Fedora 12 updates-testing report

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The following builds have been pushed to Fedora 12 updates-testing


Details about builds:

 GitPython-0.2.0-0.1.beta1.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9664)
 Python Git Library
Update Information:

New upstream release with a wide variety of code cleanup, bugfixes, and
improvements.    See http://gitorious.org/git-
python/mainline/blobs/master/CHANGES for more details.    This update does not
appear to maintain backward compatibility, so dependent applications may require
some modifications.

* Mon May 24 2010 Devan Goodwin <dgoodwin@xxxxxxxx> - 0.2.0-0.1-beta1
- Updating for 0.2.0-beta1.

 R-Biobase-2.8.0-1.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9619)
 Base functions for Bioconductor
Update Information:

Update to the lastest bioconductor and R-2.11.0

* Tue May 11 2010 pingou <pingou@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 2.8.0-1
- Update to version 2.8.0
- Fix url to a more stable form
- Fix BR for latex
- Remove R on post/postun since there is no post/postun

 R-BufferedMatrix-1.12.0-1.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9619)
 A matrix data storage object method from bioconductor
Update Information:

Update to the lastest bioconductor and R-2.11.0

* Tue May 11 2010 pingou <pingou@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 1.12.0-1
- Update to version 1.12.0
- Fix R and BR (R-core tex(latex))
- Remove R for post/postun

 R-BufferedMatrixMethods-1.12.0-1.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9619)
 Microarray Data related methods that utlize BufferedMatrix
Update Information:

Update to the lastest bioconductor and R-2.11.0

* Tue May 11 2010 pingou <pingou@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 1.12.0-1
- Update to version 1.12.0
- Fix R latex/R-core

 R-DynDoc-1.26.0-1.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9619)
 Functions for dynamic documents
Update Information:

Update to the lastest bioconductor and R-2.11.0

* Tue May 11 2010 pingou <pingou@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 1.26.0-1
- Update to version 1.26.0
- Update url and source0 to more stable link
- Requires R-core instead of R
- Requires tex(latex)

 R-GeneR-2.18.0-1.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9619)
 R for genes and sequences analysis
Update Information:

Update to the lastest bioconductor and R-2.11.0

* Tue May 11 2010 pingou <pingou@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 2.18.0-1
- Update to version 2.18.0
- Fix Requires and BuildRequires
- Fix URL to a more stable version
* Fri Jan 15 2010 pingou <pingou@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 2.16.0-2
- Fix the url and source0

 R-affy-1.26.1-1.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9619)
 Methods for Affymetrix Oligonucleotide Arrays
Update Information:

Update to the lastest bioconductor and R-2.11.0

* Tue May 11 2010 pingou <pingou@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 1.26.1-1
- Update to version 1.26.1
- Fix url to a more stable form
- Remove post/postun R since there is no post/postun

 R-affyio-1.16.0-1.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9619)
 Tools for parsing Affymetrix data files
Update Information:

Update to the lastest bioconductor and R-2.11.0

* Tue May 11 2010 pingou <pingou@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 1.16.0-1
- Update to version 1.16.0
- Fix url to a more stable form
- Remove R on post/postun since there is no post/postun

 R-maanova-1.18.0-1.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9619)
 Analysis of N-dye Micro Array using mixed model effect
Update Information:

Update to the lastest bioconductor and R-2.11.0

* Tue May 11 2010 pingou <pingou@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 1.18.0-1
- Update to version 1.18.0
- Fix url to a more stable form
- Fix BR to R-devel
- Fix R to R-core

 R-multtest-2.4.0-1.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9619)
 Multiple hypothesis testing library from Bioconductor
Update Information:

Update to the lastest bioconductor and R-2.11.0

* Tue May 11 2010 pingou <pingou@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 2.4.0-1
- Update to version 2.4.0
- Fix url to a more stable form
- Fix R on R-core
- Remove R on post/postun

 R-qvalue-1.22.0-1.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9619)
 Q-value estimation for false discovery rate control
Update Information:

Update to the lastest bioconductor and R-2.11.0

* Tue May 11 2010 pingou <pingou@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 1.22.0-1
- Update to version 1.22.0
- Fix url to a more stable form
- Remove R on post an postun since there are no post/postun

 R-tkWidgets-1.26.0-1.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9619)
 Widgets to provide user interfaces from bioconductor
Update Information:

Update to the lastest bioconductor and R-2.11.0

* Tue May 11 2010 pingou <pingou@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 1.26.0-1
- Update to version 1.26.0
- Fix url to a more stable form
- Fix R to R-core
- Fix description (a bit long)
- Remove R post/postun

 R-widgetTools-1.26.0-1.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9619)
 Bioconductor tools to support tcltk widgets
Update Information:

Update to the lastest bioconductor and R-2.11.0

* Tue May 11 2010 pingou <pingou@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 1.26.0-1
- Update to version 1.26.0
- Fix url to more stable version
- Remove requires(post/postun) since there is no post/postun anymore

 beanstalkd-1.4.6-1.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9656)
 A simple, fast work-queue service

* Sat Jun  5 2010 Jeremy Hinegardner <jeremy at hinegardner dot org> - 1.4.6-1
- update to upstream 1.4.6
* Mon Feb 22 2010 Jeremy Hinegardner <jeremy at hinegardner dot org> - 1.4.3-2
- fix binlogdir location initialization for bug #55831
* Sun Feb 21 2010 Jeremy Hinegardner <jeremy at hinegardner dot org> - 1.4.3-1
- update to upstream 1.4.3
- change default binlogdir in sysconfig file
- cleanup rpmlint warnings

  [ 1 ] Bug #599021 - Beanstalkd (prior v1.4.6): Improper sanitization of job body (job payload data)

 blam-1.8.7-3.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9654)
 An RSS/RDF feed reader
Update Information:

Fixed issue with pages opening up in nautilus rather than blam

* Sun Jun  6 2010 Alex Lancaster <alexlan[AT]fedoraproject org> - 1.8.7-3
- Backport patch from git upstream to fix webkit issues (#575583)
* Thu Mar 25 2010 Alex Lancaster <alexlan[AT]fedoraproject org> - 1.8.7-2
- Add missing Requires: webkit-sharp and BR: ndesk-dbus-glib-devel
* Wed Mar 24 2010 Alex Lancaster <alexlan[AT]fedoraproject org> - 1.8.7-1
- Update from ancient 1.8.5 to upstream 1.8.7
- Uses webkit rather than gecko by default
- Drop unused patches (seem to be applied upstream) and cleanup spec
- Hopefully fixes #575583
* Tue Mar 23 2010 Jan Horak <jhorak@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.8.5-23
- Rebuild against newer gecko

  [ 1 ] Bug #575583 - blam crashes on malformed feeds

 clucene-0.9.21b-1.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9642)
 A C++ port of Lucene
Update Information:

CLucene 0.9.21b contains a binary compatible fix which fixes a potential
segfault when used in an multithreaded application

* Sun Jun  6 2010 Robert Scheck <robert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 0.9.21b-1
- Update to 0.9.21b
* Wed Nov  4 2009 Dennis Gilmore <dennis@xxxxxxxx> - 0.9.21-5
- disable 'make check on sparc64 along with ppc64 and s390x

 cobbler-2.0.4-2.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9623)
 Boot server configurator

* Fri Jun  4 2010 John Eckersberg <jeckersb@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.0.4-2
- Bump spec for rebuild with updated sources for 2.0.4
* Tue Apr 27 2010 Scott Henson <shenson@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.0.4-1
- Bug fix release, see Changelog for details

 dhcp-4.1.1-17.P1.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9479)
 Dynamic host configuration protocol software
Update Information:

This is a patch release of ISC DHCP 4.1.1,  which contains a pair of bug fixes
including one for a security related bug.

* Thu Jun  3 2010 Jiri Popelka <jpopelka@xxxxxxxxxx> - 12:4.1.1-17.P1
- 4.1.1-P1 (pair of bug fixes including one for a security related bug).
- Compile with -fno-strict-aliasing
- N-V-R (copied from bind.spec): Name-Version-Release.Patch.dist

 dvb-apps-1.1.1-22.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9573)
 Utility, demo and test applications using the Linux DVB API
Update Information:

Fixes dvbnet -h crash, updates tuning data files to 2010-06-05.

* Sat Jun  5 2010 Ville Skyttä <ville.skytta@xxxxxx> - 1.1.1-22
- Patch to fix dvbnet -h crash (#597604).
- Update tuning files to 20100605.

  [ 1 ] Bug #597604 - [abrt] crash in dvb-apps-1.1.1-21.fc12: Process /usr/bin/dvbnet was killed by signal 11 (SIGSEGV)

 erlang-mochiweb-1.3-0.2.20100507svn159.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9636)
 An Erlang library for building lightweight HTTP servers

  [ 1 ] Bug #591926 - Review Request: erlang-mochiweb - An Erlang library for building lightweight HTTP servers

 faust-0.9.24-1.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9626)
 Compiled language for real-time audio signal processing
Update Information:

GRAME - Centre National de Creation Musicale - is happy to announce  the release
of FAUST 0.9.24. This version fixes several bugs,  and introduces some new
possibilities in the language.    -------------  About FAUST :  -------------
FAUST (Functional Audio Stream) is a functional programming  language
specifically designed for real-time signal processing and  synthesis. A
distinctive characteristic of FAUST is to be fully  compiled. The FAUST compiler
translates DSP specifications into  very efficient C++ code that works at sample
level. It targets  high-performance signal processing applications, libraries
and  audio plug-ins for a variety of audio platforms and standards. A  same
FAUST specification can be used to easily generate native  JACK or ALSA
applications, as well as CSOUND, LADSPA, MAX/MSP, PD,  Q, SC and VST plugins.
The Faust distribution can be downloaded at:
http://sourceforge.net/projects/faudiostream    Two mailing lists are available:
https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/faudiostream-users    In order to
test FAUST without installing it, please refer to the  Online Faust Compiler:
http://faust.grame.fr      ------------  What's new :  ------------    -
Explicit substitutions. The language has been extended with new  expressions
type : exp[x1=def1; x2=def2; ...] allowing explicit  substitutions in the
lexical environment of an expression. This  extension allows for instance, to
customize an existing component  by replacing some of its internal definitions
without having to  modify its source code. This extension is particularly useful
to  promote better code reuse.    - Improved mathematical description (--mathdoc
option) and support  for two new languages : German (-mdlang de) and Italian
(-mdlang  it)    - Support for floating point numbers in scientific notation and
better precision for floating point constants. The precision used  to print a
floating point constant in the generated C++ code is no  more limited to 6
digits. It is now dynamically adjusted to find  the minimal number of digits
that will produce the same internal  representation when read back. This
approach guarantees accuracy  without sacrificing for readability.    - All
expressions are now systematically represented in polynomial  forms. For example
x*x will be replaced by x^2. If x is a complex  expression the later form has
several advantages, in particular to  limit CSE.    - Lazy semantics to select2
and select3 : the code generated for  select2 and select3 is now based on
conditional expressions  ((cond)?exp1:exp0 ) instead of tables. The resulting
code is more  efficient as the stateless parts of the branches are not computed
every time but only when really needed.    - new --task-graph option. It
produces a graphical representation  of the internal DAG of task in dot format
(Graphviz  http://www.graphviz.org/). This DAG is useful for example to
understand the potential parallelism of a program as analyzed by  the Faust
compiler    - Two new tools : faust2graph and faust2graphviewer. These tools
make use of the --task-graph option in order to produce the  graphical
representation, as a PDF file, of the internal DAG of  tasks of a Faust program
(require Graphviz).    - new reduce.lib library. It provides various operations
on block  of samples based on a high order 'reduce(op, n)' fold-like  function.
Moreover the music.lib library has been extended with  break-point functions and
multiple decorrelated random and noise  generators. New flanger and stereowidth
control have been added to  the effect.lib library.    - new iPhone
architecture. It consists in a iphone-cocoa.cpp  architecture file and an Xcode
template project to be used to  produce the applications. Use "make iphone" in
the example folder  to build the examples for the iPhone.    - improved cross
plateform compatibility and brand new visual  studio 2008 project to build Faust
on windows machines.      ----------  Bug Fixes:  ----------    - Report error
when non-integer table size is detected during  compilation    - Corrected
partial application of power operator. Now ^(n) is  equivalent to \(x).(x^n) and
not anymore to \(x).(n^x)    - Added missing faustpower definition when power
function is  used only in table content.    - Fixed lock-free implementations of
PopHead and PopTail functions on  work stealing queues in --scheduler mode    -
Corrected missing dependencies in the internal DAG of tasks    - Added missing
cache code to slow shared expressions used delayed    - Added missing cache code
to foreign functions      ----------------  Acknowledgments:  ----------------
Many persons have been contributing to the FAUST project by  providing code for
the compiler, architecture files, libraries,  examples, documentation, scripts,
bug reports, ideas, etc.     I would like to thank them and especially: Fons
Adriaensen, Tiziano  Bole, Baktery Chanka, Thomas Charbonnel, Damien Cramet,
Etienne  Gaudrin, Albert Graef, Stefan Kersten, Victor Lazzarini, Matthieu
Leberre, Mathieu Leroi, Kjetil Matheussen, Remy Muller, Sampo  Savolainen,
Nicolas Scaringella, Stephen Sinclair, Travis Skare,  Julius Smith, as well as
my colleagues at GRAME, in particular :  Dominique Fober, Stephane Letz and
Karim Barkati, and from the  ASTREE project : Jerome Barthelemy (IRCAM), Alain
Bonardi (IRCAM),  Raffaele Ciavarella (IRCAM), Pierre Jouvelot (Ecole des
Mines/ParisTech), Laurent Pottier (U. Saint-Etienne)    Yann Orlarey  GRAME

* Mon May 31 2010 Orcan Ogetbil <oget [DOT] fedora [AT] gmail [DOT] com> - 0.9.24-1
- Update to 0.9.24
- Don't bundle the source documentation. It is only needed by faust developers, not users.
* Sat May 15 2010 Orcan Ogetbil <oget [DOT] fedora [AT] gmail [DOT] com> - 0.9.22-1
- Update to 0.9.22

 freeciv-2.2.0-2.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9555)
 A multi-player strategy game
Update Information:

Make impossible to access operating system from Lua scripts

* Sun Jun  6 2010 Thomas Janssen <thomasj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 2.2.0-2
- security fix http://gna.org/bugs/?15624
- #600742 #600743 #600744

  [ 1 ] Bug #600742 - Freeciv: Make impossible to access operating system from Lua scripts (security hardening)
  [ 2 ] Bug #600743 - Freeciv: Make impossible to access operating system from Lua scripts (security hardening)
  [ 3 ] Bug #600744 - Freeciv: Make impossible to access operating system from Lua scripts (security hardening)

 gdesklets-0.36.2-2.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9587)
 Architecture for desktop applets
Update Information:

This update addressed a minor summary issue that may confuse users.


  [ 1 ] Bug #588330 - Package summary is not descriptive

 globus-gram-job-manager-10.42-2.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9616)
 Globus Toolkit - GRAM Jobmanager
Update Information:

This update contains a fix for the pollution of the ssl object space due to re-
registration of objects already defined in the openssl library.

* Sat Jun  5 2010 Mattias Ellert <mattias.ellert@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 10.42-2
- Additional portability fixes

 globus-gsi-callback-2.5-2.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9616)
 Globus Toolkit - Globus GSI Callback Library
Update Information:

This update contains a fix for the pollution of the ssl object space due to re-
registration of objects already defined in the openssl library.

* Mon May 31 2010 Mattias Ellert <mattias.ellert@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.5-2
- Fix OID registration pollution

 globus-gsi-cert-utils-6.5-2.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9616)
 Globus Toolkit - Globus GSI Cert Utils Library
Update Information:

This update contains a fix for the pollution of the ssl object space due to re-
registration of objects already defined in the openssl library.

* Mon May 31 2010 Mattias Ellert <mattias.ellert@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 6.5-2
- Fix OID registration pollution

 globus-gsi-credential-3.3-2.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9616)
 Globus Toolkit - Globus GSI Credential Library
Update Information:

This update contains a fix for the pollution of the ssl object space due to re-
registration of objects already defined in the openssl library.

* Mon May 31 2010 Mattias Ellert <mattias.ellert@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 3.3-2
- Fix OID registration pollution

 globus-gsi-proxy-core-4.4-2.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9616)
 Globus Toolkit - Globus GSI Proxy Core Library
Update Information:

This update contains a fix for the pollution of the ssl object space due to re-
registration of objects already defined in the openssl library.

* Mon May 31 2010 Mattias Ellert <mattias.ellert@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 4.4-2
- Fix OID registration pollution

 globus-gsi-proxy-ssl-2.2-2.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9616)
 Globus Toolkit - Globus GSI Proxy SSL Library
Update Information:

This update contains a fix for the pollution of the ssl object space due to re-
registration of objects already defined in the openssl library.

* Mon May 31 2010 Mattias Ellert <mattias.ellert@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.2-2
- Fix OID registration pollution

 globus-openssl-module-1.2-2.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9616)
 Globus Toolkit - Globus OpenSSL Module Wrapper
Update Information:

This update contains a fix for the pollution of the ssl object space due to re-
registration of objects already defined in the openssl library.

* Mon May 31 2010 Mattias Ellert <mattias.ellert@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.2-2
- Fix OID registration pollution

 globus-proxy-utils-3.7-2.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9616)
 Globus Toolkit - Globus GSI Proxy Utility Programs
Update Information:

This update contains a fix for the pollution of the ssl object space due to re-
registration of objects already defined in the openssl library.

* Mon May 31 2010 Mattias Ellert <mattias.ellert@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 3.7-2
- Fix OID registration pollution

 gpodder-2.3-4.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9232)
 Podcast receiver/catcher written in Python
Update Information:

* Fix two episode list related exceptions  * Fix an exception which was raised
if Subscriptions -> Podcast settings was clicked while the All episodes item was

* Fri Jun  4 2010 Ville-Pekka Vainio <vpivaini AT cs.helsinki.fi> - 2.3-4
- Add a patch to fix another TypeError, upstream bug #1041, rhbz #599232
* Fri May 28 2010 Ville-Pekka Vainio <vpivaini AT cs.helsinki.fi> - 2.3-3
- Forgot to cvs add the other patch, rebuild
* Fri May 28 2010 Ville-Pekka Vainio <vpivaini AT cs.helsinki.fi> - 2.3-2
- Add a patch from upstream for TypeError in gui.py, upstream bug #934,
  rhbz #594907
- Add a patch by Jeff to fix main menu items for "All episodes" view

  [ 1 ] Bug #594907 - [abrt] crash in gpodder-2.3-1.fc12: gui.py:2025:play_or_download:TypeError: unknown type (null)

 httrack-3.43.9-2.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9668)
 Website copier and offline browser
Update Information:

Improves the dependency requirement to openssl so it is dlopened by the soname
and not by the exact version number. Needed for the update of OpenSSL to 1.0.0a.

* Mon Jun  7 2010 Tomas Mraz <tmraz@xxxxxxxxxx> - 3.43.9-2
- Use libssl soname for openssl dlopen and dependency

 ibus-fbterm-0.9.1-7.fc12.1 (FEDORA-2010-9637)
 IBus front-end for fbterm
Update Information:

Rebuild with ibus-1.3.

* Mon Jun  7 2010 Caius 'kaio' Chance  <cchance at redhat.com> - 0.9.1-7.fc12.1
- Rebuild with ibus-1.3.

 jack_capture-0.9.47-1.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9597)
 Record sound files with JACK
Update Information:

* Only call sem_post if waiting. In extremely extreme situations, this avoids
the sem value to overflow. Don't know what happens then.  * Reduced chance of
cache misses in the buffering scheme.  * Replaced the two lockless fifo/lifo
queues with three lockless ringbuffers. (CPUs without CAS2 instruction are now
supported.)  * Only increase buffer by two blocks at the time between soundcard
interrupts. This should decrease the chance of jack_capture to hog the memory
bus for too long. (Which in theory can lower the chance of xruns in memory
intensive realtime processes.)  * Changed buffering incrementing scheme. If, at
any time, the amount of free buffer is smaller than the initial buffer size,
increase the buffer a little bit. Only do this if the buffer is less than
maxbuffer. Buffer is never decreased.  * Replaced all posix pthread_cond
variables with posix semaphores. Far simpler code and much easier to understand.
* Updated --advanced-help option and README file

* Fri Jun  4 2010 Orcan Ogetbil <oget [DOT] fedora [AT] gmail [DOT] com> - 0.9.47-1
- Update to 0.9.47
* Wed Jun  2 2010 Orcan Ogetbil <oget [DOT] fedora [AT] gmail [DOT] com> - 0.9.44-1
- Update to 0.9.44
- Drop upstreamed patches
* Wed Feb 10 2010 Orcan Ogetbil <oget [DOT] fedora [AT] gmail [DOT] com> - 0.9.40-2
- Fix DSO-linking failure

 kcm_touchpad-0.3.1-2.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9595)
 Synaptics driver based touchpads kcontrol module
Update Information:

Adds a default configuration with tapping enabled by default once the user
checks the Enable Tapping button.    To test:  rm
~/.kde/share/config/kcmtouchpadrc  log in to kde and open SystemSettings->Mouse
and Keyboard->Touchpad  On the tapping tab, click the enable tapping checkbox
Tap-to-click should be available without having to fuss with the two lists at
the bottom of the configuration dialog

* Sat Jun  5 2010 Ryan Rix <ry@xxxxxxxx> - 0.3.1-2
- Ship a default config file For Greater Justice

 ktorrent-4.0.0-1.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9669)
 A BitTorrent program
Update Information:

KTorrent 4.0    This release add some rather interesting features like magnet
support and the µTP protocol (bittorrent over UDP).    * Authentication can now
be disabled in the webinterface (use with care obviously)  * A new plugin to
generate magnet URI's from torrents was added  * Events like hibernating and the
network going down for some time, are now handled in a better way.  * Individual
torrents can now be paused (downloading and uploading is stopped, but
connections are kept alive), this has resulted in the pausing of the queue to be
renamed to suspend.  * A disk getting full is now handled in a much better way
* UDP tracker scraping was added  * The usability of the queue manager widget
has been improved by adding search functionality, indicating whether a torrent
is a seed or a download, and making it possible to move multiple torrents at the
same time.   * You can now add multiple trackers at the same time  * The
bandwidth scheduler can now be disabled temporarily  * The IP filter dialog now
supports IP ranges.    KTorrent has now split into the application ktorrent and
the library libktorrent.  Libktorrent contains all the torrent downloading code,
and ktorrent contains all application code and plugins.    More details here

* Mon May 24 2010 Rex Dieter <rdieter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 4.0.0-1
- ktorrent-4.0.0
* Thu May  6 2010 Rex Dieter <rdieter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 4.0-0.4.rc1
- ktorrent-4.0rc1
* Mon Apr  5 2010 Rex Dieter <rdieter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 4.0-0.3.beta2
- ktorrent-4.0beta2

 ladspa-amb-plugins-0.6.1-1.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9620)
 Ambisonics LADSPA plugins
Update Information:

--------------------------------------------  AMB-plugins-0.6.1   Released
2009.11.01  --------------------------------------------    * Four new third
order plugins added, created by    Joern Nettingsmeier.    - 1963 order 3,1 Mono
panner  - 1964 order 3,1 Z-axis rotator  - 1965 full periphonic order 3 Mono
panner  - 1965 full periphonic order 3 Z-axis rotator    See below for channel
orders.    * Added a first order 'virtual stereo mic' (same    as used in
TetraProc).    * Added a plugin converting the output of three    coincident
cardiods (azimuths 60, -60, 180) to    first order B-format.
--------------------------------------------  A note on channel order
--------------------------------------------    All plugins operate to the
Furse-Malham  standard. This means that for the panners  the W output is the
input attenuated by 3dB,  and all others have a maximum gain of 0dB.  The
decoders expect Furse-Malham signals.  The rotators could be used with any type
of normalisation.    When using the plugins in e.g. Ardour you  don't see the
audio port names. The channel  orders are:    - 1,1 plugins:  W XYZ  - 2,2
plugins:  W XYZ RSTUV  - 3,3 plugins:  W XYZ RSTUV KLMNOPQ    - 2,1 plugins:  W
XY UV Z    <-- note Z is last.  - 3,1 plugins:  W XY UV PQ Z <-- note Z is last.
Or in plain words, the full periphonic plugins  use the Furse-Malham order, the
mixed order N,1  ones use the horizontal components in standard  order and
followed by Z.

* Tue Jul  6 2010 Orcan Ogetbil <oget[dot]fedora[at]gmail[dot]com> - 0.6.1-1
- Update to 0.6.1

 lcgdm- (FEDORA-2010-9601)
 LHC Computing Grid Data Management
Update Information:

New version from gLite.

* Sun Jun  6 2010 Mattias Ellert <mattias.ellert@xxxxxxxxxxxx> -
- Update to version
- This version works with gsoap versions > 2.7.15
- Dropped patches lcgdm-typo.patch and lcgdm-man.patch (fixed upstream)
* Tue Jun  1 2010 Marcela Maslanova <mmaslano@xxxxxxxxxx> -
- Mass rebuild with perl-5.12.0

 libdmapsharing- (FEDORA-2010-9559)
 A DMAP client and server library
Update Information:

Update to new upstream version.

* Fri Jun  4 2010 W. Michael Petullo <mike[@]flyn.org> -
- New upstream version.
* Fri May 28 2010 W. Michael Petullo <mike[@]flyn.org> -
- New upstream version.

 libhocr-0.10.17-6.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9663)
 A Hebrew optical character recognition library
Update Information:

Program crash when trying to scan/preview without an available scanner.

* Mon Jun  7 2010 Oron Peled <oron@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.10.17-6
- Fix fedora bugs #574259, #577657, #574631
- Applied a local patch, since upstream did not issued any release
  since Mar-2010, despite several bug reports (some with fixes).
  I'll send this fix upstream for inclusion (one can always hope ;-)

  [ 1 ] Bug #574259 - [abrt] crash in libhocr-gtk-0.10.17-5.fc12: sane-pygtk:532:combobox_scanner_changed_cb:IndexError: list index out of range
  [ 2 ] Bug #577657 - [abrt] crash in libhocr-gtk-0.10.17-5.fc12: sane-pygtk:282:button_scan_clicked_cb:IndexError: list index out of range
  [ 3 ] Bug #574631 - [abrt] crash in libhocr-gtk-0.10.17-5.fc12: sane.py:151:_getSaneSignature:RuntimeError: no scanner available

 libktorrent-1.0.0-1.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9669)
 Library providing torrent downloading code
Update Information:

KTorrent 4.0    This release add some rather interesting features like magnet
support and the µTP protocol (bittorrent over UDP).    * Authentication can now
be disabled in the webinterface (use with care obviously)  * A new plugin to
generate magnet URI's from torrents was added  * Events like hibernating and the
network going down for some time, are now handled in a better way.  * Individual
torrents can now be paused (downloading and uploading is stopped, but
connections are kept alive), this has resulted in the pausing of the queue to be
renamed to suspend.  * A disk getting full is now handled in a much better way
* UDP tracker scraping was added  * The usability of the queue manager widget
has been improved by adding search functionality, indicating whether a torrent
is a seed or a download, and making it possible to move multiple torrents at the
same time.   * You can now add multiple trackers at the same time  * The
bandwidth scheduler can now be disabled temporarily  * The IP filter dialog now
supports IP ranges.    KTorrent has now split into the application ktorrent and
the library libktorrent.  Libktorrent contains all the torrent downloading code,
and ktorrent contains all application code and plugins.    More details here

 openssl-1.0.0a-1.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9639)
 A general purpose cryptography library with TLS implementation
Update Information:

Minor update from upstream fixing two security vulnerabilities - CVE-2010-0742
and CVE-2010-1633.  It is fully ABI compatible with openssl-1.0.0.

* Fri Jun  4 2010 Tomas Mraz <tmraz@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.0.0a-1
- new upstream patch release, fixes CVE-2010-0742 (#598738)
  and CVE-2010-1633 (#598732)
* Wed May 19 2010 Tomas Mraz <tmraz@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.0.0-5
- pkgconfig files now contain the correct libdir (#593723)

  [ 1 ] Bug #598738 - CVE-2010-0742 openssl: invalid ASN1 module definition for CMS
  [ 2 ] Bug #598732 - CVE-2010-1633 openssl: information leak due to invalid Return value check

 php-pear-Services-Twitter-0.6.1-1.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9606)
 PHP interface to Twitter's API
Update Information:

Upstream Changelog    Version 0.6.1  * Fixed #17345.  Use internal errors for
libxml to surpress warnings    Version 0.6.0  * Updated statuses/update method :
added lat, long, place_id and display_coordinates parameters (closes feature
request #17421)  * Added lists and trends support from
http://blog.cheki.net/archives/1618  * Added generatePackage.php for easy
package.xml management

* Sun Jun  6 2010 Remi Collet <Fedora@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 0.6.1-1
- update Version 0.6.1 (beta) - API 0.6.0 (beta)
- sort changelog
* Wed Jun  2 2010 Remi Collet <Fedora@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 0.6.0-1
- update Version 0.6.0 (beta) - API 0.6.0 (beta)
- add generated changelog (from package.xml)

 pure-0.43-2.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9650)
 A term-rewriting functional programming language

* Sat Jun  5 2010 Michel Salim <salimma@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.43-2
- Fix emacs-pure summary
* Mon May  3 2010 Michel Salim <salimma@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.43-1
- Update to 0.43
* Tue Dec  8 2009 Michael Schwendt <mschwendt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.36-2
- Explicitly BR llvm-static in accordance with the Packaging
  Guidelines (llvm-devel is still static-only).
* Fri Oct 23 2009 Michel Salim <salimma@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.36-1
- Update to 0.36

  [ 1 ] Bug #527852 - pure-0.43 is available
  [ 2 ] Bug #566146 - Wrong description of package emacs-pure

 python-2.6.2-8.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9565)
 An interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language

* Fri Jun  4 2010 David Malcolm <dmalcolm@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.6.2-8
- ensure that the compiler is invoked with "-fwrapv" (rhbz#594819)
- CVE-2010-1634: fix various integer overflow checks in the audioop
module (patch 113)
- CVE-2010-2089: further checks within the audioop module (patch 114)
- CVE-2008-5983: the new PySys_SetArgvEx entry point from r81399 (patch 115)
* Fri Mar 12 2010 David Malcolm <dmalcolm@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.6.2-7
- document all patches, and remove the commented-out ones
- Address some of the issues identified in package review (bug 226342):
  - update libs requirement on base package to use %{name} for consistency's
  - convert from backticks to $() syntax throughout
  - wrap value of LD_LIBRARY_PATH in quotes
  - convert "/usr/bin/find" requirement to "findutils"
  - remove trailing periods from summaries of subpackages
  - fix spelling mistake in description of -test subpackage
  - convert usage of $$RPM_BUILD_ROOT to %{buildroot} throughout, for
stylistic consistency
  - supply dirmode arguments to defattr directives
- replace references to /usr with %{_prefix}; replace references to
/usr/include with %{_includedir}
- fixup the build when __python_ver is set (Zach Sadecki; bug 533989); use
pybasever in the files section

  [ 1 ] Bug #590690 - CVE-2010-1634 python: audioop: incorrect integer overflow checks
  [ 2 ] Bug #598197 - CVE-2010-2089 Python: Memory corruption in audioop module
  [ 3 ] Bug #482814 - CVE-2008-5983 python: untrusted python modules search path

 python-distutils-extra-2.19-1.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9586)
 Integrate more support into Python's distutils
Update Information:

* Sat Jun 05 2010 Fabian Affolter <fabian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.19-1  - Updated
to new upstream version 2.19

* Sat Jun  5 2010 Fabian Affolter <fabian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.19-1
- Updated to new upstream version 2.19

 qtcurve-gtk2-1.4.1-1.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9578)
 This is a set of widget styles for Gtk2 based apps
Update Information:

1.4.1  -----  1. When drawing button-like checks and radios, do not drawn sunken
if they are in a list/tree view.  2. Fix segfault on some systems due to
gdk_x11_get_default_xdisplay usage.    1.4.0  -----  1. Add striped window and
menu background options.  2. Added options to not square frames and tab frames.
3. Animate faded progressbars when animation enabled.  4. Blend menubar and
window titlebar gradients if; menubar, titlebar, and inactive titlebar gradients
match AND not blending titlebar gradient AND using window titlebar colour for
menubar AND extending window drag into menubar  5. Default titlebar colours to
window colours - matches KDE4 default.  6. If using window border colours as
menubar colours, and the active and inactive titlebar colours are the same, then
always use the active titlebar text colour for the menubar.  7. When shading
menubars only when active, or using window border colours as menubar colours,
track the active window using a X11 event sent from the QtCurve kwin decoration.
8. Fix border of radio buttons when general round setting is set to square.  9.
Always use a 1 pixel border for toolbars - as using a border of 0 can cause
items of adjoining locked toolbars to be too close.  10. Add separator to
messafge dialog boxes - matches KDE.  11. Add option to act upon titlebar
buttons to hide menubar and statusbars.  12. Fix plain/round sliders being
rotated when using a custom slider width.

* Sun Jun  6 2010 Thomas Janssen <thomasj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 1.4.1-1
- qtcurve-gtk2 1.4.1

 qtcurve-kde4-1.4.3-1.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9631)
 This is a set of widget styles for Qt4/KDE4 based apps
Update Information:

1.4.3  -----  1. Fix crash (mainly on Arch linux) when apps (e.g. dolphin) exit.
2. Add VirtualBox to list of apps that need menubar state to be saved.  3. Dont
force alternate colours for combo-box pop-up menus.  4. Fix left-hand sunken
button background in kwin theme when drawing a dark outer border.    1.4.2
-----  1. Remove some warnings when building on windows.  2. Provide a qmake
project to aid building on windows - thanks to Hugues Delorme  3. When compiled
as Qt-only, embed oxygen PNGs for message box icons.  4. Add option to hide
titlebar buttons on inactive windows.    1.4.1  -----  1. Fix compilation when
-DQTC_STYLE_SUPPORT=true  2. Re-add support for keep above/below kwin buttons.
3. Fix compilation with KDE SC4.3  4. Add option to draw dark inner border in
kwin decoration.  5. Fix garbled window decoration when not compositing.  6. For
MDI window titles, if left-aligning ensure text is at least 6 pixels from edge.
7. Fix(?) compilation on non-X11 platforms - only link to, and use, QtDBus on
unix.    1.4.0  -----  1. Add striped window and menu background options.  2.
Added options to not square frames and tab frames.  3. Fix 'bleed' of progress
stripes when using animated faded stripes.  4. Blend menubar and window titlebar
gradients if; menubar, titlebar, and inactive titlebar gradients match AND not
blending titlebar gradient AND using window titlebar colour for menubar AND
extending window drag into menubar  5. Default titlebar colours to window
colours - matches KDE4 default.  6. If using window border colours as menubar
colours, and the active and inactive titlebar colours are the same, then always
use the active titlebar text colour for the menubar.  7. When shading menubars
only when active, or using window border colours as menubar colours, the kwin
deocration will send an X11 event to the client window when the active window
changes - this allws Gtk2 to keep track.  8. Dont etch window button icons
unless not drawing the frame - doesn't look good otherwise.  9. Re-organised
window decoration config items and module.  10. Get QtCreator to use QtCurve
style for menubar, and for the toolbar in KFileDialog (KFileDialog is not 100%,
but still looks better...)  11. Add sunken background to window titlebar button
options.  12. Titlebar button modifications:  - Dont support keep above/below
buttons  - Change shade/unshade to be an arrow with line above/below  - Add
option to use arrows for the icons of min and max buttons.  - Better icon for
'on all desktops'  13. Always use a 1 pixel border for toolbars - as using a
border of 0 can cause items of adjoining locked toolbars to be too close.  14.
Add option to provide titlebar buttons to hide menubar and statusbars.  15. When
hiding statusbar, hide *all* statusbars in a window (e.g. kate).  16. If window
is a KXmlGuiWindow, and it contains the standard hide menubar and hide statatus
bar actions, then use these to hide/show the menu/status bars. (Only when
compiled against KDE)  17. Add translucency support to kwin theme.

* Sun Jun  6 2010 Thomas Janssen <thomasj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 1.4.3-1
- qtcurve-kde 1.4.3

 rabbitvcs- (FEDORA-2010-9582)
 Graphical user interface to version control systems
Update Information:

Fixes a crash caused by a debugging flag

* Sun Jun  6 2010 Juan Rodriguez <nushio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> -
- Fixed the package creation
* Sun Jun  6 2010 Juan Rodriguez <nushio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> -
- Fixes a crash caused by some debugging code

 rear-1.7.25-1.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9605)
 Relax and Recover (ReaR) is a Linux Disaster Recovery framework
Update Information:

Release Notes for Relax and Recover (rear) 1.7.25 released at 2010-06-04:    *
fix for bug report https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=600217  * exclude
the required package "syslinux" on ppc/ppc64 in the rear.spec file

* Fri Jun  4 2010 Gratien D'haese <gdha at sourceforge.net> - 1.7.25-1
- added the %ifarch part for syslinux to avoid warning on ppc/ppc64
- fixed bugzilla 600217 (missing Fedora links)
* Sun May  9 2010 Gratien D'haese <gdha at sourceforge.net> - 1.7.24-1
- added release entry
* Sat Jan  9 2010 Gratien D'haese <gdha at sourceforge.net> - 1.7.23-1
- added release entry
* Mon Nov 16 2009 Gratien D'haese <gdha at sourceforge.net> - 1.7.22-1
- Changed Requires fields for Fedora 10 and higher

  [ 1 ] Bug #600217 - Fedora link missing in restore, pack and finalize sub-directories

 rubygem-hoe-2.6.1-1.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9662)
 Hoe is a simple rake/rubygems helper for project Rakefiles
Update Information:

New version 2.6.1 is released.

* Sat Jun  5 2010 Mamoru Tasaka <mtasaka@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.6.1-1
- 2.6.1

 squirrelmail-1.4.20-2.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9557)
 webmail client written in php
Update Information:

- added note to config file that https connections are forced by default

* Mon Jun  7 2010 Michal Hlavinka <mhlavink@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.4.20-2
- add note to config file that https connections are forced by default

  [ 1 ] Bug #599616 - Squirrelmail does not come up in aliased url after installation

 tinyproxy-1.8.2-1.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9562)
 A small, efficient HTTP/SSL proxy daemon

* Sat Jun  5 2010 Jeremy Hinegardner <jeremy at hinegardner dot org> - 1.8.2-1
- update to upstream 1.8.2
* Tue Apr  6 2010 Jeremy Hinegardner <jeremy at hinegardner dot org> - 1.8.1-1
- update to upstream 1.8.1
* Wed Feb 17 2010 Jeremy Hinegardner <jeremy at hinegardner dot org> - 1.8.0-1
- update to upstream 1.8.0
- add logrotate configuration

  [ 1 ] Bug #536785 - tinyproxy package points at wrong URL

 uboot-tools-2010.03-1.fc12 (FEDORA-2010-9588)
 U-Boot utilities

 voms- (FEDORA-2010-9584)
 Virtual Organization Membership Service
Update Information:

New version from gLite.

* Sat Jun  5 2010 Mattias Ellert <mattias.ellert@xxxxxxxxxxxx> -
- Upstream (CVS tag glite-security-voms_R_1_9_17_1)
- Drop patches voms-db-method.patch and voms-thread.patch (accepted upstream)

 voms-mysql-plugin- (FEDORA-2010-9584)
 VOMS server plugin for MySQL
Update Information:

New version from gLite.

* Sun Jun  6 2010 Mattias Ellert <mattias.ellert@xxxxxxxxxxxx> -
- Update to version
- Drop all patches (accepted upstream)

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