hi there everyone,
my name is phil smith and i'm from Scotland in the UK, i am looking to
join the bugzappers team mainly to offer help in triaging bugs that
affect the fedora mini spin and in other areas too. i have been using
computers since the zx spektrum in the mid 80's and i've always had some
form of pc since then but i let my programming training slip for quite a
few years so only recently have i started studying C and python again. i
first encountered gnu/linux back in 1999 as redhat 6.1 and i flirted
with it on and off until 2006 when i made the decision to go to linux
full time on all my home pc's, since then i've used a few different
distro's including debian, a few debian offshoots, and of course fedora
which is now my main distro of choice.
i look forward to giving a little bit back to the fedora community as
they have given me loads :)
best regards
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