Klaasjan Brand írta:
2008/5/14 Zoltan Boszormenyi <zboszor@xxxxxxxxxxx
I tried preupgrade without success, but at least it didn't destroy
my old installation. :-)
I started package downloads with preupgrade 0.9.3-1, then killed it
when 0.9.3-2 came out, upgraded and continued downloading.
Total download size was about 6.2 GB, I have many huge games
installed from Fedora 8 Everything. However, this version hung
at the last download phase, which was fixed by 0.9.3-3.
I think it has something to do with preupgrade looking for a
".treeinfo" file, which wasn't available on my mirror. I've fixed it
by pointing the preupgrade configuration to a mirrorsite that had the
treeinfo file.
This version offered to reboot into upgrade finally, which I did.
It booted into anaconda upgrade, which detected my partitions
The problem that made the upgrade unsuccessful was that Anaconda
doesn't pull the network settings from my old installation and I have
an ADSL connection with a dump ADSL modem, not a router.
Does anaconda need an internet connection after preupgrade has
downloaded all the relevant files for your upgrade?
What else would the "Retrying package download" message indicate?
I have many packages installed from both Fedora Everything and Livna.
Another small bug I've found which could be handled better is that the
kernel from Fedora 9 swapped my sda and sdb disks (I've got a SATA and
an IDE disk in my system), and anaconda isn't able to find the stage2
image (there's a prompt asking for the correct disk, but none of the
options work).
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