[OT] memory usage in general and with qemu-kvm

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my system is updated Rawhide x86_64.
It has 2Gb of ram.
This is output of free command at a certain point (single user inside
gnome, with compiz, openoffice, firefox, thunderbird and some
[root@tekkafedora ~]# free
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:       2037860    1769648     268212          0     271600     580764
-/+ buffers/cache:     917284    1120576
Swap:       506008          0     506008

I start a guest with CentOS 5.3 x86_64, giving it 768Mb of ram.
Command line is:
qemu-kvm -m 768 -drive file=centos53_hd1.raw,if=virtio,boot=on -net
nic,model=virtio -net user -localtime

When the guest arrives at gdm login, on my physical machine the
situation is now:
[root@tekkafedora ~]# free
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:       2037860    2019280      18580          0      86856     660332
-/+ buffers/cache:    1272092     765768
Swap:       506008      17748     488260

Is this assumed ok, in general and in rawhide in particular?
I would expect the system not to begin to swap at all, but eventually
reduce the cached part...

After I login in Xorg CentOS guest, on it I see:
[root@localhost ~]# free
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:        767976     531840     236136          0      21780     345436
-/+ buffers/cache:     164624     603352
Swap:      1048568          0    1048568

Top on physical machine, sorted by memory gives at this point: that
qemu-kvm is using 1070Mb.. even if I configured it for 768....??
[root@tekkafedora ~]# top

top - 11:25:02 up  2:27,  7 users,  load average: 0.32, 0.84, 0.63
Tasks: 180 total,   2 running, 178 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s):  2.4%us,  3.1%sy,  0.0%ni, 94.5%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st
Mem:   2037860k total,  2019608k used,    18252k free,    80900k buffers
Swap:   506008k total,    20556k used,   485452k free,   503556k cached

 4379 gcecchi   20   0 1070m 592m 4472 S  6.4 29.8   1:28.94 qemu-kvm
 2814 gcecchi   20   0  769m 193m  24m S  1.0  9.7   9:56.50 firefox
 2964 gcecchi   20   0 1511m 135m  78m S  0.0  6.8   1:51.28 scalc.bin
 2083 root      20   0  325m 130m  13m R  1.5  6.5  10:44.18 Xorg
 2778 gcecchi   20   0  734m  81m  26m S  0.0  4.1   0:34.75 thunderbird-bin
 2645 gcecchi   20   0  486m  33m  14m S  0.0  1.7   0:01.47 tomboy
 2709 gcecchi   20   0  175m  32m  21m S  0.0  1.7   2:24.78 compiz
 2440 gcecchi   20   0  758m  28m  16m S  0.0  1.4   0:07.02 nautilus
 2679 gcecchi   20   0  330m  23m  14m S  0.0  1.2   0:00.75 fusion-icon
 3361 gcecchi   20   0  636m  20m  11m S  0.0  1.0   0:16.12 gedit
 2448 gcecchi   20   0  310m  17m 8468 S  0.0  0.9   0:00.26 python
 2425 gcecchi   20   0  323m  17m  10m S  0.0  0.9   0:05.52 gnome-panel
 3210 gcecchi   20   0  280m  16m 8776 S  0.5  0.8   0:22.27 gnome-terminal
 2657 gcecchi   20   0  860m  15m  10m S  0.0  0.8   0:00.68 clock-applet
 2459 gcecchi   20   0  279m  12m 9288 S  0.0  0.6   0:00.27 nm-applet
 2605 gcecchi   20   0  305m  12m 8256 S  0.0  0.6   0:09.17 wnck-applet
 2465 gcecchi   20   0  472m  12m 8220 S  0.0  0.6   0:02.09 gnome-power-man

than if in guest I start jboss 4.3 with initial parameters of
   JAVA_OPTS="-Xms384m -Xmx512m -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m

java  should ave an initial memory footprint of 640MB
free gives on it:
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:        767976     761416       6560          0      15264     272416
-/+ buffers/cache:     473736     294240
Swap:      1048568          0    1048568

here in effect it seems that cached part has benn reduced in favour of
memory requested...
but top sorted by mem shows 1147m for java...... instead of the
expected 640mb.....
[gcecchi@localhost ~]$ top

top - 11:41:25 up 22 min,  3 users,  load average: 0.59, 0.30, 0.19
Tasks: 116 total,   6 running, 110 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s):  0.8%us,  0.8%sy,  0.0%ni, 97.6%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.8%si,  0.0%st
Mem:    767976k total,   761024k used,     6952k free,    15272k buffers
Swap:  1048568k total,        0k used,  1048568k free,   271624k cached

 2982 jboss     24   0 1147m 307m  11m S  0.0 40.9   0:26.85 java
 2778 gcecchi   17   0  339m  27m  11m S  0.0  3.7   0:00.33 puplet
 2738 gcecchi   15   0  371m  16m  11m S  0.0  2.1   0:00.50 nautilus
 2833 gcecchi   15   0  262m  15m 8480 R  0.0  2.1   0:01.90 gnome-terminal
 2406 root      35  19  250m  15m 2164 S  0.0  2.0   0:00.07 yum-updatesd
 2736 gcecchi   15   0  270m  12m 8344 S  0.0  1.6   0:00.25 gnome-panel
 2804 gcecchi   15   0  272m  10m 7724 S  0.0  1.5   0:00.09 mixer_applet2
 2788 gcecchi   15   0  258m  10m 7276 R  0.0  1.3   0:00.29 wnck-applet
 2633 root      15   0 89268 9920 5820 S  0.8  1.3   0:08.21 Xorg
 2766 gcecchi   15   0  223m 9464 7400 S  0.0  1.2   0:00.09 nm-applet
 2809 gcecchi   15   0  265m 9324 6824 S  0.0  1.2   0:00.07 clock-applet
 2793 gcecchi   15   0  287m 7932 6104 S  0.0  1.0   0:00.05 trashapplet
 2732 gcecchi   15   0  150m 7776 5828 R  0.0  1.0   0:00.48 metacity
 2717 gcecchi   15   0  257m 7324 5636 R  0.0  1.0   0:00.27 gnome-settings-
 2747 gcecchi   15   0  264m 7252 5656 S  0.0  0.9   0:00.04 eggcups
 2807 gcecchi   15   0  235m 6748 5420 S  0.0  0.9   0:00.04 notification-ar
 2014 root      18   0  151m 6712  952 S  0.0  0.9   0:00.03 python

any explanation of behaviours and/or pointers?
or any tool to better and more precisely track actual memory
footprints for processes on a server?
Thanks in advance,

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