Jon Stanley wrote:
There is but one blocker bug that hadn't been touched in the last 7
days now, and it's one that should be fixed already, we just need
verification. Unfortunately, I don't possess the necessary software
to do it :(
If you resize a NTFS partition to a size that's not usable (I'm not
sure how that's defined), it could lead to an unhandled exception.
The problem was initially seen on a factory installed Acer with no
changes. If you have a Windows box that you can try this on, it would
be much appreciated.
PS - if you're looking for more bugs that need retesting, have a peek
at :)
Yesterday I tried to install the preview release from the KDE livecd and
I got a similar error. I tried to shrink the XP partition on my laptop
by 10 gigs and it failed and anaconda exited. I will try again later
tonight and see if I can get more detailed information.
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