Just received mine - SD card still in the post.
Unlike many on the list - I now live firmly in user-land, have used
various flavours of Linux pretty much exclusively over the last 9 years
- I've only been using Fedora (9) for the last 6 months. Apologies in
advance for the n00b questions ;)
Intro ... http://blog.softwhere.org/about
- Rich
Hi folks.
As the XO units start to hit the ground, I'd appreciate it if you can
respond to this thread with an ack that you've received your XO and a
brief intro of yourself. We'll all be working together quite a bit,
so let's all get to know each other.
A reminder on getting started: see...
Rich Sharples
JBoss, a division of Red Hat Inc.
m : +1 919 265 9099
o : +1 919 754 4174
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