Antonio M wrote:
I find this recurrent line in message file
Jan 23 10:13:11 Casa pulseaudio[7800]: module-volume-restore.c: Failed
to open file '(null)': No such file or directory
$ ls -l /etc/pulse/
$ cat /etc/pulse/
$ ls -l .pulse/
$ cat .pulse/volume-restore.table
when and with what version did the message start ?
when was PA associated packages updated ?
Have you manually changed any of the pulseaudio config files in the
above directories ?
ps: Antonio: It is difficult to guess whether you are asking a question,
or seeing some fault in particular etc.
It would be rather helpful to always provide the version of the package
that you noticed trouble with in your issue postings. Such little
information that you provided above is difficult for any one to do
anything with. If you feel the problem to be a bug, again it is more
helpful to search for it in, and if not found create
a bug against fedora {rawhide or appropriate version}. This means the
issue gets pointed to the package owner, and can be queried and tracked
within the bugzilla system.
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