2009-10-19 @ 16:00 UTC - Fedora QA Meeting Recap

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#fedora-meeting: Fedora QA Meeting

Meeting started by jlaska at 15:58:44 UTC. The full logs are available

Meeting summary
* gathering in the lobby  (jlaska, 15:58:52)

* Previous meeting follow-up  (jlaska, 16:03:18)
  * LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_activity.cgi?id=507678
    (jlaska, 16:04:51)
  * "36 issues were marked as beta blockers prior to freeze, 16 after
    the freeze." -adamw  (jlaska, 16:05:23)
  * jlaska manually inspecting F12Beta change history to see if any
    trends / problems exist in how we escalate blocker bugs  (jlaska,
  * autoqa-devel mailing list has been requested -
    https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/1733  (jlaska,
  * HELP: New mailing list requested for autoqa development discussion -
    see https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/1733
    (jlaska, 16:11:45)

* Beta test review  (jlaska, 16:12:47)
  * LINK:
    (jlaska, 16:13:21)
  * Fedora 12 Beta Install test matrix -
    (jlaska, 16:15:21)
  * Southern_Gentlem directed the team towards a different test matrix -
    (jlaska, 16:16:39)
  * lili asked if reducing the number of test cases would reduce quality
    (jlaska, 16:19:00)
  * adam suggests creating links to a sorted list of "What's remaining
    for testing" in lili's emails  (jlaska, 16:26:22)
  * Possible improvement - integration between lili and
    Southern_Gentlem's test matrices  (jlaska, 16:28:35)
  * Possible improvement - including a link to "Remaining testing" when
    sending emails  (jlaska, 16:28:53)
  * Southern_Gentlem suggests having multiple testers provides better
    hardware diversity in testing  (jlaska, 16:31:26)
  * LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=528537   (kparal,

* AutoQA Updates from wwoods and kparal  (jlaska, 16:36:50)
  * Instead of patching autotest to include a link back to test results,
    plans to document "How to find test logs" in the works  (jlaska,
  * waiting on production hardware delivery  (jlaska, 16:41:27)
  * Preliminary hook/watcher for koji package builds available -
    (jlaska, 16:44:06)
  * Additional work needed on koji package watcher/hook - only prints
    list of builds, needs integration into autoqa  (jlaska, 16:45:43)
  * jkeating reminded to keep an eye towards future integration with the
    message bus  (jlaska, 16:50:22)
  * LINK:
    (kparal, 16:52:38)
  * #1 - name: the script for displaying important differences between
    rpms, originally called 'packagediff', was  renamed to 'rpmguard'
    (jlaska, 16:53:00)
  * #2 - location: the autoqa project has provided hosting for the
    rpmguard (see
    (jlaska, 16:53:35)
  * HELP: if interested, help test rpmguard (using latest rpmdiff from
    svn)  (jlaska, 16:55:43)

* How_to_Debug_<component> Update from Viking-Ice  (jlaska, 16:57:39)
  * rjune assisted adamw in testing the use of a wiki template  (jlaska,
  * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_debug_Dracut_problems2
    (jlaska, 16:59:48)
  * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Template:How_to_debug2
    (jlaska, 16:59:54)
  * ACTION: jlaska to rename other debug pages (see
    https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:Debugging) to be consistent
    with "How to debug <component> problems".  Update back-links also
    (jlaska, 17:06:47)
  * existing Debugging pages using older name scheme will need to be
    moved  (jlaska, 17:08:56)

* Open Discussion - <your topic here>  (jlaska, 17:09:04)
  * Oxf13 asked for extra eyes/fingers as crit-path tag requests come in
    for final  (jlaska, 17:10:37)
  * LINK:
    - rss feed to monitor tag requests  (adamw, 17:13:52)
  * rats_install tests operate against internal redhat.com mirror of
    rawhide ... and are failing due to what looks like out of sync
    content  (jlaska, 17:17:25)
  * LINK:
    (jlaska, 17:17:39)
  * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Common_F12_bugs   (adamw,
  * ACTION: jlaska - help clean out remaining promised Common_F12_Bugs
    (jlaska, 17:19:59)
  * LINK: http://tinyurl.com/l4kma5 - Bugs needing Common_F12_Bugs
    documentation  (jlaska, 17:20:23)
  * if you're aware of any bug that's in the released beta images that
    you think should be documented there, please either add it (there's
    guidelines on layout in the wiki page source) or add the
    'CommonBugs' keyword to the bug report  (jlaska, 17:20:44)
  * talking points for Fedora 12 Beta awesome-ness -
    https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F12_Beta_Announcement  (jlaska,

Meeting ended at 18:09:16 UTC.

Action Items
* jlaska to rename other debug pages (see
  https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:Debugging) to be consistent
  with "How to debug <component> problems".  Update back-links also
* jlaska - help clean out remaining promised Common_F12_Bugs

Action Items, by person
* jlaska
  * jlaska to rename other debug pages (see
    https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:Debugging) to be consistent
    with "How to debug <component> problems".  Update back-links also
  * jlaska - help clean out remaining promised Common_F12_Bugs
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* jlaska (174)
* wwoods (52)
* Oxf13 (52)
* adamw (50)
* kparal (28)
* Viking-Ice (13)
* Southern_Gentlem (11)
* lili_ (10)
* nirik (10)
* zodbot (8)
* mcepl (3)
* buggbot (2)
* mbonnet (2)
* notting (1)
* Jeff_S (1)

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