Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
My fstab contains the line:
LABEL=/xtra /xtra ext3 defaults 1 2
which worked fine on F8. Now with F9-Preview the boot process halts with
the following error (I'm working form memory here):
Fsck: cannot resolve "LABEL=/xtra"
and drops me to a Shell to fix the problem. Two things:
1) From the Shell I can happily "mount /xtra" with no problems, so what
2) I can't edit /etc/fstab from this Shell. "mount" claims that the
system disk is mounted rw. but when I try to edit fstab "vi" tells me
it's read-only, and in fact "> foo" from the Shell gives the same error.
So I feel I have to ask why is the emergency Shell set up to not let me
edit anything?
Did you try editing then using w! to save it? That may have worked.
Andrew Farris <lordmorgul@xxxxxxxxx>
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