Joe Smith wrote:
I had some ssh keys set up in my F8 home directory (i.e. ~/.ssh/*).
When I installed F9 on a new box, I just restored all my files by
copying from my old drive using "find | cpio".
Now, when I try to use rsync over an ssh connection (from a terminal), I
get a GUI dialog titled "Unlock private key" asking for a "password to
unlock the private key".
Entering my user password and clicking "OK" seems to have no effect;
entering nothing and clicking "Deny" twice will eventually allow the
rsync to complete.
I haven't seen this at all, although I have the ssh keys imported into seahorse
already so that may be why I don't see the dialog.
Also I'm using ~/.ssh/config so choose which id is used per host, and ssh-add to
import the indentities, so I don't see any UI dialog asking for passphrases at all.
Do you have the permissions all correct in ~/.ssh? Check that they are only
read and editable by your user?
Andrew Farris <lordmorgul@xxxxxxxxx>
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