup><p>Package: file-roller</p>
<p>Note: If package not installed, please install it by<br /><br />yum install &lt;PACKAGE&gt;</p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[gcalctool] Translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>run <em>gcalctool</em> or <em>gnome-calculator</em></li>
<li>check menu/submenu</li>
<li>press some buttons</li>
<li>use shortcut for menu</li>
<li>application&nbsp; should translated</li>
<li>button input properly</li>
<li>shortcut should work</li>
<setup><p>Package: gcalctool (gnome-desktop)</p>
<p>Note: If package not installed, please install it by<br /><br />yum install &lt;PACKAGE&gt;</p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[gnome-control-center] Translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">run gnome-control-center (Alt+F2-&gt;gnome-control-center)<br /></span></p>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Check groups/Common Tasks<br /></span></li>
<p><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Check translation</span></p>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Filter<br /></span>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Type some application name in your locale</span></li>
<li>Whole application should be translated</li>
<li>Filter: matching application name should filter out</li>
<setup><p>Package: gnome-control-center (gnome-desktop)</p>
<p>it is collection of tools from various applications. This test case</p>
<p>is for Test available tools, avoid press any of these</p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[selinux-troubleshooter] Translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>run sealert (Application-&gt;System Tools-&gt; SELinux Troubleshooter)</li>
<li>check Translation</li>
<li>use shortcut (Alt+&lt;char&gt;)</li>
<li>Application should be translated</li>
<li>shortcut should work</li>
<setup><p>package: setroubleshoot-server (Applications/System)</p>
<li>If package not installed, please install it by</li>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"><br /><em>yum install setroubleshoot-plugins setroubleshoot</em></p>
<li>Use localized Desktop</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[gnome-packagekit] Translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><!-- @page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } -->
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">run following commands</span></p>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">gpk-application</span></li>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">gpk-update-viewer</span></li>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">gpk-prefs</span></li>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">gpk-repo<br /></span></li>
<p><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Check translation and shortcut keys </span></p>
<expectedresults><!-- @page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } -->
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">whole applications should translated with menu/dialog</span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">shortcut keys should working properly</span></p>
<setup><p>Package: gnome-packagekit</p>
<p>command: gpk-application/gpk-update-viewer/gpk-prefs/gpk-repo</p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[gnome-power-manager] Translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>check gnome-power-manger near notification area</li>
<li>right click and use all options</li>
<li>open preference (System-&gt;Preferences-&gt;Power Managment)</li>
<li>check all tabs</li>
<li>use shortcut keys (Alt+&lt;char&gt;)</li>
<li>Application should be translated</li>
<li>Shortcut should work</li>
<setup><p>package: gnome-power-manager</p>
<p>Note: If package not installed, please install it by<br /><br />yum install &lt;PACKAGE&gt;</p>
<p>Laptop:&nbsp; gnome-power-manager icon will be in notification area</p>
<p>Desktop: it may not appear for your desktop, try to use</p>
<p><strong>System-&gt;Preferences-&gt;Power Management</strong></p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[gnome-screensaver] Translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>run gnome-screensaver-preferences (System-&gt;Preferences-&gt;Screensaver)</li>
<li>Select different Screensaver theme</li>
<li>Preview those</li>
<li>try shortcut buttons (Alt+&lt;char&gt;)</li>
<li>application should translated </li>
<li>shortcut should work</li>
<setup><p>Package: gnome-screensaver</p>
<p>Note: If package not installed, please install it by<br /><br />yum install &lt;PACKAGE&gt;</p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[gnome-session] Translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><!-- @page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } -->
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">run </span>gnome-session-properties</p>
<li>check tabs</li>
<li>Press Add, check dialog box, press Cancel</li>
<p><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Check translation and shortcut keys </span></p>
<expectedresults><!-- @page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } -->
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">whole application should translated with all dialog box/tabs<br /></span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">shortcut keys should working properly</span></p>
<setup><p>Package: gnome-session</p>
<p>Command: gnome-session-properties</p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[gnome-system-monitor] i18n/Translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><!-- @page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } -->
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">run gnome-system-monitor</span></li>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Open each tab, Edit-&gt;Preferences<br /></span></li>
<p><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Check translation and shortcut keys </span></p>
<expectedresults><!-- @page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } -->
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">whole application should translated with tabs and dialog<br /></span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">shortcut keys should working properly</span></p>
<setup><p>Package: gnome-system-monitor</p></setup>
<breakdown><p>Know Bug: <a href="https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=575667">575667</a></p>
<p>Indic: broken Rendering: Resources Tab bug</p></breakdown>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[gnome-utils] Translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><!-- @page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } -->
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">run following application</span></p>
<li>baobab (Application-&gt;System Tool-&gt;Disk Dsage Analyzer)</li>
<li>gnome-screenshot (Print Screen Button)</li>
<li>Check menu/dialog box (if available)</li>
<p><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Check translation and shortcut keys </span></p>
<expectedresults><!-- @page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } -->
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">whole applications should translated with menu/dialog</span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">shortcut keys should working properly</span></p>
<setup><p>Package: gnome-utils</p>
<p>TODO: 4 test cases different for each application</p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[gnote] i18n/Translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><!-- @page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } -->
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">run gnote (Alt+F2 -&gt;gnote)</span></p>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">create note in local language (input)<br /></span></li>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Edit-&gt;Preferences, check all tab in dialog box</span></li>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Check translation and shortcut keys </span></li>
<li>Input should work as expected</li>
<!-- @page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } -->
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">whole application should translated with tabs/menu/dialog</span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">shortcut keys should working properly</span></p>
<setup><p>Package: gnote</p>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[gucharmap] Translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><!-- @page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } -->
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">run gucharmap / charmap</span></p>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">check default selected language script<br /></span></li>
<p><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Check translation and shortcut keys</span></p>
<expectedresults><!-- @page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } -->
<li>default language script should your default locale [1]</li>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">whole application should translated with menu/dialog</span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">shortcut keys should working properly</span></p>
<p>[1] <em>Note: it is default first langauge, if you changed once, it will only</em></p>
<p><em>stay first language, in which 'gucharmap' run.</em></p></expectedresults>
<setup><p>Package: gucharmap</p>
<p>Desc: Unicode character picker and font browser</p>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[gnome-terminal] Translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><!-- @page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } -->
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">run gnome-terminl (Alt+F2 gnome-terminal)</span></p>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">open Menu/Submenu (to first level</span></li>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Right click in input Area<br /></span></li>
<p><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Check translation and shortcut keys</span></p>
<expectedresults><!-- @page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } -->
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">whole application should translated with menu/dialog</span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">shortcut keys should working properly</span></p>
<setup><p>package: gnome-terminal</p>
<p>type: shell</p></setup>
<breakdown><p>known Bug: <a title="gnome-terminal Indic Rendering Bug" href="https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=563182" target="_blank">https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=563182</a></p>
<p>Indic Rendering is broken in terminal</p></breakdown>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[sound-juicer] Translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>run sound-juicer (Applications-&gt;Sound and Video-&gt;Audio CD Extractor)</li>
<li>Check menu/Sub-menu/Prefences</li>
<li>use shortcut key for common actions in application </li>
<li>application should be translated</li>
<li>shortcut key should be working</li>
<setup><p>Package: sound-juicer (gnome-desktop)</p>
<li>If package not installed, please install it by</li>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"><br />yum install &lt;PACKAGE&gt;</p>
<li>Use localized Desktop</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[sound-pref] Translation </summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>run System-&gt;Preferences-&gt;Sound</li>
<li>check various tabs</li>
<li>try shortcuts</li>
<li>application should be translated</li>
<li>shortcut should be working</li>
<setup><p>Package: pulseaudio</p>
<li>If package not installed, please install it by</li>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"><br />yum install &lt;PACKAGE&gt;</p>
<li>Use localized Desktop</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[totem] Translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>run totem (Applications-&gt;Sound and Video-&gt; Movie Player)</li>
<li>check menu/submenu/</li>
<li>File-&gt;Open File-&gt; (open Downloaded file)</li>
<li>use shortcut key for menu (alt+&lt;char&gt;)</li>
<li>Applicaton should be translated</li>
<li>shortcut key should work as expected</li>
<setup><p>Package: totem (gnome-desktop)</p>
<p>Download: <a href="https://svn.devel.redhat.com/repos/shagohad/trunk/TestMaterials/totem/Arab%27s%20Night.ogg">https://svn.devel.redhat.com/repos/shagohad/trunk/TestMaterials/totem/Arab%27s%20Night.ogg</a></p>
<p>Default Download location (~/Downloads)</p>
<table style="width: 100%;" border="0">
<td valign="top"></td>
<li>If package not installed, please install it by</li>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"><br />yum install &lt;PACKAGE&gt;</p>
<li>Use localized Desktop</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[vino] Translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>run vino-preferences</li>
<li>check translation</li>
<li>use shortcut key</li>
<li>application should be translated</li>
<li>shortcut should be working</li>
<setup><p>Package: vino (gnome-desktop)</p>
<p>Note: If package not installed, please install it by<br /><br />yum install &lt;PACKAGE&gt;</p>
<p>TODO: Add more detail</p>
<li>for user to share desktop</li>
<li>with and without permission access</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[virt-manager] Translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>run Virt-Manager (Alt+F2 virt-manager) or</li>
<li>Application-&gt;System Tools-&gt;Virtual Machine Manager</li>
<li>New (Click on toolbar Icon)</li>
<li>provide Name</li>
<li>Select Network install</li>
<li>URL: User proper and closest install tree on your site</li>
<li>use other default options</li>
<li>Finish and Wait to start</li>
<li>Force Shut Down </li>
<li>Application Menu/Wizard should be translated</li>
<li>shortcut should be working</li>
<setup><p>package: virt-manager (Virtualization)</p>
<p>Note: If package not installed, please install it by<br /><br /><em># yum groupinstall Virtualization -y</em></p>
<p><em># yum install libvirt</em></p>
<p><em># /etc/init.d/libvirtd start</em></p>
<p><em># virt-manager</em></p>
<p>Error Message(Error determining default hypervisor) may appear then</p>
<p>File-&gt;Add Connection</p>
<p>Hypervisor - QEMU/KVM</p>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[yelp] Translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>run yelp from System-&gt;Help</li>
<li>check application translation
<li>use shortcut key</li>
<blockquote><br /></blockquote></action>
<li>Application should be translated</li>
<li>Shortcut key should be working</li>
<setup><p>Package: yelp (gnome-desktop)</p>
<li>If package not installed, please install it by</li>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"><br />yum install &lt;PACKAGE&gt;</p>
<li>Use localized Desktop</li>
<breakdown><p>Note: Documents inside yelp Can or Can't be translated. Don't</p>
<p>Fail test case based on that. This Test Case is only for yelp</p>
<p>Toolbar/Menu etc.</p></breakdown>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[yelp] i18n</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>run yelp from System-&gt;Help</li>
<li>type some characters (2 or 3) in Search box with local language</li>
<li>check output</li>
<li>you will get localized message</li>
<li>if there is no content in local message, error message will be display in local language (for yelp).</li>
<p>Package: yelp (gnome-desktop)</p>
<li>If package not installed, please install it by</li>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"><br />yum install &lt;PACKAGE&gt;</p>
<li>Use localized Desktop</li>
<breakdown><p>Fail Case: if rendering broken, no content shown or tag shown</p></breakdown>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[gedit] String translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Open gedit</li>
<li>Verify that all the menus and sub-menus are translated.</li>
<expectedresults><ol> </ol>
<li>All menus and sub-menus are translated.</li>
<ol> </ol></expectedresults>
<li>login to localize Desktop</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[gedit] Shortcut keys</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Verify that all the shortcut keys on the menus and sub-menus function correctly.</li>
<li>To test shortcut keys, hold down the <strong>Alt </strong>key and press the key that corresponds to the letter underlined on the screen. For example, in English the shortcut key for <em>Next </em>is <strong>Alt </strong>+ <strong>N</strong>.</li>
<expectedresults><ol> </ol>
<li>All shortcut keys function correctly.</li>
<ol> </ol></expectedresults>
<li>Run <strong>gedit</strong>.</li>
<li>Quit <strong>gedit</strong>.</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[gedit] input with GTK apps (CJKI)</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><ol> </ol> <ol>
<li>with <strong>CJKI</strong> locale, start gedit</li>
<li><em>c</em><em>trl-space</em> to activate IM <em>(ibus</em>)</li>
<li>Type from keyboard with language keyboard</li>
<li><strong>or</strong> input the from following links</li>
<p><a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/key-sequence.html">http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/key-sequence.html</a></p></action>
<li>All CJKI input should be fine</li>
<li>your session should be gnome with localize Desktop</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[gedit] printing with GTK apps [CJKI locale]</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>with <strong>CJKI</strong> locale, start <em>gedit</em></li>
<li>copy and paste the contents from the following URL:</li>
<p><a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html">http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html</a></p>
<li>print the contents to <strong>printer</strong> or <strong>postscript</strong></li>
<li>verify printout or use postscript viewer (<em>evince</em>) to examine postscript. it should print the original content</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[gedit] printing with GTK apps [en_US locale]</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>in LANG=en_US.UTF-8 start <em>gedit</em></li>
<li>copy and paste the contents from the following URL:<br /><a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html">http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html</a><br />Please select your language with html and text (minimum 10 lines)</li>
<li>print the contents to <strong>printer</strong> or <strong>postscript</strong></li>
<li>verify printout or use postscript viewer (<em>evince</em>) to examine postscript. gedit should print the original content</li>
<setup><p>Package: gedit</p>
<li>your session should be gnome with localize Desktop</li>
<testcase author="anony@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[gnome-panel] Add an item to Top panel</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Right click on the top panel</li>
<li>Click "Add to Panel" - check translation:<ol>
<li>Find an item</li>
<li>Choose "Fish", click Add.</li>
<li>Move mouse over applet. Check tooltip translation "Wanda the fish"</li>
<li>Verify that all text is translated</li>
<li>Verify the Fish applet has been added onto panel.</li>
<li>Verify the tooltip is translated.</li>
<testcase author="anross@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[gnome-menu] Gnome menu translations</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Click the <strong>Applications</strong> menus including all sub-menus. Check all translations.
<li>Accessories and all sub menus</li>
<li>Games and all sub menus</li>
<li>Graphics and all sub menus</li>
<li>Internet and all sub menus</li>
<li>Office and all sub menus</li>
<li>Other and all sub menus</li>
<li>Programming and all sub menus</li>
<li>Sound &amp; Video and all sub menus</li>
<li>System Tools and all sub menus</li>
<li>Click the <strong>Places</strong> menu. Check all translations.
<li>Home Folder</li>
<li>Click the <strong>System</strong> menu. Check all translations.<ol> </ol>
<li>Preferences and all sub menus</li>
<li>Administration and all sub menus</li>
<li>Documentation - and Release Notes</li>
<li>Verify all menu items have been translated.</li>
<setup><p>Package: redhat-menus</p></setup>
<testcase author="anony@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[gnome-panel] "Run Application" Dialog Box</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Press Alt + F2, Dialog will open, Check Translation</li>
<li>Press "Show list of known applications"</li>
<li>All Message, Dialog Box Should be translated</li>
<testcase author="anony@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[gnome-panel] Add a location for gnome clock</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Right click on clock, from the popup menu. Verify the translation:<ol>
<li>Copy time</li>
<li>Copy date</li>
<li>Remove from panel</li>
<li>Lock to panel</li>
<li>Choose "Preferences"</li>
<li>Click "Time Settings" and check translations.</li>
<li>In tabpage "Locations", click "Add" button and check translations.<ol>
<li>Location Name</li>
<li>In tabpage "Weather", check the list of "Temperature unit:" and "Wind speed unit:"</li>
<li>verifiy all dialog boxes and city names are translated</li>
<testcase author="anony@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[gnome-panel] Lock a panel object</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Right-click on the Firefox (web browser) icon on the panel to open the panel object popup menu.<ol>
<li>Remove from Panel</li>
<li>Lock to Panel</li>
<li>Click Properties</li>
<li>Select Lock on Panel then drag the icon on the panel(it can move) </li>
<li>Right-click on the object to open the panel object popup menu, Deselect this to unlock the object then drag the icon on the panel(it cannot move)</li>
<li>All menu items should be translated.</li>
<testcase author="anony@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[gnome-panel] Add "Lock screen" to panel</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Right click on a panel, choose "Add to panel", from the popup window, choose "Lock Screen", click Add</li>
<li>On the panel, click on the button "Lock Screen"</li>
<li>Verify the lock screen icon is displayed.</li>
<li>Verify the screen has been locked.</li>
<testcase author="anony@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[gnome-panel] Change volume using volume control button</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Move mouse over the volume control icon (top right panel). Check the tooltip.</li>
<li>Drag the volume up / down to the middle.</li>
<li>Move the mouse over the volume control. Check that the tooltip value has changed.</li>
<li>Right click on the volume control. Check the translation:<ol>
<li>Sound preferences.</li>
<li>All messages in the volume control are translated.</li>
<testcase author="anony@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[gnome-panel] Use "Force quit button" for force quit an application</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Right click on a panel, choose "<strong>Add to panel</strong>", from the popup window, choose "<strong>Force Quit</strong>", click Add, click Close</li>
<li>Click on the button of "<strong>Force Quit</strong>"</li>
<li>Click on an opened window such as firefox, in the popup window, click "<strong>Force quit</strong>" button</li>
<li>All message should be translated</li>
<testcase author="anony@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[gnome-panel] Add "Log Out" button to panel</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Right click on a panel, choose "<strong>Add to panel</strong>", from the popup window, choose "<strong>Log Out</strong>", click Add, click Close</li>
<li>Click on the button of "<strong>Log Out</strong>" on the panel</li>
<li>All message should be translated</li>
<setup><p>Login into Localized Gnome desktop</p></setup>
<testcase author="ktakemur@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[pidgin] Launch pidgin</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Launch pidgin</li>
<li>Click 'Close' in account manager window(Welcome to Pidgin!)</li>
<li>Launch pidgin again</li>
<li>All GUI Windows message should be translated</li>
<testcase author="lihuang@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[pidgin] Add Yahoo account</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Launch pidgin</li>
<li>Go to File Menu '<strong>Accounts</strong> | <strong>Manage</strong>' (Ctrl +A ) to bring up the account manager window</li>
<li>Click the <strong>Add</strong>&nbsp; button&nbsp; in the account manager window</li>
<li>Choose <strong>Yahoo</strong>&nbsp; in the <strong>Protocal</strong> section</li>
<li>Use the <strong>Username</strong> and <strong>Password</strong>....</li>
<li>Click the <strong>Save</strong> button</li>
<li>Chat to someone</li>
<li>Have someone chat to you </li>
<pre><span style="font-weight: bold;">Note</span>: Go to the <a href="https://edit.yahoo.com/registration">link</a> to register another account.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Another available account : fedoraforce2008/redhatqa</pre>
<pre>Please use your account, otherwise use "<span style="font-style: italic;">fedoraforce</span>" and "<span style="font-style: italic;">redhatqa</span>" as the Username and Password. But only one user can use simultaneously. </pre>
<ol> </ol></action>
<li>All GUI Windows message should be translated</li>
<li>Input should ok in locale</li>
<li>other user should get correct text</li>
<setup><p>Password "redhatqa"</p>
<p><strong>Another a/c of otherside fedoraforce2008/redhatqa</strong></p></setup>
<testcase author="lihuang@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[pidgin] Add IRC account</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Launch pidgin in locale</li>
<li>Click '<span style="font-weight: bold;">Accounts -&gt; Manager Accounts</span> '&nbsp; .</li>
<li>Click the <span style="font-weight: bold;">Add</span>&nbsp; button&nbsp; in the account manager window</li>
<li>Select <span style="font-weight: bold;">IRC</span>&nbsp; from the Protocal section</li>
<li>Using "<span style="font-style: italic;">fedoraforce</span>" and "<span style="font-style: italic;">irc.freenode.net</span>" as the Username and Server</li>
<li>Click the <span style="font-weight: bold;">Save</span> button</li>
<li>all messages should translated</li>
<setup><p>Package: pidgin</p></setup>
<testcase author="lihuang@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[pidgin] Add Google Talk account</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Launch pidgin in locale</li>
<li>Click <span style="font-weight: bold;">Accounts -&gt; </span><span style="font-weight: bold;">Accounts </span><span style="font-weight: bold;">Manage </span>.</li>
<li>Click the <span style="font-weight: bold;">Add</span>&nbsp; button </li>
<li>Choose <span style="font-weight: bold;">Google Talk</span>&nbsp; in the Protocal section</li>
<li>Please use Username and Password</li>
<li>Click the <span style="font-weight: bold;">Save</span> button.</li>
<li>Click <span style="font-weight: bold;">Accept </span>button on <span style="font-weight: bold;">SSL Certificate Verification </span>dialogue.</li>
<pre>Please use your account, otherwise use "<span style="font-style: italic;">fedoraforce</span>" and "<span style="font-style: italic;">redhatqa</span>" as the Username and Password. But only one user can use simultaneously. <br /></pre>
<ol> </ol></action>
<expectedresults><div style="text-align: left;"></div>
<li>All Dialog box and Windows should be translated</li>
<testcase author="lihuang@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P2" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[pidgin] Show system tray icon on unread messages</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Launch pidgin.</li>
<li>Click <span style="font-weight: bold;">Tools-&gt;Preferences-&gt;Interface</span></li>
<li>In <span style="font-weight: bold;">System Tray Icon</span> section,select <span style="font-weight: bold;">On unread messages</span> from the drop-down combination box.</li>
<li>have some buddy chat with you.</li>
<li>Click <span style="font-weight: bold;">X </span>button on <span style="font-weight: bold;">Buddy List window.</span></li>
<li>step3: no tray icon for pidgin in the notification area of&nbsp; panel.</li>
<li>step4:show a pidgin icon in the notification area of&nbsp; panel.</li>
<li>step5:pidgin entirely quit.</li>
<testcase author="lihuang@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[pidgin] Delete accounts</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Launch Accounts window via menu Accounts | Manage menu or CTRL+A hot key.</li>
<li>Select one account in the list.</li>
<li>Click Delete button or (Alt +D ) to delete the selected&nbsp; account.</li>
<li>Click Delete button or (Alt +D ) in the pop up window </li>
<li>Delete two accounts by using the Shift key to multi-select. </li>
<li>verify that all Windows/ Dialog boxes are translated during detele operation.</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[nautilus] Open file dialog box translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><p>1. Open gedit (Alt +F2 type 'gedit')<br />2. Menu <strong>File-&gt;Open</strong><br />3. check Translation of dialog box<br /><br /></p></action>
<expectedresults><p>1. Dialog box should be translated</p></expectedresults>
<setup><p>Package: nautilus</p></setup>
<li>Junk Chacter in dialog box</li>
<li>Untranslated text</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[nautilus] Localize file/folder name</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><p>1. Open your home folder<br />2. Create a New folder by <em>Right click and 'Create Folder' (No need to change the name if it is localized otherwise type in locale)</em><br />3. open <em>gedit</em>, menu <strong>File-&gt;Open</strong><br />4. check whether folder, which was created above, is visible in your langauge</p></action>
<expectedresults><p>1. Folder name should be in the locale which you are testing.</p></expectedresults>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[firefox] String translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Verify that all the menus and sub-menus are translated.</li>
<li>All menus and sub-menus are translated.<em></em></li>
<setup><p>Firefox by default contains all language packages. When run localized destkop or by using the $LANG variable, firefox appears in the selected language.</p>
<li>Run <strong>firefox</strong>.</li>
<li>Quit <strong>firefox</strong>.</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[firefox] Shortcut keys</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Verify that all the shortcut keys on the menus and sub-menus function correctly.</li>
<li>To test shortcut keys, hold down the <strong>Alt </strong>key and press the key that corresponds to the letter underlined on the screen. For example, in English the shortcut key for <em>Next </em>is <strong>Alt </strong>+ <strong>N</strong>.</li>
<li>All shortcut keys function correctly.</li>
<li>Run <strong>firefox</strong>.</li>
<li>Quit <strong>firefox</strong>.</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[firefox] loading of localised splash page</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>log-in to the Desktop with native locale</li>
<li>start firefox from menu or panel</li>
<li>what do you see as the splash page?</li>
<li>Splash page should latest version(eg. RHEL6)</li>
<li>It should localized in same locale</li>
<setup><p>Specific to RHEL product.</p>
<p>Package: redhat-indexhtml</p></setup>
<breakdown><p>Current Bug&nbsp;<a href="https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=578072">578072</a> for RHEL6</p></breakdown>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[firefox] i18n browsing with browser</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>start <strong>firefox</strong> in the locale you are testing</li>
<li>depending on the locale tested go to the following URL:</li>
<li>&nbsp;ja_JP: http://www.yahoo.co.jp/</li>
<li>zh_CN: http://www.yahoo.com.cn/</li>
<li>zh_TW: http://tw.yahoo.com/</li>
<li>ko_KR: http://kr.yahoo.com/</li>
<li>other *_IN: http:&lt;LANGCODE&gt;.wikipedia.org</li>
<li>layout should be OK like you would normally see with en_US*. Start firefox in en_US to compare.</li>
<pre>Note: to run in English, open <em>gnome-termina</em>l, type</pre>
<pre><strong>$LANG=en_US.UTF-8 firefox</strong></pre></expectedresults>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[firefox] i18n printing with browser</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>start firefox with the locale tested</li>
<li>depending on the locale tested go to the following URL:</li>
<p><a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html">http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html</a></p>
<li>print the contents to printer <strong>or</strong> postscript</li>
<li>verify printout or use postscript viewer (<em>evince</em>) to examine postscript. Application should print the original content</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[firefox] i18n input with browser</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>start firefox with the locale tested</li>
<li>open site http://fpaste.org/</li>
<li>Please type multi-line texts by pressing Enter in locale you are testing<em>&nbsp;</em></li>
<li>should be able to input properly</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[Indic][Firefox] Font Combination</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><p>1. with firefox, open following link<br /><a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/IndicTC/lang/hi_IN/font/IndicFontTestCaseCodepoint-Hindi.html"></a></p>
<p><a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/IndicTC/lang/hi_IN/font/IndicFontTestCaseCodepoint-Hindi.html">http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/IndicTC/lang/hi_IN/font/IndicFontTestCaseCodepoint-Hindi.html</a></p>
<p>2. open your language<br />3. check <strong>GSUB/GPOS,</strong> <em>(if available for your langauge</em>)<br />4. check whether <strong>Unicode Code Points</strong> and <strong>Combination</strong> are complete<br />5. *copy data (by Select All from Edit menu) and paste in<br /> gedit/kedit<br /><em>* (if it seems some combinations are missing in firefox, then Only<br /> try to check in gedit/kedit)</em></p></action>
<expectedresults><p>1. <strong>Code points</strong> -&nbsp; No <strong>square box</strong> should be appear in firefox<br />2. combination (<strong>GSUB/GPOS</strong>) must be Valid/Complete for your language</p></expectedresults>
<setup><p>This Test case ONLY for Indic locale</p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[RTS][gedit] rendering with GTK apps [CJKI locale]</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>with <strong>CJKI</strong> locale, start <em>gedit</em></li>
<li>copy and paste the contents from the following URL:<br /><a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/IndicTC/lang/hi_IN/font/IndicFontTestCaseCodepoint-Hindi.html">http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/IndicTC/lang/hi_IN/font/IndicFontTestCaseCodepoint-Hindi.html</a></li>
<li><em>gedit</em> should display the original content</li>
<setup><p>GTK Rendering Test</p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[RTS][GTK] Rendering with GTK apps [en_US locale]</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>type <em>LANG=en_US.UTF-8</em> <em>gedit</em> in gnome-termianl</li>
<li>copy and paste the text contents of your language from the following URL:</li>
<p>&nbsp;<a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html">http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html</a></p>
<ol> </ol></action>
<li>gedit should display the original content</li>
<li>login to localized Desktop</li>
<testcase author="anross@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[evolution] Inital setup translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Verify that all the window in the "setup assistant" have been translated</li>
<li>Create a fake email address l10n@localhost</li>
<li>Under Configuration (IMAP and SMTP), enter "localhost" as the server.</li>
<li>All menus and sub-menus are translated.</li>
<ol> </ol></expectedresults>
<li>This is the first time <strong>evolution </strong>has been run.</li>
<li>Package: evolution</li>
<li>Translation Bug:&nbsp;<a href="https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=552157">552157</a>&nbsp;(RHEL6)</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[evolution] String translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Verify that all the menus and sub-menus are translated.</li>
<p>Note: Pre-release evolution may have an initial welcome / information screen. Vefiry that this has been translated.</p></action>
<li>All menus and sub-menus are translated.</li>
<ol> </ol></expectedresults>
<li>Run <strong>evolution</strong>.</li>
<li>Quit <strong>evolution</strong>.</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[evolution] Shortcut keys</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Verify that all the shortcut keys on the menus and sub-menus function correctly.</li>
<li>To test shortcut keys, hold down the <strong>Alt </strong>key and press the key that corresponds to the letter underlined on the screen. For example, in English the shortcut key for <em>Next </em>is <strong>Alt </strong>+ <strong>N</strong>.</li>
<li>All shortcut keys function correctly.</li>
<br />
<li>Run <strong>evolution</strong>.</li>
<li>Quit <strong>evolution</strong>.</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[mail] i18n input with evolution mail client [widget: TO]</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><ol> </ol> <ol>
<li>start evolution in locale and select <strong>New Mail</strong></li>
<li>in the "<strong>To</strong>" widget</li>
<li><em>ctrl-space</em> to activate iBus</li>
<li>type complex characters for your language (5 characters)</li>
<li>OR input the following key sequence :
<a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/key-sequence.html">http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/key-sequence.html</a></li>
<pre><em>Note: Key Squence is just for reference if you don't know keymap for Language.</em></pre></action>
<li>input should be fine without any crash or wrong display</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[mail] i18n input with evolution mail client [widget: Subject]</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><ol> </ol> <ol>
<li>start evolution in locale and select <strong>New Mail</strong></li>
<li>in the "<strong>Subject</strong>" widget</li>
<li><em>ctrl-space</em> to activate IM</li>
<li>type complex characters for your language (5 characters)</li>
<li>OR input the following key sequence:
<a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/key-sequence.html">http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/key-sequence.html</a></li>
<pre><em>Note: Key Squence is just for reference if you don't know keymap for Language. <br /></em></pre></action>
<li>input should be fine</li>
<setup><p>NOTE: In future, this may have to break into one test case for locale with example string. Evolution is made up of individual widgets so have to check them all.</p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[mail] i18n input with evolution mail client [widget: Message Body + Format: Text ]</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><ol> </ol><ol>
<li>start evolution in<strong>&nbsp;</strong> locale and select <strong>New Mail</strong></li>
<li>in the "<strong>Message Body</strong>" widget</li>
<li>ctrl-space to activate IM</li>
<li>rotate to different IME during testing</li>
<li>type complex characters for your language (5 characters)</li>
<li>OR input the following key sequence:
<a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/key-sequence.html">http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/key-sequence.html</a></li>
<pre><em>Note: Key Squence is just for reference if you don't know keymap for Language.</em></pre>
<ol> </ol></action>
<li>input should be fine</li>
<setup><p>NOTE: In future, this may have to break into one test case for locale with example string. Evolution is made up of individual widgets so have to check them all.</p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[mail] i18n input with evolution mail client [widget: Message Body + Format: HTML]</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><ol> </ol> <ol>
<li>start evolution in locale and select New Mail</li>
<li>in the "<strong>Message Body</strong>" widget</li>
<li>click <strong>Format -&gt; HTML</strong></li>
<li>create a H2 <strong>Header-&gt;table-&gt;table-&gt;table</strong> (table inside table)</li>
<li><em>ctrl-space</em> to activate IM</li>
<li>rotate to different IME during testing</li>
<li>type complex characters for your language (5 characters)</li>
<li>OR input the following key sequence:</li>
<p><a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/key-sequence.html">http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/key-sequence.html</a></p>
<pre>Note: <em>Key Squence is just for reference if you don't know keymap for Language.</em></pre></action>
<li>table and input should be fine</li>
<setup><p>NOTE: In future, this may have to break into one test case for locale with example string. Evolution is made up of individual widgets so have to check them all.</p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[evolution] Text rendering in Message Body</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>On the Toolbar, click <strong>New</strong>.</li>
<li>Below the <em>Subject</em> line, select <strong>HTML</strong> from the drop-down menu.</li>
<li>Copy and paste the contents in the following URL:<br /><a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html">http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html</a><br /><em>Select <strong>text</strong> from your language (</em><em>minimum 10 lines).</em></li>
<expectedresults><ol> </ol>
<li>Evolution displays the same content as the text file.</li>
<ol> </ol></expectedresults>
<setup><p>NOTE: In future, this may have to break into one test case for locale with example string. Evolution is made up of individual widgets so have to check them all.</p>
<li>Run <strong>evolution</strong>.</li>
<li>Quit <strong>evolution</strong>.</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[evolution] HTML rendering in Message Body</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><ol> </ol> <ol>
<li>On the Toolbar, click <strong>New</strong>.</li>
<li>Below the <em>Subject</em> line, select <strong>HTML</strong> from the drop-down menu.</li>
<li>Copy and paste the contents in the following URL:<br /><a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html">http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html</a><br /><em>Select <strong>html</strong> from your language (</em><em>minimum 10 lines).</em></li>
<li>Evolution displays the same content as the HTML file.</li>
<ol> </ol></expectedresults>
<setup><p>NOTE: In future, this may have to break into one test case for locale with example string. Evolution is made up of individual widgets so have to check them all.</p>
<li>Run <strong>evolution</strong>.</li>
<li>Quit <strong>evolution</strong>.</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[mail] i18n printing with evolution mail client [widget: Message Body + Format: Text]</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>start <em>evolution</em> in locale tested and select <strong>New Mail</strong></li>
<li>in the "<strong>Message</strong> <strong>Body</strong>" widget</li>
<p>copy and paste the contents from the following URL:</p>
<p><a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html">http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html</a></p>
<pre><em>Please select your language&nbsp;<strong>text</strong> (</em><em>minimum 10 lines)</em></pre>
<li><strong>save</strong> and goto <strong>draft</strong> folder</li>
<li><strong>print</strong> the mail to <strong>printer</strong> or <strong>postscript</strong></li>
<li>verify printout or use postscript viewer (<em>evince</em>) to examine postscript. gedit should print the original content</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[mail] i18n printing with evolution mail client [widget: Message Body + Format: HTML]</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>start <em>evolution</em> in the locale tested and select <strong>New Mail</strong></li>
<li>in the "M<strong>essage Body</strong>" widget</li>
<li>click <strong>Format -&gt; HTML</strong></li>
<p>copy and paste the contents from the following URL:</p>
<p><a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html">http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html</a></p>
<pre><em>Please select your language with <strong>html</strong> (</em><em>minimum 10 lines)</em></pre>
<li><strong>save</strong> and goto <strong>draft</strong> folder</li>
<li>print the mail to <strong>printer</strong> or <strong>postscript</strong></li>
<li>verify printout or use postscript viewer (<em>evince</em>) to examine postscript. gedit should print the original content</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[cal] translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>start <strong>evolution</strong> in the locale tested</li>
<li>select <strong>calendar</strong></li>
<li>verify whether the apps has been fully localised by clicking through the options. the untranslated string could be hiding deep in the sub-menu<br />
<li>click on <strong>File</strong>, if there are <strong>suboption</strong>, follow through</li>
<li>application should be translated</li>
<setup><p>Package: evolution</p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[cal] shortcut keys working</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>verify whether all the shortcut keys are functional including those on the menu.</li>
<li>all shortcut keys should be <strong>functional.<br /></strong></li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[cal] copy and paste with evolution calendar [widget: dayview]</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>start evolution in locale and select <strong>Calendar</strong></li>
<li>by default calendar should be Day View</li>
<li>click on <strong>2.30PM</strong></li>
<li>press '<strong>a</strong>' (to enable input in field</li>
<li>press '<strong>BackSpace' </strong>(to delete character a)<strong><br /></strong></li>
<li>copy the line according to the locale tested into the widget&nbsp;</li>
<p><a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html">http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html</a></p>
<pre>please select 2-5 characters or 1-2 words<br /></pre></action>
<li>copy and paste should be fine</li>
<setup><p>Package: evolution</p></setup>
<li>application can be crashed</li>
<li>Nothing pasted</li>
<li>Junk character instead of Unicode data</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[cal] i18n input with evolution calendar [widget: dayview]</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>start evolution in any CJKI locale and select Calendar</li>
<li>by default calendar should be Day View</li>
<li>click on 2.30PM</li>
<li>press 'a'</li>
<li>press 'BackSpace'</li>
<p><code><span class="diff">Ctrl+Space to activate IM</span></code></p>
<p><code><span class="diff">rotate to different IME during testing</span></code></p>
<p><code><span class="diff"> 8. input the following key sequence:</span></code></p>
<p><a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/key-sequence.html">http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/key-sequence.html</a></p></action>
<li>input should be fine</li>
<setup><p>Package: evolution</p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[cal] i18n printing with evolution calendar [widget: dayview]</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>start evolution in any CJKI locale and select Calendar</li>
<li>by default calendar should be Day View</li>
<li>click on 2.30PM</li>
<li>press 'a'</li>
<li>press 'BackSpace'</li>
<li>Ctrl+Space to activate IM or </li>
<li>input the following key sequence:
<a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/key-sequence.html">http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/key-sequence.html</a>
<li>print the calendar to<strong> printer or postscript</strong></li>
<li>verify printout <strong>or</strong> use postscript viewer (<strong>evince</strong>) to examine postscript. gedit should print the original content</li>
<setup><p>Package: evolution</p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[cal] copy and paste with evolution calendar [widget: listview]</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>start evolution in locale and select <strong>Calendar</strong></li>
<li>by default calendar should be <em>Day View</em> click on View in the menu and selct <strong>list view</strong></li>
<li>create New (by pressing New button on toolbar)</li>
<li>Put localize text in Summary and Description with help of [1]</li>
<li>Check list view now</li>
<p>[1 ] copy the line according to the locale tested into the widget<a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html">&nbsp; http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html</a></p>
<ol> </ol>
<pre><em>Please select your language with <strong>text</strong> (4-10 characters)</em><em>&nbsp;</em></pre></action>
<li>copy and paste should be fine</li>
<setup><p>Package: evolution</p></setup>
<li>application can be crashed</li>
<li>Nothing pasted</li>
<li>Junk character instead of Unicode data</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[cal] i18n input with evolution calendar [widget: listview]</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>start evolution in any CJKI locale and select Calendar</li>
<li>by default calendar should be Day View click on View in the menu and selct list view</li>
<li>create New (by pressing New button on toolbar)</li>
<li>Put localize text in Summary and Description with help of [1]</li>
<li>Save it</li>
<li>Check list view now</li>
<p>[1 ] input text with either of following method</p>
<p>Ctrl+Space to activate IM or <br /><a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/key-sequence.html">http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/key-sequence.html</a></p>
<li>input should be fine</li>
<setup><p>Package: evolution</p>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[cal] i18n printing with evolution calendar [widget: listview]</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>start evolution in any CJKI locale and select Calendar</li>
<li>by default calendar should be Day View click on View in the menu and selct list view</li>
<li>create New (by pressing New button on toolbar)</li>
<li>Put localize text in Summary and Description with help of [1]</li>
<li>Save it</li>
<li>Check list view now</li>
<li>print the calendar to <strong>printer or postscript</strong></li>
<p>[1 ] copy the line according to the locale tested into the widget<a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html">&nbsp; http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html</a></p>
<pre><em>Please select your language with <strong>text</strong> (4-10 characters)</em><em> </em></pre>
<li>verify printout or use postscript viewer (<strong>evince</strong>) to examine postscript. gedit should print the original content</li>
<setup><p>Package: evolution</p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[gtk+] Calendar Error check</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>run gnome-terminal</li>
<li>run evolution from gnome-terminal</li>
<li>click on calendar in evolution</li>
<li>check gnome-terminal</li>
<li>gnome-terminal should not have any error message</li>
<setup><p>package: gtk2, evolution</p>
<li>If package not installed, please install it by</li>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"><br />yum install &lt;PACKAGE&gt;</p>
<li>Use localized Desktop</li>
<li>in fail case gnome-terminal will contain error like "MY:??" string </li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[s-c-*] system-config-authentiation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>run system-config-authentiation or /usr/bin/system-config-authentication</li>
<li>Check translation and shortcut keys</li>
<li>whole application should translated</li>
<li>shortcut keys should working properly</li>
<setup><p>Package: authconfig-gtk</p>
<p>install:<em> yum install authconfig-gtk</em> (if not installed)</p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[s-c-*] system-config-date</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>run gnome-terminal/konsole and run sytem-config-date from it</li>
<li>check terminal for any error/warning</li>
<p><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Check translation and shortcut keys </span></p>
<expectedresults><!-- @page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } -->
<li>no Error/Warning message in gnome-terminal/konsole </li>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">whole application should translated with menu/dialog</span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">shortcut keys should working properly</span></p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">&nbsp;</p>
<li>Package: system-config-date</li>
<li>must run from gnome-terminal/konsole</li>
<li>run as ROOT</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[s-c-*] system-config-firewall</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><!-- @page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } -->
<p><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">run system-config-firewall</span></p>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">click on various trusted services, hold mouse over Services/port </span><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">for few seconds (to check tool-tip)</span></li>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">run Option-&gt;run Configuration Dialog (keep all default and Complete it)<br /></span></li>
<p><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Check translation and shortcut key </span></p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">&nbsp;</p></action>
<expectedresults><!-- @page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } -->
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">whole application should translated with menu/dialog/tooltip</span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">shortcut keys should working properly</span></p>
<setup><p>package: system-config-firewall</p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[s-c-*] system-config-kdump</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><!-- @page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } -->
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">run system-config-kdump or /usr/bin/system-config-dump</span></p>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">ignore warning [1] and check menu and other disabled entries</span></li>
<p><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Check translation and shortcut keys </span></p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">&nbsp;</p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">[1] Don't fail for "Not enough memory" error.</p></action>
<expectedresults><!-- @page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } -->
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">whole application should translated with menu/dialog<br /></span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">shortcut keys should working properly</span></p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">&nbsp;</p></expectedresults>
<li>Package: system-config-kdump</li>
<li>Minimum RAM:&nbsp; 4GB</li>
<li>run as ROOT</li>
<li>Warning: During run application, it will show Error "Not enough Memory". Ignome it (by pressing "Ok") and contine with application</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[s-c-*] system-config-keyboard</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><!-- @page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } -->
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">run system-config-keyboard </span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Check translation and shortcut keys </span></p>
<expectedresults><!-- @page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } -->
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">whole application should translated<br /></span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">shortcut keys should working properly</span></p>
<setup><p>Package: system-config-keyboard</p>
<!-- @page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } -->
<p><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">install: <em>yum install system-config-keyboard</em> (if not installed)</span></p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[s-c-*] system-config-language</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><!-- @page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } -->
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">run <strong>system-config-language</strong></span></p>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Check translations of followings</span></li>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Check Screen Title (</span><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Language Selection)</span></li>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Check Instruction message on the screen<br /></span></li>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Check contents of Language selection list(Scroll down and up)<br /></span></li>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Check the name of Help Button</span></li>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Check t</span><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">he name of </span><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">System Defaults Button<br /></span></li>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Check t</span><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">he name of </span><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Cancel Button</span></li>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Check t</span><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">he name of </span><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">OK Button</span></li>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Check the </span><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">message shown after clicking Help Button</span></li>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Check the message shown after </span><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">clicking </span><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">System Defaults Button(Select non-en_US language)<br /></span></li>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Check the message shown after </span><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">clicking </span><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">System Defaults Button(Select en_US language)</span></li>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Check the message shown after </span><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">clicking OK Button(Already installed language)</span></li>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Check the message shown after </span><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">clicking OK Button(not-installed language..Get a prompt to install)</span></li>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Check shortcut key for Help</span></li>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Check shortcut key for System Defaults</span></li>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Check shortcut key for Cancel</span></li>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Check shortcut key for OK</span></li>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Check mo file translation coverage by the command</span></li>
<p><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;"># msgunfmt /usr/share/locale/&lt;<em>lang</em>&gt;/LC_MESSAGES/system-config-languge.mo</span></p>
<p>Where lang is</p>
<div class="itemizedlist">
<li class="listitem">
<div class="para">Latin American languages</div>
<div class="itemizedlist">
<li class="listitem">
<div class="para">Portuguese (Brazilian) (pt-BR)</div>
<li class="listitem">
<div class="para">Asian languages</div>
<div class="itemizedlist">
<li class="listitem">
<div class="para">Chinese (Simplified) (zh-CN)</div>
<li class="listitem">
<div class="para">Chinese (Traditional) (zh-TW)</div>
<li class="listitem">
<div class="para">Japanese (ja)</div>
<li class="listitem">
<div class="para">Korean (ko)</div>
<li class="listitem">
<div class="para">European languages</div>
<div class="itemizedlist">
<li class="listitem">
<div class="para">French (fr)</div>
<li class="listitem">
<div class="para">German (de)</div>
<li class="listitem">
<div class="para">Italian (it)</div>
<li class="listitem">
<div class="para">Russian (ru)</div>
<li class="listitem">
<div class="para">Spanish (es)</div>
<li class="listitem">
<div class="para">Indic languages</div>
<div class="itemizedlist">
<li class="listitem">
<div class="para">Assamese (as)</div>
<li class="listitem">
<div class="para">Bengali (bn-IN)</div>
<li class="listitem">
<div class="para">Gujarati (gu)</div>
<li class="listitem">
<div class="para">Hindi (hi)</div>
<li class="listitem">
<div class="para">Kannada (kn)</div>
<li class="listitem">
<div class="para">Malayalam (ml)</div>
<li class="listitem">
<div class="para">Marathi (mr)</div>
<li class="listitem">
<div class="para">Oriya (or)</div>
<li class="listitem">
<div class="para">Punjabi (pa)</div>
<li class="listitem">
<div class="para">Tamil (ta)</div>
<li class="listitem">
<div class="para">Telugu (te)</div>
<p><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;"><br /></span></p>
<ol> </ol>
<expectedresults><!-- @page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } -->
<p><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">whole application should translated with all dialog</span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">shortcut keys should working properly</span></p>
<li> All messages of msgstr in the mo file are translated.</li>
<setup><p>package: system-config-language</p>
<p>To install this package, you may need to add(update) the repo [1].</p>
<p><strong>/etc/yum.repo.d/*.repo</strong> must need to configure for application.</p>
<p><em>[1]check with i18n QE team for instructions</em></p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><!-- @page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } -->
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">run nm-connection-editor<br /></span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Check translation and shortcut keys </span></p>
<expectedresults><!-- @page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } -->
<p>Indic - Applicaiton should run in en_US (it is tui package)</p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Other: Application should translated with menu/dialog</span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">shortcut keys should working properly</span></p>
<setup><p style="padding-left: 30px;">Package: NetworkManager</p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;">Type: TUI application</p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;">Indic: run in en_US</p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[s-c-*] system-config-printer</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><!-- @page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } -->
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">run system-config-printer</span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Check translation and shortcut keys</span></p>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">try to add New Printer (one level enough)<br /></span></li>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">run system-config-printer-applet --no-tray-icon</span></li>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Check translation and shortcut keys</span></li>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">&nbsp;</p></action>
<expectedresults><!-- @page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } -->
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">whole application should translated with menu/dialog</span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">shortcut keys should working properly</span></p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">&nbsp;</p>
<setup><p>two parts:</p>
<p>Package: system-config-printer</p>
<p>Must run as ROOT</p>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[s-c-*] system-config-services</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><!-- @page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } -->
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">run system-config-services</span></p>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Enable/Disable any service (to check root password dialog)<br /></span></li>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">check detail about service</span>&nbsp;</li>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Check translation and shortcut keys </span></li>
<expectedresults><!-- @page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } -->
<p><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">whole application should translated with menu/dialog/Detail of service<br /></span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">shortcut keys should working properly</span></p>
<setup><p>Package: system-config-services</p>
<p>Must run as standard user (non-root)</p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[s-c-*] system-config-users</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><!-- @page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } -->
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">run system-config-users</span></p>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">File-&gt;Add user, check dialog box, Press Cancel</span></li>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">File-&gt;Add group, check dialog box, Press Cancel</span></li>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Double click on user name, which already added, chcck each tab</span></li>
<li><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">Check translation and shortcut keys</span></li>
<expectedresults><!-- @page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } -->
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">whole application should translated with menu/dialog</span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: Liberation Serif,serif;">shortcut keys should working properly</span></p>
<setup><p>Package: system-config-users</p>
<p>non-root user must be created on machine</p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[cursoring][firefox] codepoint/GPOS/GSUB cursoring test</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Load the Rendering TC with firefox</li>
<li>check the following cursoring on the Rendering TC</li>
<li>&lt;- -&gt; <strong>left-right </strong>arrow against <strong>codepoint/GSUB/GPOS</strong> char</li>
<li><strong>Delete</strong> GSUB/GPOS char</li>
<li><strong>BackSpace</strong> GSUB/GPOS char</li>
<ol> </ol></action>
<li><strong>left-right</strong> should work with only one keypress</li>
<li><strong>Delete</strong> should remove the <strong>whole compose char</strong> with one keypress</li>
<li><strong>BackSpace</strong> should take out <strong>one unicode</strong> of the combination.</li>
<setup><p><a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/IndicTC/lang/hi_IN/font/IndicFontTestCaseCodepoint-Hindi.html">http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/IndicTC/lang/hi_IN/font/IndicFontTestCaseCodepoint-Hindi.html</a></p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[rendering][firefox] codepoint/GPOS/GSUB rendering test</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>load the <strong>Rendering</strong> TC with firefox</li>
<li>if you are testing with new indic locales, match the images of GSUB against the actual output</li>
<li>if you are testing with major 5 locales, then compare against the output of gedit.</li>
<li>please ensure all codepoint (unicode), GPOS and GSUB are correct.</li>
<li>when comparing against images, the output should match</li>
<li>when comparing against gedit, the output should match</li>
<setup><p><a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/IndicTC/lang/hi_IN/font/IndicFontTestCaseCodepoint-Hindi.html">http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/IndicTC/lang/hi_IN/font/IndicFontTestCaseCodepoint-Hindi.html</a></p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[rendering][konqueror] codepoint/GPOS/GSUB rendering test</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>load the <strong>Rendering</strong> TC with konqueror</li>
<li>if you are testing with new indic locales, match the images of GSUB against the actual output</li>
<li>if you are testing with major 5 locales, then compare against the output of gedit.</li>
<li>please ensure all codepoint (unicode), GPOS and GSUB are correct.</li>
<li>when comparing against images, the output should match</li>
<li>when comparing against gedit, the output should match</li>
<setup><p><a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/IndicTC/lang/hi_IN/font/IndicFontTestCaseCodepoint-Hindi.html">http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/IndicTC/lang/hi_IN/font/IndicFontTestCaseCodepoint-Hindi.html</a></p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="DISABLED">
<summary>[s-c-*] Translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li> system-config-date</li>
<p>Step:<br />1. open gnome-terminal and type 'su -'<br />2. Run each application<br />3.</p></action>
<li>has all the text been translated? </li>
<li>is the translation of high quality?</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[cursoring][konqueror] codepoint/GPOS/GSUB cursoring test</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Load the Rendering TC with konqueror</li>
<li>check the following cursoring on the Font TC</li>
<li><strong>&lt;- -&gt; left-right</strong> arrow against GSUB/GPOS char</li>
<li><strong>Delete</strong> GSUB/GPOS char</li>
<li><strong>BackSpace</strong> GSUB/GPOS char</li>
<ol> </ol>
<div id="_mcePaste" style="overflow: hidden; position: absolute; left: -10000px; top: 0px; width: 1px; height: 1px;">(Complete, Few Missing, Few Translated, N/A)</div></action>
<li><strong>left-right</strong> should work with only one keypress</li>
<li><strong>Delete</strong> should remove the <strong>whole compose</strong> char with one keypress</li>
<li><strong>BackSpace</strong> should take out <strong>one</strong> <strong>unicode</strong> of the combination.</li>
<setup><p><a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/IndicTC/lang/hi_IN/font/IndicFontTestCaseCodepoint-Hindi.html">http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/IndicTC/lang/hi_IN/font/IndicFontTestCaseCodepoint-Hindi.html</a></p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="DISABLED">
<summary>[s-c-*] shortcut keys are working</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>verify whether all the shortcut keys are working on every page</li>
<expectedresults><p>1 . shortcut keys on every page, pop-up menu should be working</p></expectedresults>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[cursoring][openoffice] codepoint/GPOS/GSUB cursoring test</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Save the TC as <strong>html</strong> and open the file with OpenOffice Writer.</li>
<li>Check the cursoring on the Font TC.</li>
<li>The<strong> left-right </strong>arrow against GSUB/GPOS characters.</li>
<li><strong>Delete</strong> GSUB/GPOS characters.</li>
<li><strong>Back Space</strong> GSUB/GPOS characters.</li>
<ol> </ol></action>
<li>The <strong>left-right </strong>arrow should work with one keypress.</li>
<li><strong>Delete</strong> should remove the <strong>whole compose</strong> character with one keypress.</li>
<li><strong>Back Space</strong> should take out <strong>one unicode</strong> of the combination.</li>
<setup><p><a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/IndicTC/lang/hi_IN/font/IndicFontTestCaseCodepoint-Hindi.htmlhttp://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/IndicTC/lang/hi_IN/font/IndicFontTestCaseCodepoint-Hindi.html">http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/IndicTC/lang/hi_IN/font/IndicFontTestCaseCodepoint-Hindi.html</a></p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[rendering][openoffice] codepoint/GPOS/GSUB rendering test</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Save the TC as <strong>html</strong>, then open the file with OpenOffice Writer.</li>
<li>If you are testing with new indic locales, match the images of GSUB against the actual output, and with that of firefox output. </li>
<expectedresults><ol> </ol><ol>
<li>Identical results. </li>
<setup><p><a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/IndicTC/lang/hi_IN/font/IndicFontTestCaseCodepoint-Hindi.html">http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/IndicTC/lang/hi_IN/font/IndicFontTestCaseCodepoint-Hindi.html</a></p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[kwrite] Translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>start <em>kwrite</em> in the locale tested (Click redhat logo image on the bottom menu and type 'kwrite' in the search box)</li>
<li>verify whether the application has been fully localised by clicking through the options. the untranslated string could be hiding deep in the sub-menu</li>
<li>apps should be translated</li>
<li>during installation select <strong>KDE Desktop</strong> or</li>
<li>install <strong>kdebase</strong> package with yum as</li>
<p><em>$ yum install kdebase</em></p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[kwrite] Shortcut keys working</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>verify whether all the shortcut keys are functional including those on the menu and sub-menu</li>
<li>all shortcut keys should be functional</li>
<li>during installation select <strong>KDE Desktop</strong> or</li>
<li>install <strong>kdebase</strong> package with <em>yum</em> as</li>
<p><br /><em>$ yum install kdebase</em></p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[kwrite] Rendering with Qt apps [en_US locale]</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>with <strong>en_US</strong> locale, start <em>kwrite</em></li>
<li><em>$LANG=en_US.UTF-8 kwrite<br /></em></li>
<li><strong>copy</strong> and <strong>paste</strong> the contents from the following URL:</li>
<p><a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html">http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html</a><br /><br />Please select your language with <strong>text</strong> (minimum <strong>10</strong> lines)</p></action>
<li>kwrite should display the original content</li>
<setup><div>Setup:<br />
<li>install <strong>kdebase</strong> package with <em>yum</em> as</li>
<p><br /><em>$ yum install kdebase</em></p>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[kwrite] rendering with Qt apps [CJKI locale]</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>with CJKI locale, start <em>kwrite</em></li>
<li><strong>copy</strong> and <strong>paste</strong> the contents from the following URL:</li>
<p><a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html">http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html</a><br /><br />Please select your language with <strong>text</strong> (minimum <strong>10</strong> lines)</p></action>
<li><em>kwrite</em> should display the original content</li>
<li>during installation select <strong>KDE Desktop</strong> or</li>
<li>install <strong>kdebase</strong> package with <em>yum</em> as</li>
<p><br /><em>$ yum install kdebase</em></p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[kwrite] printing with Qt apps [en_US locale]</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>with <strong>en_US</strong> locale, start <em>kwrite</em></li>
<li>copy and paste the contents from the following URL:
<li><a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html">http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html </a>Please select your language with <strong>html</strong> and <strong>text</strong> (minimum <strong>10</strong> lines)</li>
<li>print the contents to <strong>printer</strong> or <strong>postscript</strong></li>
</ol><ol> </ol></action>
<li>verify printout or use postscript viewer (<em>okular </em>or<em> evince</em>) to examine postscript. kwrite should print the original content</li>
<li>during installation select <strong>KDE Desktop</strong> or</li>
<li>install <strong>kdebase</strong> package with <em>yum</em> as</li>
<p><br /><em>$ yum install kdebase</em></p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[kwrite] Printing with Qt apps [CJKI locale]</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>with <strong>CJKI</strong> locale, start <em>kwrite</em></li>
<li>copy and paste the contents from the following URL:
<li><a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html">http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html </a>Please select your language with <strong>html</strong> and <strong>text</strong> (minimum 10 lines)</li>
<li>print the contents to <strong>printer</strong> or <strong>postscript</strong></li>
<li>verify printout or use postscript viewer (<em>okular</em> or <em>evince</em>) to examine postscript. <em>kwrite</em> should print the original content</li>
<li>install <strong>kdebase</strong> package with <em>yum</em> as</li>
<p><br /><em>$ yum install kdebase</em></p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[kwrite] Input with Qt apps</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><ol> </ol> <ol>
<li>with <strong>CJKI</strong> locale, start <em>kwrite</em></li>
<li><em>ctrl</em>-<em>space</em> to activate IM (<em>ibus</em>)</li>
<li>type few string with keyboard, which you can use for language</li>
<li><strong>or</strong> input the following key sequence:</li>
<p><a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/key-sequence.html">http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/key-sequence.html</a></p></action>
<li>All CJKI input should be fine.</li>
<li>during installation select <strong>KDE Desktop</strong> or</li>
<li>install <strong>kdebase</strong> package with <em>yum</em> as</li>
<p><br /><em>$ yum install kdebase</em></p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[kmail] Translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><ol> </ol>
<p>1. check Menu/submenu whether those are translated<br />2. open terminal and type command<br />3. rpm -q kde-l10n-&lt;LANG&gt;; LANG=where LANG=Bengali,Chinese-Traditional, Chinese, French, German, Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi, Malayalam, Punjabi, Russian, Spanish, Tamil, Telugu<br /><br /></p></action>
<li>Is kde-l10n-&lt;LANG&gt; package installed for your language?</li>
<li>If yes, Is quality is good enough?</li>
<setup><p><strong>Basic KDE Setup</strong></p>
<li>during installation select KDE Desktop or</li>
<li>install kdebase package with yum as</li>
<p><br /><em>$ yum install kdebase kdepim kde-l10n-&lt;LANG&gt; </em></p>
<p>where LANG=Bengali,Chinese-Traditional, Chinese, French, German, Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi, Malayalam, Punjabi, Russian, Spanish, Tamil, Telugu</p>
<li><em>yum groupinstall &lt;LANG&gt;-support</em></li>
<p><span style="font-weight: bold;">Setting Up Kmail</span></p>
<p><span style="font-weight: bold;">Alt+F2</span><br /> type '<span style="font-weight: bold;">kmail</span>', press <span style="font-weight: bold;">'Next'</span><br /> <span style="font-style: italic;">Account Type</span> - Select '<span style="font-weight: bold;">Local mailbox</span>'<br /> <span style="font-style: italic;">Account Information </span>- Email - <span style="font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;">root@localhost</span> -Press '<span style="font-weight: bold;">Next</span>', '<span style="font-weight: bold;">Next</span>', '<span style="font-weight: bold;">Finish'</span></p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[kmail] Input</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><p>1. Open kmail in your language<br />2. <strong>File-&gt;New Message</strong><br />3. To- Type in <span style="font-style: italic;">you language</span> &lt;root@localhost&gt;<br />4. Type your language + Numeric (123)<br />5 Main -&gt; Type 2 lines in your language (including Numeric from English+your language)<br />6. Check <span style="font-style: italic;">cursor Position</span></p></action>
<expectedresults><p>1. Input in <span style="font-style: italic;">Each Field</span> using IM should work.<br />2. <span style="font-style: italic;">Cursor Position</span> is same, where you are typing.</p></expectedresults>
<setup><p><strong>Basic KDE Setup</strong></p>
<li>install kdebase package with yum as</li>
<p><br /><em>$ yum install kdebase kdepim kde-l10n-&lt;LANG&gt; </em></p>
<p>where LANG=Bengali,Chinese-Traditional, Chinese, French, German, Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi, Malayalam, Punjabi, Russian, Spanish, Tamil, Telugu,&nbsp;</p>
<li><em>yum groupinstall &lt;LANG&gt;-support</em></li>
<p><span style="font-weight: bold;">Setting Up Kmail</span></p>
<p><span style="font-weight: bold;">Alt+F2</span><br /> type '<span style="font-weight: bold;">kmail</span>', press <span style="font-weight: bold;">'Next'</span><br /> <span style="font-style: italic;">Account Type</span> - Select '<span style="font-weight: bold;">Local mailbox</span>'<br /> <span style="font-style: italic;">Account Information </span>- Email - <span style="font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;">root@localhost</span> -Press '<span style="font-weight: bold;">Next</span>', '<span style="font-weight: bold;">Next</span>', '<span style="font-weight: bold;">Finish'</span></p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[oowriter] Translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><p>All language packages are installed, when Anaconda is installed properly.</p>
<li>Start <strong>oowriter</strong> in the desired locale. </li>
<li>Click through all options to verify whether the application is fully localised. An untranslated string could be hiding within a sub-menu.<br />
<li>Click on all Files, following any sub-options.</li>
<li>Application should be translated</li>
<setup><p>Package: openoffice.org-writer</p>
<p>Desktop: GNOME</p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[oowriter] Shortcut keys working?</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Start <strong>oowriter</strong>.</li>
<li>Verify all shortcut keys are functioning, including those within the menu and sub-menu. </li>
<li>All shortcut keys are functional.</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[oowriter] Font selection on application start-up. </summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Start <strong>oowriter</strong> in any <strong>CJKI</strong> locale from a gnome-terminal.</li>
<li>Observe the <strong>default font</strong> on the menu.</li>
</ol><ol> </ol></action>
<expectedresults><ol> </ol>
<li>ja_JP: kochi mincho</li>
<li>ko_KR: </li>
<li>zh_CN: AR PL ShanHei Sun Uni</li>
<li>ml_IN: Meera</li>
<li>*_IN: Lohit</li>
<ol> </ol></expectedresults>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[oowriter] i18n rendering with oowriter [CJKI locale + copy & paste]</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Start <strong>oowriter</strong> in the locale you are testing from gnome-terminal.</li>
<li>Copy and paste the contents from the following URL:<a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html"> http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html</a></li>
<p>Please select your language with <strong>html</strong> and <strong>text</strong> (minimum <strong>10 lines</strong>).</p></action>
<li><strong>oowriter </strong>should be the same content as the <strong>html</strong>.</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[oowriter] i18n rendering with oowriter [ CJKI text + input ]</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><ol> </ol>
<p><strong>NOTE</strong>: <em>This should also be part of input. This is added to rendering to prevent duplication.</em><br /><br /></p>
<li>Start <strong>oowriter</strong> in any <strong>CJKI</strong> locale from gnome-terminal</li>
<li>Copy and paste the contents from the following URL:
<li><a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html">http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html</a><br />Please select your language with <strong>html</strong> and <strong>text</strong> (minimum 10 lines).</li>
<li>Hit<em> ctrl-space</em> to activate IM (<em>ibus</em>).</li>
<li>Input in between characters (eg. in between ja text).</li>
<li>Rotate to a different IME during testing.</li>
<li>Enter the following key sequence (one):<a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/key-sequence.html"> http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/key-sequence.html</a></li>
</ol> <ol> </ol></action>
<li>Input should be OK with all characters showing</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[oowriter] i18n rendering with oowriter [en_US + input ]</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><p><strong>NOTE</strong>: <em>Should be part of Input too. Added to rendering to prevent duplication</em>.<br /><br /></p>
<li>Start <strong>oowriter</strong> in <strong>en_US</strong> locale from gnome-terminal.</li>
<li>Copy and paste the contents from the following URL:
<li><a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html">http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html</a><br /><br />Please select your language with <strong>html</strong> and <strong>text</strong> (minimum 10 lines).</li>
<li>Hit<em> ctrl-space</em> to activate IM (<em>ibus</em>).</li>
<li>Input in between characters (eg. in between the text).</li>
<li>Rotate to different IME during testing.</li>
<li>input the following key sequence (one):</li>
<p><a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/key-sequence.html">http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/key-sequence.html</a></p></action>
<li>Input should present all characters. </li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[oowriter] i18n rendering with oowriter [ en_US + c'n'p ]</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Start <strong>oowriter</strong> in <strong>en_US</strong> locale from <em>gnome-terminal</em></li>
<li>Copy and paste the contents from the following URL:
<li><a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html">http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html</a><br /><br />Please select your language with <strong>html</strong>&nbsp; (minimum 10 lines).</li>
<li><strong>oowriter</strong> should present the <strong>same</strong> content as the html. </li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[oowriter] i18n printing with oowriter [ CJKI text ]</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><ol> </ol>
<p><strong>NOTE</strong>: <em>Should be part of Input too. Added to rendering to prevent duplication</em><br /><br /></p>
<li>Start <strong>oowriter</strong> in any <strong>CJKI</strong> locale from <em>gnome-terminal</em>.</li>
<li><strong>Copy</strong> and <strong>paste</strong> the contents from the following URL: <br /><a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html">http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html</a> <br />Please select your language with <strong>html</strong> (minimum 10 lines).</li>
<li><strong>Print</strong> the document to <strong>printer</strong> or <strong>postscript/pdf</strong></li>
<ol> </ol></action>
<li>Verify the printout or use postscript viewer (<em>evince</em>) to examine postscript. <strong>gedit</strong> should print the original content.</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[oowriter] i18n printing with oowriter [ en_US ]</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Start <strong>oowriter</strong> in <strong>en_US </strong>locale from gnome-terminal.</li>
<li><strong>Copy</strong> and <strong>paste</strong> the contents from the following URL: </li>
<li><a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html">http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html</a>&nbsp; Please select your language with <strong>html</strong> and <strong>text</strong> (minimum 10 lines)</li>
<li><strong>Print</strong> document to <strong>printer</strong> or <strong>postscript/PDF</strong></li>
<li>Verify the printout or use <strong>postscript/PDF viewer</strong> (<em>evince</em>) to examine postscript. <strong>oowriter</strong> should print the original content.</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[oowriter] i18n input with oowriter</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><ol> </ol>
<p><em>NOTE: Test Case which test Input Specifically</em></p>
<li>Start <strong>oowriter</strong> in any <strong>CJKI</strong> locale from <em>gnome-terminal</em>.</li>
<li>Hit <em>ctrl-space</em> to activate IM (<em>ibus</em>).</li>
<li>Enter the following key sequence: (<strong><em>mix of english, CJKI and numbers</em></strong>)
<li>Please insert English Character and Number in between the above.</li>
<ol> </ol></action>
<li>Input should reveal all characters.</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[oocalc] Translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Start <strong>oocalc</strong> in the locale being tested.</li>
<li>Click all options to verify that all applications have been localised. The untranslated string could be hiding within a sub-menu. <br />
<li>Click on a File, if there are suboptions, follow through</li>
<li>Application should be translated<em></em></li>
</ol> <ol> </ol></expectedresults>
<setup><p>Package: openoffice.org-calc</p>
<p>All relevant language packages will be installed, when the Ananconda installation is working properly.</p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[oocalc] shortcut keys working</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Verify <strong>shortcut keys</strong> are functional, including those within the menu and sub-menu.</li>
<li>All shortcut keys are functional.</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[oocalc] i18n rendering with oocalc [ en_US + copy & paste]</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Start <strong>oocalc</strong> in en_US locale from gnome-terminal.</li>
<li><strong>Copy</strong> and <strong>paste</strong> the contents from the following URL:<a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html"><br />http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html</a></li>
<p>Please select your language with html and text (minimum 10 lines).</p></action>
<li><strong>oocalc</strong> should be the same content as the html.</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[oocalc] font selection on application start-up</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Start <strong>oocalc</strong> in any <strong>CJKI</strong> locale from gnome-terminal.</li>
<li>Observe the default font on the Toolbar.</li>
</ol><ol> </ol></action>
<expectedresults><ol> </ol>
<li>ja_JP: kochi mincho</li>
<li>ko_KR: </li>
<li>zh_CN: AR PL ShanHei Sun Uni</li>
<li>ml_IN: Meera</li>
<li>*_IN: Lohit ***</li>
<ol> </ol></expectedresults>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[oocalc] i18n rendering with oocalc [ CJKI locale + copy & paste]</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Start <strong>oocalc</strong> in <strong>CJKI</strong> locale from gnome-terminal.</li>
<li><strong>Copy</strong> and <strong>paste</strong> the contents from the following URL:<a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html"><br />http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html</a></li>
<p>Please select your language with <strong>html</strong> (minimum 10 lines).</p></action>
<li><strong>oocalc</strong> should be the same content as the <strong>html</strong>.</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[oocalc] i18n rendering with oocalc [en_US & input ]</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><ol> </ol>
<p><strong>NOTE:</strong> Added rendering to prevent duplication.</p>
<li>Start <strong>oocalc</strong> in en_US locale from gnome-terminal.</li>
<li><strong>Copy</strong> and <strong>paste</strong> the contents from the following URL:<a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html"><br />http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html</a></li>
<ol> </ol>
<p>Please select your language with <strong>html</strong> (minimum 10 lines)</p>
<li>Hit <em>ctrl-space</em> to activate IM (ibus)</li>
<li>Insert a space between the characters (eg. in between the text)</li>
<li>Enter the following key sequence:<a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/key-sequence.html"><br />http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/key-sequence.html</a></li>
<ol> </ol></action>
<li>Input should reveal all characters. </li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[oocalc] i18n rendering with oocalc [ CJKI text & input ]</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><ol> </ol>
<p><strong>NOTE:</strong> Added to rendering to prevent duplication</p>
<li>Start <strong>oocalc</strong> in <strong>en_US</strong> locale from gnome-terminal.</li>
<li><strong>copy</strong> and <strong>paste</strong> the contents from the following URL:<a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html"><br />http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html</a></li>
<p>Please select your language with <strong>html</strong> (minimum 10 lines).</p>
<li>Hit <em>ctrl-space</em> to activate IM (ibus).</li>
<li>Enter a space between characters (eg. in between the text).</li>
<li>Enter the following key sequence:</li>
<p><a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/key-sequence.html">http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/key-sequence.html</a></p>
<ol> </ol></action>
<li>Input reveals all characters.</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[oocalc] i18n printing with oocalc [en_US]</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><ol> </ol>
<li>Start <strong>oocalc</strong> in <strong>en_US</strong> locale from gnome-terminal.</li>
<li><strong>Copy</strong> and <strong>paste</strong> the contents from the following URL:<a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html"><br />http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html</a></li>
<p>Please select your language with <strong>html</strong> (minimum 10 lines)</p>
<li>Print the document to either a <strong>printer</strong> or <strong>postscript.</strong></li>
<ol> </ol></action>
<li>Verify the prinout or otherwise refer to a postscript viewer (evince) to examine the postscript. <strong>gedit</strong> will print the original content. </li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[oocalc] i18n printing with oocalc [CJKI locale]</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Start <strong>oocalc</strong> in <strong>CJKI</strong> locale from a gnome-terminal.</li>
<li><strong>Copy</strong> and <strong>paste</strong> the contents from the following URL:<a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html"><br />http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html</a></li>
<p>Please select your language with <strong>html</strong> (minimum 10 lines)</p>
<li>Print the document to either a <strong>printer</strong> or <strong>postscript.</strong></li>
<li>Verify the printout or use a postscript viewer (<em>evince</em>) to examine the postscript. <strong>gedit</strong> should print the original content. </li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[oocalc] i18n input with oocalc</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><ol> </ol>
<p>NOTE: Test Case which test Input Specifically</p>
<li>Start <strong>oocalc</strong> in any <strong>CJKI</strong> locale from gnome-terminal. </li>
<li>Hit <em>ctrl-space</em> to activate IM (ibus).</li>
<li>Enter the following sequence: (mix of <strong>english</strong>, <strong>CJKI</strong> and 1,2,3..)<a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/key-sequence.html"><br />http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/key-sequence.html</a></li>
</ol> <ol> </ol></action>
<li>Input reveals all characters.</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[ooimpress] Translation</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Start <strong>ooimpress</strong> in the locale being tested.</li>
<li>Verify whether the applicaiotn has been fully localised. To do so, click thorugh all menus and sub-menus. An untranslated string could be hiding within a sub-menu.
<li>Click on a file, and if there are suboptions, follow through to check for untranslated material. </li>
<li>All menu/submenu should be translated <em></em></li>
<setup><p>Package: openoffice.org-impress</p>
<p>All language packages are installed, when Anaconda is installed properly.</p></setup>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[ooimpress] shortcut keys working</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Verify all <strong>shortcut keys</strong> are functioning. Including those on the menu and sub-menu. </li>
<li>All <strong>shortcut keys</strong> are functional. </li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[ooimpress] font selection on application start-up</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Start <strong>ooimpress</strong> in any <strong>CJKI</strong> locale from gnome-terminal.</li>
<li>Press Create (with default 'Empty presentation')</li>
<li>Change layout to '<em>Title Slide</em>' (Right Side - Layouts)</li>
<li>Click on '<em>Click to add title</em>'</li>
<li>Check now the <strong>Font Name</strong> on toolbar</li>
</ol><ol> </ol></action>
<expectedresults><ol> </ol>
<p><strong></strong>Font Name should be following:</p>
<li>ja_JP: kochi mincho</li>
<li>ko_KR: </li>
<li>zh_CN: AR PL ShanHei Sun Uni</li>
<li>ml_IN: Meera</li>
<li>*_IN: Lohit-*</li>
<setup><p>Package: openoffice.org-impress-core</p>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[ooimpress] i18n rendering with ooimpress [ en_US + copy & paste]</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Start <strong>ooimpress</strong> in <strong>en_US</strong> locale from gnome-terminal.</li>
<li><strong>Copy</strong> and <strong>paste</strong> the contents from the following URL:</li>
<li><a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html">http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html</a><br />Please select your language with <strong>html</strong> and <strong>text</strong> (minimum 10 lines)</li>
<ol> </ol></action>
<li><strong>ooimpress</strong> should be the same content as the <strong>html</strong>.</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[ooimpress] i18n rendering with ooimpress [ CJKI locale + copy & paste]</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Start <strong>ooimpress</strong> in the locale being tested from the gnome-terminal.</li>
<li><strong>Copy</strong> and <strong>paste</strong> the contents from the following URL:<a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html"><br />http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html</a></li>
<p>Please select your language with <strong>html</strong> and <strong>text</strong> (minimum 10 lines).</p></action>
<li><strong>ooimpress</strong> should present the same content as the <strong>html</strong>.</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[ooimpress] i18n rendering with ooimpress [en_US & input]</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><ol> </ol>
<p><strong>NOTE: </strong>Added to rendering to prevent duplication.<br /><br /></p>
<li>Start <strong>ooimpress</strong> in <strong>en_US</strong> from a gnome-terminal.</li>
<li><strong>Copy</strong> and <strong>paste</strong> the contents from the following URL:<br /><a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html">http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html</a><br />Please select your language with html and text (minimum 10 lines) </li>
<li>Hit<em> ctrl-space</em> to activate IM (ibus)</li>
<li>Enter a space between characters (eg. in between the text)</li>
<li>Enter the following sequence:<a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/key-sequence.html"><br />http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/key-sequence.html</a></li>
</ol> <ol> </ol></action>
<li>Input should reveal all characters. </li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[ooimpress] i18n rendering with ooimpress [ CJKI text + input ]</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><ol> </ol>
<p><strong>NOTE: </strong>Added to rendering to prevent duplication.</p>
<li>Start <strong>ooimpress</strong> in any <strong>CJKI</strong> locale from gnome-terminal.</li>
<li><strong>Copy</strong> and <strong>paste</strong> the contents from the following URL: <a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html">http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html<br /></a>Please select your language with html and text (minimum 10 lines).
<li>Enter <em>ctrl-space</em> to activate IM (<em>ibus</em>)</li>
<li>Enter a space between characters (eg. in between the text)</li>
<li>Input the following sequence:<a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/key-sequence.html"><br />http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/key-sequence.html</a></li>
</ol> <ol> </ol></action>
<li>Input should reveal all characters.</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[ooimpress] i18n printing with ooimpress [CJKI locale]</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Start <strong>ooimpress</strong> in the locale you are testing.</li>
<li><strong>Copy</strong> and <strong>paste</strong> the contents from the following URL: <a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html">http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html</a><br />Please select your language with html and text (minimum 10 lines).
<li>Print the document to either the <strong>printer</strong> or <strong>postscript/ PDF.</strong></li>
<li>Verify the <strong>printout</strong> or use <strong>postscript viewer</strong> (<em>evince</em>) to examine postscript. <strong>gedit</strong> should print the original content.</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[ooimpress] i18n printing with ooimpress [en_US ]</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Start <strong>ooimpress</strong> in <strong>en_US</strong> locale from gnome-terminal.</li>
<li><strong>Copy</strong> and <strong>paste</strong> the contents from the following URL: <a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html">http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/render-print.html</a><br />Please select your language with html and text (minimum 10 lines)
<li>Print the document to either the <strong>printer</strong> or <strong>postscript/PDF.</strong></li>
<li>Verify the <strong>printout</strong> or use<strong> postscript viewer</strong> (<em>evince</em>) to examine postscript. <strong>ooimpress</strong> should print the original content.</li>
<testcase author="aalam@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[ooimpress] i18n input with ooimpress</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<action><ol> </ol>
<p><strong>NOTE:</strong> Test Case which specifically tests input.</p>
<li>Start <strong>ooimpress</strong> in any <strong>CJKI</strong> locale from gnome-terminal.</li>
<li>Hit <em>ctrl-space</em> to activate IM (<em>ibus</em>).</li>
<li>Input the following key sequence: (mix of english, CJKI and numbers)</li>
<p><a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/key-sequence.html">http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/key-sequence.html</a></p>
<ol> </ol></action>
<li>Input should reveal all characters.&nbsp; </li>
<testcase author="ktakemur@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[man-pages-xx] Check manual</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Open gnome-terminal</li>
<li>Set the terminal encoding to UTF-8 of the current locale(Terminal -&gt; Set Character Encoding)</li>
<li>Type followings to check translations</li>
<p># man less</p>
<p># man more</p>
<p># man bash</p>
<p># man echo</p>
<p># man man</p></action>
<li>manuals are translated.</li>
<testcase author="ktakemur@xxxxxxxxxx" priority="P1" automated="" status="CONFIRMED">
<summary>[hspell] Launch Hebrew Spell cheker on OOO</summary>
<testplan_reference type="Xml_description">i18n Test Plan for RHEL6</testplan_reference>
<li>Open <a href="http://OpenOffice.org">OpenOffice.org</a> Writer</li>
<li>Go to Tools -&gt; Options</li>
<li>Select Language Settings -&gt; Languages</li>
<li>Check Enabled for complex text layout</li>
<li>Select Hebrew from CTL combobox.</li>
<li>Click OK.</li>
<li>Open file <a href="http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/he.odt">http://focus.bne.redhat.com/I18N/he.odt</a></li>
<li>Run spell check</li>
<expectedresults><p>Verify that Spell Checker can be loaded within reasonable time.</p>
<p>Verify that in step8, the last words are indicated as misspelling ones.</p></expectedresults>
<setup><p>Install hspell package</p>
<p>Install hunspell-he package</p></setup>
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