Clyde E. Kunkel wrote:
Bill Nottingham wrote:
Clyde E. Kunkel (clydekunkel7734@xxxxxxx) said:
Much harder now to match up partitions with mount points. Labels are
easier to work with. But, a good rational and logical explanation
will shut me up and I will get back to coloring. :-)
UUIDs are unique. (In theory, anyway.) Labels aren't.
(grumble, grumble) OK, back to coloring.
It would be nice to get a commented line above each that has the label that the next
line's UUID is expected to be in reference to. Basically a human readable comment but if
there were multiple partitions that had the same label you'd still get unique identifiers
in fstab but have two UUIDs that have commented out labels that match.
For a partition labeled 'archive'
# archive
UUID####### /dev/sdx ext3 defaults 0 0
Andrew Farris <lordmorgul@xxxxxxxxx>
gpg 0xC99B1DF3 fingerprint CDEC 6FAD BA27 40DF 707E A2E0 F0F6 E622 C99B 1DF3
No one now has, and no one will ever again get, the big picture. - Daniel Geer
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