-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Rawhide coming together today.
From: Bruno Wolff III <bruno@xxxxxxxx>
To: Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R <caf@xxxxxxxx>
Date: 04/20/2009 08:33 AM
Personally I have no need to see any flash, and I really don't like web pages
that have motion. And plugins are an additional security risk on top of what
you normally have using firefox.
So you never visit youtube.com or hulu.com? Please don't consider your
opinion valid in a use case scenario.
I'm not a fan of Flash either, but until corporations adopt HTML 5,
Theora, and Vorbis, we are stuck with this. Ignoring it may be an option
for you, but not for a majority of the world who wishes to enjoy
streaming video.
As for the security risk, run it inside of nspluginwrapper, which it
should be by default. Risk taken care of.
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