Hey all,
If you've recently realized your /var/cache is keeping a bunch of disk space
after yum clean packages.. take a look at whether you have the old -development
repo there with files that are not being cleaned out.
The fedora-development repo was changed to be rawhide, and the .repo file should
have been set to .rpmsave: /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-development.repo.rpmsave.
This repo won't be read by yum when you try to clean packages, so if you have
anything in /var/cache/yum/development* directories it will stay there until you
manually remove them.
rm -Rf /var/cache/yum/development*
I had about 1.5Gb of files stuck there.
Andrew Farris <lordmorgul@xxxxxxxxx> www.lordmorgul.net
gpg 0xC99B1DF3 fingerprint CDEC 6FAD BA27 40DF 707E A2E0 F0F6 E622 C99B 1DF3
No one now has, and no one will ever again get, the big picture. - Daniel Geer
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