Antonio Olivares wrote:
What is the difference?
Whether Fedora provides the very latest in rawhide is a different
question from how patched it is for the versions it does provide.
Fedora follows the kernel packages very closely, Openoffice, KDE, GNOME, etc., why are those packages mentioned here not in the same realm, after all I know that ImageMagick releases updates very much, while running rawhide we get lots of new packages every day and why are texlive, ImageMagick and other programs left a bit behind?
I wish I could understand a bit better :(
It differs depending on the package. If it is a library or a core
dependency, maintainers will have to be little more careful in pulling
them in even for rawhide. In the case of TexLive, upstream licensing is
a mess and needs very careful and tedious reviews.
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