Testing hardware Dell inspiron 6000 laptop.
Testing release Fedora 9 Sulphur Beta i386.
Display in anaconda correctly filled the screen ( 15.4 wide screen )
No kernel parameters needed during installation
other than iamanext4developer to enable ext4.
Touchpad ( mouse ) SLOW!
( Matter of opinion I like it as fast as possible )
Language used during install process English(English)
Keyboard Layout Icelandic
Install ( not upgrade )
IPv6 support disabled.
Timezone Atlantic/Reykjavik UTC
All test had default layout shrunken to 10 GiB ( / 7904 MiB, swap 2048
MiB ) + default /boot
with encryption either enabled disabled and default package selection (
938 packages. )
Standard Next --> Done installation (Default) with selinux enabled.
CD rom installation not tested.
6 CD vs 1 DVD less is better ;)
DVD Default installation with encryption disabled = Passed
DVD Default installation with encryption enabled = Passed
DVD Default installation on ext4 with encryption disabled = Passed
DVD Default installation on ext4 with encryption enabled = Passed
Noticed that additional /boot got named /boot1 /boot/12 /boot123 in
stead of just /boot1 /boot2 /boot3 etc.
First boot.
Touchpad (mouse) faster than during the installation process.
This is more like what I would call medium mouse speed.
Incorrectly detected keyboard layout
101 instead of 105 maybe.
( some keys just did not work some Icelandic characters present ).
Mouse back to being as slow as in the installation process if not slower.
Incorrectly detect keyboard and keyboard layout.
My best guess 101/105 US!!!
System --> Prefrence --> Hardware --> Mouse --> Pointer speed -->
Acceleration set to Fast
Mouse still slow, if not slower than in first boot!!!
System --> Prefrence --> Hardware --> Keyboard
Keyboard model detected as Generic 105-key (Intl) PC
Should be.
Vendor Dell
Laptop/Notebook Inspiron 6xxx/8xxx
Layout only shows and defaults to USA in stead of
Icelandic and default to Icelandic only!!!!!
Is the keyboard layout chosen in anaconda even being used???
After making the above changes keyboard and keyboard layout
work as they should ( tested in gnome terminal and gedit )
System --> Administration --> Display
Shows Resolution 1680x1050 instead of 1600x1200 !
( 1600x1200 not even an option )
Wireless works out of the box.
Bluetooth works out of the box ( send a file/pairing )
currently doing 227 updates as we speak..
Overall test result.
DVD + Anaconda + Dell inspiron 6000
Default installation went smoothly except for a minor weird numbering on
multiple /boot partition ( normal user would never see this )
Network(Manager) support works out of the box both Wifi and Wired and
even both at the same time :)..
We are still in some weird keyboard model/layout touchpad faze we need
to fix for final.
Best regards
Johann B.
fn:Johann B. Gudmundsson
n:Gudmundsson;Johann B.
org:Reiknistofnun - University of Iceland;IT Management
adr:Dunhagi 5;;Taeknigardur;Reykavik;;107;Iceland
title:Unix System Engineer RHCE,CCSA
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