Antonio M wrote:
With latest driver
xorg-x11-drv-nv 2.1.8-1.fc9
when I try to change resolution of screen by system-config-display something
goes wrong...
1) when I start system-config-display, system-config-display is very slow,
and it says that I have a resolution of 800x600 (that is not true..), and it
stops any application for a while. and I get the system-config-display
screen on a black screen
I don't see this slowness or black screen with nv. Also s-c-d properly detects
my current resolution at 1280x1024 and my monitor/graphics card as well.
2) if I change to 800x600 and I re-login I get an ugly screen with rounded
small window..
Run it in a terminal and see if you get any output that suggests where the blame
should be -- its not clear which is causing the problem. The slowness and
resolution detection being wrong is probably s-c-d, but resulting in a black
screen and screwy UI sounds like something with nv/X. I'd file it against s-c-d
probably since thats what triggers the problem anyway.
Andrew Farris <lordmorgul@xxxxxxxxx>
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