Matthias Clasen wrote:
On Tue, 2009-05-05 at 09:45 +1000, Rodd Clarkson wrote:
Also, strangely, I can see options (in the Gnome dialog) to enable
two-finger scrolling, but I don't think my trackpad supports this (at
least, it didn't work when I enabled it) so I can't help but wonder
whether this option shouldn't appear unless the trackpad supports it (as
everyone know, Gnome has too many options as it is ;-])
Yes, the options should be disabled if they don't work. Unfortunately,
the only way to find out if the trackpad supports them is reading
Xorg.log, currently...
or using
synclient -m 100
and watching the fifth column of the output (f) while you touch with
more than one finger, 1 is one finger 2 is two fingers etc. if it
reports only one when pressing with two or more then no two finger scrolling
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