When I don't want my resolv.conf changed, I just chattr +i it... The
nothing can change it. It doesn't fix the root of the problem, but it
might make things work for you.
John5342 wrote:
I had the same problem in F9 and F10. May not be the same problem but
i solved my problem in both cases by editing the config files. I found
the answer to my problem in /usr/share/doc/sysconfig.txt quite useful.
The bits that you might find useful are:
modify /etc/resolv.conf if peer uses msdns extension (PPP only) or
DNS{1,2} are set, or if using dhclient. default to "yes".
DNS{1,2}=<ip address>
provide DNS addresses that are dropped into the resolv.conf
file if PEERDNS is not set to "no".
2008/9/7 Keith Roberts <keith@xxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:keith@xxxxxxxxxxxx>>
On Sun, 7 Sep 2008, Tom Lane wrote:
To: For testers of Fedora Core development releases
From: Tom Lane <tgl@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:tgl@xxxxxxxxxx>>
Subject: Re: resolv.conf hijacking?
"Tom Horsley" <tom.horsley@xxxxxxx
<mailto:tom.horsley@xxxxxxx>> writes:
ARRGH! What the devil is hijacking my /etc/resolv.conf file?
Is this F9?
I have NetworkManager completely uninstalled on this system
(only NetworkManager-glib still exists due to dependencies).
That piece of junk overwrites /etc/resolv.conf during boot, even
when allegedly disabled.
I had a similar issue with my /etc/resolv.conf years ago
on SuSE Linux. Cannot remember now what was causing it though.
Is it possible to rename the offending executable file, so it
cannot be run at boot time?
Keith Roberts
I'd like to find out exactly where it's happening, too, so I
can take a sufficiently large-gauge cluestick to the
perpetrators. Pre-F9 systems did not break my network config
on every reboot. I've worked around it for the moment by
forcibly overwriting resolv.conf with a non-broken version in
/etc/rc.local, but this is hardly satisfactory.
regards, tom lane
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