Upcoming Bugzilla Changes

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Summer is almost here and things are about to heat up (at least here in the Northern Hemisphere!) with the release of Fedora 11. With each new Fedora release comes some Bugzilla housekeeping. This e-mail is designed to let you know about two things happening around May 26, 2009 (Fedora 11 day) and what you need to do, if anything.
(1) We will be automatically changing the version all rawhide bugs to 
Fedora 11.  This will result in regular bugs reported against rawhide 
during the Fedora 11 development cycle being changed to version '11' 
instead of their current assignment, 'rawhide'.  This is done in order 
to more accurately tell where in the lineage of releases the bug was 
last reported because over time 'rawhide' becomes ambiguous.
Note that this procedure does not apply to bugs that are against 
component 'Package Review' or bugs that have the 'FutureFeature' or 
'Tracking' keywords set. They will stay open as rawhide bugs indefinitely.
If you do not want your bugs changed to version '11', add the 
FutureFeature keyword. If you need help changing a large amount of bugs 
manually, we'd be glad to help. Stop by #fedora-bugzappers on 
irc.freenode.net and we'll help you.
(2) All bugs for upcoming EOL releases (at this point, Fedora 9) will 
get a comment on release day, explaining that one month of maintenance 
remains.  These bugs must move to a later version if still applicable or 
they will be automatically closed in one month with a resolution of WONTFIX.
More about these processes is here:

Thanks for reading,
John (for the Bug Triage team)

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